Jane's Diary

Thank goodness it's a fast day. I feel decidedly off colour and I know it's down to eating too much! Right now I will be happy with water and maybe a satsuma or two later.

Having had a year or two of slimming world (and now a few weeks of fasting) I often feel ill if I eat too much so I should know better!
Oh dear! I know I'm addicted to weighing but I've just bought some Tanita travel scales! There is sensible reasoning behind my purchase as I'm away for five weeks over Christmas and I find regular weighing keeps me on track. Well that's my excuse anyway
I managed to locate a really nice sainsburys so have had a prawn layered salad and a 10 cal jelly, two satsumas and some mints during the day. Total calories 562 so this averages out to 1,200 per day for the last three days. Normal eating tomorrow and fasting again on Friday. We go home Saturday morning and then it'll be much easier!
Breakfast: 2 poached eggs on toast, no butter. Black coffee. I'm trying to stick to a max of 1,500 today.
I'm having a rubbish eating day.....literally! Two mini bars of chocolate and a packet of mints. What a waste of calories! 650 so far.
Thanks Emmaline. I'm not too bothered as a little of what you fancy does you good. It'll just restrict my evening meal! I'd be happy to nip into sainsburys again for my evening meal but hubby wants to eat in the hotel restaurant. I think I will be having fillet steak and either salad or veg.

Hope your shoulder soon feels better. x
Calories today a little higher than I wanted at 1,784. That's almost 5,400 in 4 days, an average of 1,375 per day. Tomorrow will be a fasting day of 500 so that'll bring the average down a little.

It's been very hard this week but back to normal on Saturday, thank goodness.
Can't do sums: average 1,350 and after tomorrow it'll be an average of 1,180 which is fine.
I really feel as though I've gone up this week so it'll be interesting to get weighed. I think that will have to be Tuesday though, after my Monday fast.

Black coffee and water all day tomorrow. I wonder if I could do a total fast? It'd be an extra early night if I did! Lol.
Black coffee so far. I noticed something interesting (to me anyway) this morning. My knickers and bra are both very loose. I used to really fill the cups and my bra was a neat fit around my body. I might actually have to go down a size. Also I put a top on last night and looked in the mirror and it was massive. Admittedly it was always loose but not that loose!

I might get on the scales when I get home tomorrow just to see.........
My meal tonight was couscous and ham plus a zero fat total Greek yogurt from sainsburys. Total calorie consumption including some plums earlier is 573. Average for the last five days 1,198. Very good considering my 2,500 blip on Tuesday! So long as I'm careful over the weekend all should be fine. Hope I've gone down from when I last weighed
Black coffee so far. I noticed something interesting (to me anyway) this morning. My knickers and bra are both very loose. I used to really fill the cups and my bra was a neat fit around my body. I might actually have to go down a size. Also I put a top on last night and looked in the mirror and it was massive. Admittedly it was always loose but not that loose!

I might get on the scales when I get home tomorrow just to see.........

Nothing like that feeling of getting too small for your clothes in the right way! Yay!!
Well done..especially as your not at home at the mo'... :clap:
I ate far too much yesterday, so much I lost count! Why do you get days like that! Anyway, decided to fast today and have found it much easier now I'm at home. Total cals today 345. I might have a few more later.

Bought some liquorice tea yesterday and its lovely. It tastes like the liquorice twiggy sticks I used to chew for hours as a child. They were much better value than 1/2 penny chews and lasted much longer. In fact I think we got four little sweets for a penny. Dread to think what they cost now!
Can't you tell I've had a bad/naughty couple of days! I always go quiet

I've fasted today and am determined to get back on the straight and narrow. We had a residents meeting (only 8 neighbours) at our house last night, well I had to provide nibbles and wine just to be sociable you understand and what didn't get eaten/drunk was consumed by me later.

I've fasted every other day to try and make up for my excesses but I'm just eating far too many calories on my eating days. It really shows me that it's a myth to say you can eat what you want for five days if you fast for two. Basically, I think it's a great way to diet but you really have to watch what you consume on eating days.

Ah well, onwards and down.....hopefully.
I'm back on the straight and narrow! I tried to fast etc. for a few days but just kept giving in to temptation. My dad, who is 82, had a total knee replacement on Thursday so maybe I was more worried than I realised. When he comes home he's going to stop with me for two to three weeks so i will have to make a little more effort on the cooking front. hubby happily eats what i guve him.

Yesterday I had 975 calories. I had planned on fasting but ended up eating too much. Today I've had 577, a little bit more than planned but ok I think. Tomorrow I'm going to have between 1,200 and 1,500. My loss to date is 12.5 lb as I've gained about 3.5lb! At least I know it'll soon go.

I bought some twinings liquorice tea yesterday from sainsburys and it is absolutely delicious. Today I bought some pukka licorice (thats how they spell liquorice) and peppermint tea and that is lovely too. I'm saving loads of calories not drinking milk on fasting days
Just added up my calories for the last three sensible eating days and they total 3031, a smidgen over 1000 per day. I'm very pleased with that and hopefully it'll show good results on the scales.
Another good day and a loss this morning. I've had 1,249 calories today so my average over the last four days is 1,075 per day. Fasting tomorrow so it'll bring the average down.

I think I'm addicted to liquorice tea, it's lovely and no calories
Fasting today and I've had 582. A little more than planned but I don't think it's too bad. Total for five days 4,882. Working out in my head I think that's an average of about 980 a day. Normal eating tomorrow.

It's going to become slightly more difficult as my dad will be stopping with us for about three weeks following his knee replacement. I will have to cook proper meals each day which will be a chore. I've been so lazy just lately and have rediscovered how nice M&S ready meals are
Another day done and almost time for bed. My dad is here now so i will have to have things like biscuits and currant loaf etc in the house. I never eat anything like that, so just dont buy it. It's not that i don't like biscuits but rather that I like them too much! Temptation!!

Food today has been pretty good. Loads of veg but probably too much in the way of sweet things. Calories today 1,321 so total for the last six days is 6,203 or an average of 1,033. That should mean I'm getting close to a 2lb loss this week.