Less of liz!!!

Whoops, I took so long writing that post you've had a full blown conversation! Haha.

I'm not missing toast, oddly, but I would love the crusty loaf! Maybe a slice of pizza too....
It's good to start looking ahead though and prepare yourself. I'm thinking when I start weaning my daughter I might try to stick to teeny portions too!! Xx
I'm weaning Daniel at the mo and we were out vtoday I bought a jar of chocolate pudding for him, it smelt so yummy, that really didn't help me at all!
My main issue is that I'm just not that keen on protein based meals. I think I could cut out refined carbs but I know I couldn't eat low carb for life. I'd end up bingeing. I think maybe low gi while watching my calorie intake will be the longer term plan for me.

Funny how we all know our habits. While most people are satisfied with one cake, I'm already thinking I'd like another. And this before I'm finished the first.

I know this is mind over matter. I'm a mental health nurse so I'm well aware of the power of the mind. Just can't seem to apply it to myself.

Like your friend a colleague of mine did lighter life , only she's gained it all back and some more. With the counselling. Such a worry for me. I don't eat for any psychological issue. I just love food :(
I love food-I love pudding! And I comfort eat, boredom eat and social eat! The only thing I don't do is eat if I'm alone walking down the street! Weird I know but I'm always thinking that other people are looking at me thinking look at her scoffing her face, she can't even make it home!
A few times on this diet I've wanted to eat - I've not felt hunger - it's boredom.
My other issue is that I don't feel like I've ended my main meal unless I have something sweet. Strange I know. But that's why after the savoury packs on this diet I have a taste of sugar free jelly. I can't seem to break that habit.
So unless I want to aimlessly wonder the streets forever I need to find a way to banish my eating habits to keep me on the right path!! Xx
It's interesting hearing peoples thoughts and plans for after s&s... When I finished last time I went straight to weight watchers with no refeed.. I followed the plan... Loads of potato and other carbs and lost 9lbs in my first week... That was after losing 60lb on s&s in 3 months... I still have a lot of weight to lose but expected a gain the first week....
Oh me too Sammy I would never eat in the street for the very same reason. Another thing I try to avoid is going for a large order, for colleagues for example. I think the person serving me thinks, look at her, going to eat 4 McDonald's meals or whatever. Then I worry my colleagues think I'm lazy never going :(.

I can also relate to the sweet thing. With me its tea. I couldn't have a cup of tea without a biscuit (or 6) or a piece of chocolate. I too follow something savory with something sweet. I would even follow a sandwich with a cake or choc bar :( x
Wow that's a good loss cheekychick. How did you find WW? Would you consider going back on it? Xx
Oh I'm glad it's not just me! Thought I was crazy with my weird eating habits!! Especially as my friends can eat half a bar of chocolate and leave the rest sitting there!! How? HOW?!!! Xx
Sorry, fell asleep, was soooo tired!

Wow cheekychick, that's brilliant. Are you doing s&s or ww now then?

Haha, that's really funny about eating in public. Im exactly the same! ITs like I'm pretending I don't actually eat. If I'm in a restaurant with friends I hardly ever finish the meal because I'm embarrassed that they will think I'm greedy. Isn't it weird the way our minds work.

Marie, I reckon you could do that, as long as you look at gi and portion control. You need to find food you enjoy otherwise, as you say, you will end up bingeing and it won't work.

Ive woken up today wanting packs, it's quite addictive when you know you will have a good weight loss. I'm going to have my protein mean still. Wll continue reading up on low carb today
Wow that's a good loss cheekychick. How did you find WW? Would you consider going back on it? Xx

Yes and no... For the reason I posted yesterday that I don't use my points well and I use left over ones for rubbish! I'd like to think I could do it sensibly but not sure... I'd maybe give it another try!
Sorry, fell asleep, was soooo tired! Wow cheekychick, that's brilliant. Are you doing s&s or ww now then? Haha, that's really funny about eating in public. Im exactly the same! ITs like I'm pretending I don't actually eat. If I'm in a restaurant with friends I hardly ever finish the meal because I'm embarrassed that they will think I'm greedy. Isn't it weird the way our minds work. Marie, I reckon you could do that, as long as you look at gi and portion control. You need to find food you enjoy otherwise, as you say, you will end up bingeing and it won't work. Ive woken up today wanting packs, it's quite addictive when you know you will have a good weight loss. I'm going to have my protein mean still. Wll continue reading up on low carb today

Back on s&s :-(
Morning!! I fell asleep too!! Ha ha!! :)
Yeah I've been on just packs for a little while now and am finding it much easier. I bought some slim noodles to try so will experiment one day this week. My little one can be a bit of a grouch around 5-7pm and that's when I like 'meal' number three. So a pack is much quicker and easier to enjoy than trying to cook and eat a dinner!
Yes Marie I do that - if someone else hasn't finished chocolate I can't take my eyes off it. And if there's cakes in the room it is constantly on my mind, like I can't concentrate on anything else. How blooming bizarre is that!!
I don't even eat a s+s bar in public because I feel like people are thinking I'm eating a chocolate bar! I shouldn't care what people think. I shouldn't, but I do.
I'll be looking into low carb meals and even if I can find just a few good dinners I think I'll be happy.
When I've had the Greek yoghurt we're allowed with a crumbled up bar in it I've really enjoyed that so that's always a breakfast or lunch option for future maintenance. I love fruit (I miss it!!) but to be honest I really don't understand food... Is fruit carby or is it because it's got natural sugars in it or is it simply a citric acid thing on this diet that makes it forbidden?!!!

Just waiting for my little munchkin to wake up. Off on a lovely walk today!

Have a good day Liz. What packs are tempting your taste buds today?? :)
Yes and no... For the reason I posted yesterday that I don't use my points well and I use left over ones for rubbish! I'd like to think I could do it sensibly but not sure... I'd maybe give it another try!

I used all my points on rubbish just about aha. That and white bread. Not good really. And the weight loss for me was soooo slow x
Sammy have you tried the slim noodles yet? I bought them thinking they were going to be my diet saviour. Omg it was akin to taking part in a bush tucker trial. I've obviously never eaten human flesh that's been put through a grinder but...... Let me know how you find them. Maybe I cook them wrong it something cause a girl at work swears by them.

Funny how we crave the packs sometimes Liz. I've thought about doing the 5:2 using them for maintenance but don't know if I could trust myself on the 5 days aha. I got some stuff from another company (that can't be mentioned on here I don't think). Just because the had a half price offer with free delivery. Anyway I'm not big on shakes but just had a lemon merengue one for breakfast and it was yummy. Maybe just a change in flavours. It's easy to get bored eh x
Ooh, let me know how the noodles go. I have heard mixed reviews!

I can't stand shakes Marie, which is a bit if a hinderance on a diet like this as it would offer a lot more choice. I just can't drink thick stuff like that, it makes me feel sick.

Think I will have the chilli for lunch today and maybe keep the spicy spaghetti for a snack, or have tonight with my main meal. Had eggs for brekkie as usual. Need to have a change there as I'm getting a bit bored. Might order some more oatmeal

Have a fab day everyone and be good whatever plan you are following! X
Chin up! At least you know it will come off quickly with s&s. and you get to talk to us lovely lot ;)

Thanks Liz!

I have tried the zero noodles and rice... Eugh Eugh Eugh!!! Nasty horrid and Eugh...