Mel's Last Stop - Dukan Diet

Thanks Vampyra - re yoghurts it's my understanding that you can have the ones that don't contain fruit, as these have extra carbs. So I've been sticking to the toffee, vanilla & coconut.

How are you getting on?

I think I may have stalled! If so, I know why! Weighed in this morning and ive only lost 1lb...10'13-lbs to 10'12lbs. I did own up mid week to having had an options 69cal choc drink, wasnt feeling so well it was a comfort thing ;0(. And ive been so busy at work and too shattered in the evening to go walking. Havent been drinking enough water, and I dont think ive probably been eating enough - so I know the causes. going to be more stringent with myself this week.

Think I will get some muller yogurts today too and some more sf jellies.

Youre doin fab......I need to catch up. ;0)
Think you've answered your own question on your stall. Up Your protein and water as stall isi'nt a gain and you could have a large drop next week xxx
Vampyra - I agree with Sidd. I think it's important that at the start you follow the diet to the letter. As you go along you may be able to incorporate some variances but if you have a stall you'll know that is what caused it.

A lady at work has been using brown sugar instead of sweeteners and she has stalled also. I suggested she stopped as that was probably the cause.

Lastly don't forget your 30min exercise a day. I've been pretty bad at that so far but I'm going to get my ar$e in gear :D

Day 2 - PP

Weight - 196.2 ~ 9.2 lbs lost so far whoo hoo!

I'm a perpetual daily weigher but I will only record my daily weight for the first week. After this Sunday, Friday will be my weekly WI day :)

Gallate with 1tbs oat bran & 1/2 tbs of wheat bran (must try and go to loo)
Chicken thigh roasted
Muller Greek yoghurt
Beef jerky
Roast turkey
Muller lite toffee

Water - 3ltr +

Mood - Agony - my lower back is killing me. I don't know why but I can hardly walk

Exercise - doubt it, too much pain :-(
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A good day today food wise. My back still hurts so no exercise. In fact I hardly moved all day :-(. I've got loads to do in the house but it all got left. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day :)
Hope today is better for you, Mel! Well done for yesterday's food even though you felt rotten!

Take care x
Morning Mel

How is your back today? Any idea yet what you've done to it?

P x

I've not got a clue P :confused:

I've always suffered slightly with lower back pain and as a result can do only certain exercises (I'm a personal trainers nightmare lol)

The pain is worse the heavier I am which is why it is so important that I keep my weight down. I'm no where near as heavy as I used to be but for the last 6 months I've been having this lingering pain. It wasn't anything major apart from yesterday when I was debilitated :-(

I saw a chiropractor and he said I had a curve on my lower back. The price for follow up sessions were horrendous, so I didn't go back. I may have to revisit that!

Hope today is better for you, Mel! Well done for yesterday's food even though you felt rotten!

Take care x

Thanks Coitraux. I'm still going to take it easy today but I'm looking forward to some homemade chicken soup. Yea it's a PV day :)
The results for my first full week on Dukan are in..... I started at 205.4 and today I weighed........
Drum roll please....... 195.5 :bliss: :bliss:

That's a loss of 9.8lbs :bananadance:

I am soo chuffed. I don't have to do another VLCD in my life because I've found Dukan and it works for me.

No more social isolation
No more delaying exercise
No more hiding what I'm eating

I'm free!!! :D :D :D
(I know I'm a bit over the top, but can't you see I'm pleased)
Not over the top at all!! You've done so well, that is an amazing loss and you know you can lose weight and EAT now. Lovely feeling indeed. :D

Day 3 - PV

Weight 195.6 ~ 9.8lbs lost

Cinnamon muffin x 1
Jerk chicken thigh
Muller Greek yoghurt
Chicken and veg soup

Water - 3ltr+

Mood - Weary

Exercise - None, still poorly but did do a bit of housework
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The results for my first full week on Dukan are in..... I started at 205.4 and today I weighed........
Drum roll please....... 195.5 :bliss: :bliss:

That's a loss of 9.8lbs :bananadance:

I am soo chuffed. I don't have to do another VLCD in my life because I've found Dukan and it works for me.

No more social isolation
No more delaying exercise
No more hiding what I'm eating

I'm free!!! :D :D :D
(I know I'm a bit over the top, but can't you see I'm pleased)

Wowser!! :D

P x
Brilliant loss and so not over the top fab loss xxx

Day 4 - PP

Cinnamon muffin x 2
Chicken leg
Grilled tilapia
Muller Toffee yoghurt
Pepsi Max
1 tsp wheat bran with skimmed milk

Water - 2ltr+

Mood - Rested - day off work today :)

Exercise - 40 min walk
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Day 5 - PV

Cinnamon muffin x 2
Steak burger and tomato
Chicken and veg soup
Muller Toffee yoghurt
Salmon, turkey and roast veg
Pepsi Max

Water - 2ltr

Mood - overworked

Exercise - 10 min walk
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