Yay finally joned online sw


Full Member
I finally joined sw online and have plucked up the courage to let my leader know, so i'm really pleased, i've decided to 'start again' from today and it WILL work especially as i haven't got going to group or getting weighed in front of everybody to get stressed about, obviously i still need to tackle my emotional eating and occasional binging but i really want this so ive got to learn how to deal with it. I havent had a chance look at the whole site yet but will have a look today.

Thanks to everyone who helped me make my decision ;)
I stopped going to class for the same reasons as you I felt embarrassed if id gained which in theory was good as should make me work harder the next week but it had the opposite effect on me and made me eat thinking what's the point everyone in class can do it but me!

I'm now doin it alone and monitoring my weight on here having taken a few months off from slimming world and had the weight dive bomb onto my thighs!!

Although I kno I'm still going to have weeks where I'm tellin ppl ive gained it seem a little less embarrassing and from what I've seen the support you get on here is brilliant!!

Good luck!!!
It's nice to know there's someone else out there! From what I saw on the site today it's quite like the lifeline online you get when you join a group but I like the site and the fact you can still get your awards and the food diary is really good and I like the app because it's so easy to look up any syn values.

Here's for going it 'alone' :)
Congrats for rejoining SW.
I have always done SW at a class, I find that it's better for up to date info, friendly banter, a good social group, food testing night's, the benefits of being awarded your stickers when you loose weight, being slimmer of the week, slimmer of the month , good Consultants.
You should be weighed where only you and the person weighing you know the result, if not ask the Consultant why not!
Just remember we are all there for the same reason! to loose weight.......
Good Luck. Pete