What are you doing right now? ( Sw or non SW related?)

Really regretting eating that sticky toffee pudding and custard. The blueberries I chucked in with it really didn't make it SW friendly...
Catching up on programme i watch called Revenge.. Having mint HIFI bar & belgium hot choc :)
Updating my CV and filling in job application forms. It's very scary to be back out in the job market.
Watching Graham Norton's Comic Relief
researching online for an interview next week. I'm doing rubbish at the presentation !!
Munching on an apple which tastes a bit 'off' but I'm hungry! About to drive to OH to pick up his car from the garage, then home for the weekend tidy up, then feet up for the rugby match! Come on Wales!!
I'm swapping between watching raggajam clips on YouTube, browsing here and watching Person of Interest - haven't decided if I like it yet ☺
Watching along came polly
Watching England win this match...