What would you do different?

Non - SW Related
* Stop faffing about and get my uni work and get it done
* Not left the washing stack up until today (6 loads!)

SW Related
* I wouldn't have attempted Banoffee If I knew how much of a disaster it was gonna be!


Was yours a disaster then? What happened? I added too much gelatine to mine, but it tasted just fine and went down rather well! :p
i wouldn't have gone to the pub to watch the football, which in turn led to a drunken chinese, and fry up the following morning!
My biscuit base burnt, and crumbled and because I had already made the mixture ready for when it came out the oven it was starting to set so I had to make toffee mousse! :mad:

I did the same thing, didn't think about the base having to cool! Duh!! :p So part of my base mixed up in the topping, but everyone who ate it, liked it. I didn't have Cinniman (who the bloody hell do you spell that word? :confused::p) or the chocolate, but we did cover the top with Nutmeg, and everyone else had squirty cream. Will you give it another go? My hubbys already thinking of different flavours/fruit etc!