2stone left to go!


Silver Member
I thought I'd share some pictures of my progress so far in the hope it may help somebody :) if they post in the order I have put them they are oldest to newest. Xx


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We'll they didn't post In the order but oldest before pictures as you can tell (I hope!!) are in the blue dress, the ones in the pink peplum top were taken yesterday x

Heya lovely just messaging to say you have done realllyyy well and you look greattt ur soo slimm
are you still doing cambridge?
I was thinking of starting....

kavita x
Heya lovely just messaging to say you have done realllyyy well and you look greattt ur soo slimm are you still doing cambridge? I was thinking of starting.... kavita x
thank you so much for you're kind words! :) still have a bit to go! Yeah I'm still on cambridge, it's hard going(especially after the interm week) but works can't argue with results! You should give it a go It really works. :)
You look amazing! Well done!! Xxx
Well done ! It's great to see the difference in photos x
So some more up to date pics! Yesterday to be exact lol not much left to go now just about a stone :D x


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So some more up to date pics! Yesterday to be exact lol not much left to go now just about a stone :D x

What a difference ! !

Well done :)
Really inspiring pics! Well done!
Well done.. What a difference.. U luk great! Bet u feel so amazing aswell! Hw much hav u lost and over how many months? Xx
Well done.. What a difference.. U luk great! Bet u feel so amazing aswell! Hw much hav u lost and over how many months? Xx
hi, thanks :D I'm feeling so much better it's unreal! 4 and a half stone in 5 months it's been so worth it! Switched to weight watchers 5 weeks ago as this is going to be the plan I follow for mantinace :) xx
Thats amazing, uv done soooo well.. I want to lose another 2/3 stone, already lose 2stone in 7weeks so really happy. Thats my plan to go on weight watchers to maintain and keep track of my weight! Did u do ss all the way? X
Are there any weeks u stayed the same weight and didnt lose? Because i didnt lose this week and feeling a little disheartened as i havnt cheated x
Hi, thanks! :) no I did ss for 12 weeks step2 ss again but I found it difficult to stay on ss so worked up to step3 then switched, I lost every week but some weeks it was only half a pound, don't get disheartened it could be hormonal or anything, stick to plan it really works :D you will get there xx