Weight Loss equivalents

A sperm whale's brain AND a human brain - that can't be good can it??!
A housecat and a human head...or 304 malteser bunnies! (29g ones, that is!)
Not on your list but ive lost the equivalent of my 15month old daughter :) 21lbs! Whoooo hooooo x
200 golf balls here
An average fashion model plus a chihuahua for good measure :D
A mid sized microwave :)
Got the damned guinea pig back! :doh:
Haha, I've lost a car tyre!! This is fabulous! So glad I came across this!!
I've lost a microwave, ironic as I've used my microwave to help me make all the nauighty treats I've eaten this week. Oops Xx
I'm up to a cinder block now.
A sperm whales brain (LOL) and a guinea pig!
Malc-D said:
i am now a fashion model lighter, i'm glad because giving her a piggy back was too much :p

Ha ha brilliant! Well done :)
1lb more and I've lost a microwave x
2 cats, a guinea pig and a 1/2lb of butter here:D
A sperm whales brain and a human brain....niiiiiiiice!