What are you doing right now? ( Sw or non SW related?)

Nothing makes me fell normal lol !
Trying to decide whether to work through lunch and finish early or go for a walk and feel virtuous.
Sitting at work....must get started...
Drinking an oxo. Have run out of Bovril.
Sat in bed with a vodka and coke reading minimins!
I would rather be watching anything else!!!!
lol !
I'm watching an old episode of Goks Clothes Road Show and wishing I could get Gokked !
Writing my weekly menu and shopping list. Checking on here for inspriation.
Getting my clothes ready for work but can't decide what to wear. Am avoiding anything that needs ironing. After my bath I'm gonna watch Mr Selfridge ( recording it now).
Watching Supersize v Superskinny. It's giving me a panic attack !