8stone to lose

it is easier isn't it :) Biggish variety too if you can sort out the calories/at intake etc.
Hi ladies, lost 2lbs this week.yeahhh.slowly but surely. How are youz all getting on? Just had my tea,fish and chips.? . And no it wasnt from the chippy it was ross fish and chips for a pound in asda, its quite nice .struggling with food ideas sometimes get bored eating same sort of stuff. I find ready meals easy since calorie counted and ping in the microwave!lol

I totally agree about ready meals - that's how I lost over 10 stone. :) xx
Well done on your loss your tea sounds nice xxx
U have done really well tracy, 10 stone???. Thats something to be very proud of.x thanks to all . Hope i get more of even if it is coming of slowly.cx
rani said:
U have done really well tracy, 10 stone???. Thats something to be very proud of.x thanks to all . Hope i get more of even if it is coming of slowly.cx

Thanks, hon! :) I had actually hit my 11 stone loss four weeks ago, but then had a week off plan following surgery and a hospital stay, and can't currently weigh myself, so I'm not sure where I'm currently at, lol. :D xx
Thats great tracy, i lost weight yearssss ago and went to 11 stone. BUT i couldnt maintain and put it on again quite quick. Losing weight would be easy if you didnt have to worry about maintaining the losses to. Maintaing is harder than losing weight in my case.???
Congrats on your loss :) x
rani said:
Thats great tracy, i lost weight yearssss ago and went to 11 stone. BUT i couldnt maintain and put it on again quite quick. Losing weight would be easy if you didnt have to worry about maintaining the losses to. Maintaing is harder than losing weight in my case.???

Oh maintaining is definitely much harder than losing the weight in the first place! I've lost and regained more times than I can count, over the last 30-odd years, but this is the longest I've ever sustained weight loss and maintenance, so fingers crossed. I've been in the maintenace phase since February, although my weight has kept going down very slightly (a stone in 10 months), so I haven't quite got my maintenance calories right yet! :D xx
I plan to enjoy xmas day and boxing day of plan. Then get back on it, am taking it slowly and know there will be days ofplan but not to beat myself up and have huge binges like i usually do.? its daft food controls my life,my moods...its pathetic really, theres no need to stuff myself silly but the brain dosent register that unfortunately.. You have worked hard to lose so much ,u can afford to chill at xmas.x i loveeee xmas eve the best.x
That sounds like what I normally do at Christmas - I have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day off plan, then get back on it straight after. I may have a couple more days this year, depending on what I weigh when I finally get back on the scales, lol. :)

The knee is slowly improving, thanks! It's still very painful, and I can't bend it as far as I'd like, but it was always going to be a long process. I am mobile, but not walking very far, just around the house with my crutches. I'm doing all my exercises like a good girl, so hopefully it'll continue to improve! :) xx
rani said:
Aww hope your knee gets better soon.my friend has arthirtis in her knee and its very painful.xx

Thank you! :) Yes, I have osteoarthritis in both knees (or I suppose only in one knee now, as the other is bionic, lol), it started getting really bad in 2010, when I was at my heaviest. I now tell everyone to look after their knees!! :) xx
Diets going good.
B- quaker oat porridge with semi skimmed milk
L-fish chips and mushy peas
D-b potato, coleslaw and cheese
S-ripple,kit kat,apple,wotsits.
Not very healthy snacks but it helps me stay on track eating chocolates.lol

Ps- i dont care what am eating as long as i have some meals with veg etc..i only look at the calories.
rani said:
Diets going good.
B- quaker oat porridge with semi skimmed milk
L-fish chips and mushy peas
D-b potato, coleslaw and cheese
S-ripple,kit kat,apple,wotsits.
Not very healthy snacks but it helps me stay on track eating chocolates.lol

Ps- i dont care what am eating as long as i have some meals with veg etc..i only look at the calories.

That's my attitude exactly! I have a Ripple every evening with my coffee!! Love them. :D But I do also try to eat fruit and veg far more than I used to. Same as you, my main focus is the calories. Keep up the good work! :) xx
Yes ripples are nice,i stick them in the fridge.tastes better i think. Am hoping i can lose at least 5 st,i would be happy at 12-13 st to. Hope your knees getting better as each day passes.xx?
Yes ripples are nice,i stick them in the fridge.tastes better i think. Am hoping i can lose at least 5 st,i would be happy at 12-13 st to. Hope your knees getting better as each day passes.xx?

I like my chocolate unchilled, lol. :D The knee's progressing, thanks! I'll be relieved when the pain reduces some more, but it's definitely better than it was. I just want to be able to enjoy Christmas with my family.

How tall are you? I was aiming for that sort of weight range originally, because I had pictures taken when I was 13 stone, when I'd just found out I was pregnant, and I was happy with how I looked then. But then I got down to that weight and just kept going, lol. :) xx