What made you stick to the VLCD this time??

This time I'm doing it as I'll be ... *whispers* 4-0 in a few weeks.

Don't wanna be porky and 40 :D

I've just split from my bf a few days ago too so I've got even more incentive to keep it up! I want a dead sexy new man when I am ready haha.

I've decided to get myself a treat for every week I manage on the diet- last week it was some new bedding (needed it anyway but still) and this week for the first time in my life I've got myself hair straighteners. I've written a list of things I'd like and I will ONLY get them IF I stick to this diet (one a week).
I REALLY need a haircut so I have to stick to it for at least one more week. :)
Other things on my list are a massage, a new top, a mini grinder. I started with things like a tub of hair gel but the list has gradually become more expensive. :D
Hi and, that is a really good way to make yourself stick to it and 40 is the new 30!!. I am determind that no matter how many times i fall off the wagon i will not give up this time. But I really do think promising myself a gift would help, infact pen and paper please i will have a list in no time lol.

The right man for you is just waiting round the corner x
I guess my breaking point was that I didn't want to buy yet another size up of clothes (being cheap when it comes to buying myself things helps in that respect)!

Not only that but I had an amazing honeymoon this year but I did on occassion feel restricted by my size like having to sit in the middle at the back on a helicopter ride, not even considering some trecks etc. My wife and I are planning on going traveling in 18 months and I really want to feel comfortable in the heat and able to do things like climb the Great Wall of China, as well as wear more flattering holiday clothes (currently I stick with jeans, even in the hot weather to cover up my flab).
I've been conscious so the ever increasing scales for a while but always managed to find an excuse as to why my weight was gradually going upwards. I went on holiday and looking at the pics of me in a bikini was awful and also we went to the beach and decided to walk home, and my thighs were chaffing so much I was red raw by the time we got home.

I decided to do something about it this year but didn't know what to try, so I bought a bike and started biking to work which was nice as people kept telling me I was looking thinner but those damned scales only went down 1 stone then stopped and refused to budge any lower. Then in September I was due surgery and came down with a cold a few days before and went to the chemists to buy some tablets and saw a poster advertising Lipotrim. I enquired and the lady behind the counter weighed me and told me I was eligible as I'm still 2.5 stones over my healthy weight but they wouldn't let me start until after my operation.

After my op once things had settled down again and I was off work I kept busy tidying the house and having a massive clear out as I was kinda house bound and bored and it inspired me to do something about more than just the house, so I went back and asked to be signed up.

That was 13 days ago and I'm now back at work as well and it's nice that people who haven't seen me for 5 weeks are telling me I look like I've lost weight (although I still translate "you're looking well" as "my god you've put weight on" which is making me more determined to loose it just incase they did mean the latter).
In August 2012 I found a lump..... One year on I have the all clear, but I put on 2 st during treatment- partly because of sitting around doing nothing as I felt too ill to move, partly because of the extreme nausea that only mashed potato and rice pudding would settle and partly because I did a lot of comfort eating on the days I felt well. Being overweight is one of the risk factors for breast cancer and I don't want a recurrence. Also - I have four vacuum storage bags of my size 10 clothes that I would like to wear again. I refuse to buy any more clothes until I am thin again, so all my clothes are my chemo-clothes and I want them out of my home. The size 16s have gone to Oxfam, the 14s are getting loose, and I am looking forward to opening the size 12 bag soon.

Basically, I want my normal life back, as soon as possible. The oncologist says I will feel rotten anyway for the next few months, so I want to blast the weight off as well in that time.
I had hit rock bottom. I have failed so many times at other more conventional diets that I just thought I need to take food out of the equation. Cambridge has certainly given me the boost and I feel great, albeit very early days! Now I am in ketosis I do not have any hunger something I struggled with on other diets! I feel my looks and personality have disappeared with each stone I put on! I am seven stone heavier than I was three years ago. My last baby saw me pile on the weight and I am determined not to pitch up at the school gates feeling frumpy and fat!
Must carry on!

Hi everyone,

I am not great at this lossing weight but by goodness i am determnd. i have not been on the extreme total meal replacement but i am in this for the long haul. I know it can be difficult but if we stick at it the weight has to come off!!!

I would love to get a few stone off for christmas, but i know i wont so i am trying to be realsitc so that i do suceed i am aiming for a comfortable size 20.

I wish you all the very best of luck, now lets do this xx