Step 1 Sole Source Losing half of myself 55/141lbs

Hi Kim and welcome back on your journey to being slim, lovely to hear how positive and motivated you are and WELL DONE on a wonderful first week's loss, that puts you in those 18s as hoped doesnt it?
Day 8 is going well :)

Got a class to teach this evening so that will keep me out of trouble! Will save my last shake for when I'm home.

I was thinking about having a meal tonight as Im actually supposed to be on 810, but thats just rewarding myself with food isnt it? And thats a habit I want to break out of! Obviously big occassions are a bit different but I don't really have any of those coming up. Its my mums birthday on the 1st Feb but she understands!
You are doing really well! Keep up the good work! Enjoy your class tonight! :)
Was a nice class, cant believe I get paid to talk about my fav subject still lol

Day 8 done and dusted!
Happy Friday :) Good luck for WI!!!!

What is it you work as Kim? Im intrigued coz you say you treach but also someone gave birth on the floor??????

How are you feeling today? I had my 1st WI of the new yr and im 1lb heavier than i was just before christmas so that's not TOO bad it can only move downwards now, no diversions until 5th March!!!!
No weigh in now til next Thurs, hoping this week goes quick so I can have a bar!

1lb on isnt bad, you'll have that, and more off next week :)

Im an antenatal teacher, I run my own business running workshops and stuff. I also teach a lot for charities where antenatal education isn't accessible or for families that have had a baby loss previously. It's really interesting, I've met some wonderful people from it.

About to pick the biggest child up from school and do the weekly shop, hate shopping for food at the moment!
No weigh in now til next Thurs, hoping this week goes quick so I can have a bar!

1lb on isnt bad, you'll have that, and more off next week :)

Im an antenatal teacher, I run my own business running workshops and stuff. I also teach a lot for charities where antenatal education isn't accessible or for families that have had a baby loss previously. It's really interesting, I've met some wonderful people from it.

About to pick the biggest child up from school and do the weekly shop, hate shopping for food at the moment!

That sounds like an amazing job and as you say you are teaching something you love which is great! Were you a nurse before hand or is that something you just decided to do and did the research?? Put the rest of the family on a diet and make the food shop easier :D
Its been a fascination since I had my first child, I was 19 and well annoyed at the lack of local NHS classes. We only had one company round here and they were no way affordable to me (Kirsty Allsop recently had a pop at them!)
So I decided to apply to study midwifery but won the chance to train to teach with a company - decided to take the prize and enjoy my children whilst they are young :)
I'll apply to uni once Isla is in school :)
No weigh in now til next Thurs, hoping this week goes quick so I can have a bar!

1lb on isnt bad, you'll have that, and more off next week :)

Im an antenatal teacher, I run my own business running workshops and stuff. I also teach a lot for charities where antenatal education isn't accessible or for families that have had a baby loss previously. It's really interesting, I've met some wonderful people from it.

About to pick the biggest child up from school and do the weekly shop, hate shopping for food at the moment!

Oh wow what a lovely job :) I only made 1 class on my antenatal, popped the following week and according to my friend who was due at the same time as me, Ella and I were the subject matter when they did the tour of neonatal, apparently the smallest bubba they'd delivered in a while lol.
Must be an incredibly rewarding job.

Can't you do your food shopping online? I've found it's a life saver for me. Hope you managed and that you've got something nice planned for the weekend xx
Hey you're all youngsters! :) I wanted to do it for my 40th, that's been and gone so maybe 41. Good luck everyone! xx

It's my 40th in July and I have a weekend away booked, that will be almost a year since my hen weekend last aug when I weighed my lightest ever adult weight ! I know we can all do it but your so right, having something to focus on is a great motivation. Keep up the good work everyone x x x
Thank you :)

Day 10 going ok, struggling with water today but got a few hours til bedtime to fit some more in
Day 11

Had turkey, cabbage and carrots at cavery, really proud of myself! Dessert was hard though, but stuck to it x
Day 12

Had a few nights of uninterrupted sleep so feeling lots better. Lots of snow here today so no preschool, two very annoyed children! Looking foward to weigh in Thursday morning and a peanut bar!
Great week 1 weight loss, i hope week 2 is just as good for you x
Sort of - had a Ss+ meal yesterday but didn't realise carrots werent part of the plan!
I was talking to my husband about it as I was quite annoyed and he made a good point of saying the intention was there and I still had a meal which was extremely healthy, just not 100% Ss. I'm not gonna beat myself up about it, better than the creme egg I wanted lol