Less of liz!!!

Ha ha I was going to try them today but little one had other opinions on that so hopefully I'll give them a go tomorrow, unless I get the chance later tonight. Not feeling optimistic with them now though!
Ha ha I was going to try them today but little one had other opinions on that so hopefully I'll give them a go tomorrow, unless I get the chance later tonight. Not feeling optimistic with them now though!

I think your little one is very wise!!!!

I used them the first 2 days till I got into ketosis but I was wrenching eating them!
Eurgh really? Oh dear. I'll try it tomorrow and chuck it out if it's bad. Hmmm
You should definitely try them... Everyone's tastes are very different :)
I am eagerly waiting your report Sammy. I bought all of holland and barrats stock thinking I'd found the holy grail of being thin. Then I tried them..,.:(
Oh nooo! Maybe you can use them as shoe laces or tie them together to make a belt to keep your baggy clothes up!! ;)
I'll try them tomorrow, if you never hear from me again then you'll know how bad they really are.....!! Xx
I gave them to a girl at work. She eats low carb and she thought they were ok. Can't wait for your verdict. Think my expectations were too high. I actually thought they would be pasta like x
Hmmm I'll try to stay open minded although now that I'm expecting them to be horrendous I might end up loving them!! Xx
I might go and buy some actually as I'm intrigued. You can get slim rice too, assume its the same thing but in rice size? Where do you buy them!

Made the mistake of watching great British bake off! I really want cake again!! :(
I got mine from holland and Barrett. Could probably get it over the internet. I don't think supermarkets do them.
I weirdly enjoy watching cooking programmes! Strange! I love cake! But remember cake will be there as a treat - and my goodness what a yummy treat it will be! It'll taste all the more nicer once you're slim! Xx
You have to rinse them really well too Sammy. Think the "pasta" would be better than the "rice" Liz. There kind of slimy in texture and transparent almost so the rice didn't look v yummy at all. Maybe youl like them Sammy. I do think my expectations were too high at the time. I was planning on following Atkins with the pasta changing my life. I had all sorts of plans for Mac cheese and carbonara. Creamy curry a with "rice" etc lol. I was traumatised when my dream was shattered lol x
You have to rinse them really well too Sammy. Think the "pasta" would be better than the "rice" Liz. There kind of slimy in texture and transparent almost so the rice didn't look v yummy at all. Maybe youl like them Sammy. I do think my expectations were too high at the time. I was planning on following Atkins with the pasta changing my life. I had all sorts of plans for Mac cheese and carbonara. Creamy curry a with "rice" etc lol. I was traumatised when my dream was shattered lol x

Ditto... Eugh...
Ha ha well I'll give it a go. I'm not actually a big pasta fan but just thought it'd be nice to try these. Hmmm. They're starting to sound like jellyfish tentacles xx
Ha ha let's hope not! I'm sure a kangaroo penis and a fish eye aren't on the approved protein list!! Xx
Ha ha ha true!! :) xx
I reckon kangaroo penis and fish eyes are low carb and possibly low calorie too. Just log it as 100g chicken. :)

Ha ha almost makes me turn vegetarian!! Xx
Right I've tried the slim noodles.

Drum roll........

I wasn't repulsed by them but I wasn't amazed by them either!! I stir fried them with fry light, garlic, dried chillis, black pepper, mushrooms, yellow and red peppers and prawns.
They're not very noodly but they were ok. I put far too much chilli in and couldn't eat much of them as they were quite 'samey' but all in all not as bad as I was expecting but unlikely I'll bother with them again. They soaked up the flavours well though.