Why have I .......?


has started again!!
...got a pack of chocolates on top of my wardrobe, that (till now) nobody knows about. I have checked the date, that they will still be ok when I have finished abstinence. I know my head should be strong enough to tell me I really dont want them, now or at "the end", so why the blinkin' heck are they there???

Its almost as if I am planning a chocolate binge for myself, even though I know its a crazy, stupid thing to do. (I have even thought of eating them now, then purging,which is something I never want to go back to...)

Better go drink water I guess......
go on throw them away or give them away. i fed my birthday chocolates to my daughters yesterday. there is stil la box in the fridge, but they cant have them as they have nuts and liquars so am giving them to my husband.
If those chocolates are a temptation for you then I would get rid of them, otherwise there is always going to be a nagging little voice in your head telling you that they are there!! :eek:
I agree with everyone else, give them away to someone - they'll love receiving the present and you'll feel better that they've gone. When you've worked so hard the last thing I think you'll want is a chocolate feast - you'll have learned so much by then .... in fact you have by now and that's why you're admitting that the chocs are there.

Make someone smile and give them a pressie.

Maybe its like a security thing? If you hnestly think you can resist them (would be calling me!) then leave them & show some self control but if like many of us you cant.....