8stone to lose

Putting it on is ridiculously easy isn't it :( Pounds or stones in a week at this time of year .... followed by months and years to get it off :(
I put weight on very easily, as i get older the harder it gets unfortunately..? just need to get my ass into gear!!!xx
Sorry ladies been busy last few days so not had a chance to update. Lost 2 lbs this week,was hoping for more.?
My neighbour passed away few days ago, was a very nice man,he was almost 90 so a good long life. Been loaded with the cold which seems to be getting better now.

How are you all doing? I love xmas ,xmas eve is my fav.its a nightmare doing xmas shopping with a pram i tell you!xx
Fantatic idea! If only :)

Well done lovely, fabulous loss! :) Keeping my fingers crossed tightly for you for next time xxx
well done love on your 2lb loss
Well i had a barney with hubby today and ran for the fridge?... Why do i rely on food to make me feel better whenever am happy,sad,angry etc????? Hate myself sometimes..?
Don't hate yourself unfortunately we all know the feeling. We all eat becuase we're happy / sad / angry / stressed / lonely / as a reward. Thats why we're here. All any of us can do is draw a line, not beat ourselves up and get back on the wagon. You can do it x

I often come on here if I'm feeling tempted for any of above reasons. I find I get involved reading & chatting and forget I had some emotional hunger happening - well lots of the time anyway :eek:
Sorry about your barney with hubby I do the same go to the fridge and eat. HUGS xxx
Hope you feel better soon xxx
It's somewhere we've all been love - but hating yourself has you running there more than ever. Cut yourself some slack (not too much - but understand yourself and your triggers :) )

Good luck hun! Hope you feel better soon x
Here to subscribe :) Congrats on your progress and loss so far. Hope you are doing well x
Ho ware you doing hun? xxx
Hi ladies, lost 2lbs this week.yeahhh.slowly but surely. How are youz all getting on? Just had my tea,fish and chips.? . And no it wasnt from the chippy it was ross fish and chips for a pound in asda, its quite nice .struggling with food ideas sometimes get bored eating same sort of stuff. I find ready meals easy since calorie counted and ping in the microwave!lol