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  1. misha

    Hi All, 1st Post and 1st Weigh In!

    Congratulations and welcome! x
  2. misha

    its my birthday woop woop!!!

    Well done! Thats willpower for you! I've taken to sniffing other peoples food - no good will come of it! Happy Birthday!
  3. misha


    Hi Debbie, good luck with Lipotrim, let us know how you get on.
  4. misha


    Great news on the loss Bigsal! The impression I've had from the guys on here is that the LT experience can be quite different for different people. Everyone has their down days. Keep it up!
  5. misha

    my wi

    well done you, very encouraging for everyone else too!
  6. misha

    what lipotrim has done for me!!

    It has made me abandon my idea that I can't lose weight whatever I do. There are things (like LT) that work and that can work for me.
  7. misha

    tip: suppository

    i don't know if you are allowed colosan on LT but bloody hell that will sort you dutch backdoor action required either, you drink it.
  8. misha

    i am looking very wrinkley

    this is a tough one, something I worry about too and I would be inclined to follow fattyfattybumbums advice. Theres a lot you can do these days regarding fillers and peels without having to resort to surgery. Put some pennies by for when you hit goal and look after your skin in the meantime...
  9. misha


    yeah, you can take them back and change them - some people love the soup and some hate it. Try all the flavours before you decide. I quite liked the vanilla in the first week, its turning my stomach a bit now.
  10. misha

    Lipotrim 2008!

    hi, I am in my second week of lipotrim, lost 8lbs (and 5lbs before starting LT) another 2 and a half stone to lose. Would just like to get myself together, feel more confident and hopefully try for a baby in due course. Loving reading the forums, great support and advice. Misha
  11. misha

    my 1st wi after refeed and.....

    Thats great news! Well done!
  12. misha

    Breath smells like paint stripper apparently...

    ....I understand this is a good thing as far as weight loss goes! Although OH has taken to sitting on the opposite sofa to me now. The lonely, lonely journey of a lipotrimmer.......and its only week2!
  13. misha


    Def one for the doc......can't be good if allowed to continue. I expect its temporary but get some advice from the experts. Hope it goes ok.
  14. misha

    first WI!!

    Well done you! great start!
  15. misha

    Trampette anyone?

    It is supposed to be great exercise. I have occasional lower back pain and found it aggravated that.....even so as well as exercise it meant to be good at stimulating the lymphatic system and eliminating toxins from the body.
  16. misha

    Body attack

    Thats my favourite too. No Body Attack at my gym, there is Body Combat which I did try recently - very sweaty trying to keep up, but the instructor said that it takes 3 -4 times to master the steps, so no reason to feel like a plum if you are a bit unco-ordinated to begin with! Its the same for...
  17. misha

    Taking up running

    Hiya, I started running 5 years go and like flumpster remember leaving my house at 6 in the morning (to avoid detection), looking down the street at a lampost and thinking I'll just run to there...and not making it and thinking this is not for me.....even so I persevered and as well as losing 3...
  18. misha

    Walk Jog Run

    How fab is that. Some ready prepared routes in my town! thanks a lot.
  19. misha

    Peggie's Week 3 Weigh In

    Well done Peggie and OH and thanks for the advice yesterday, I've adopted the mantra 'slow and steady wins the race'!
  20. misha

    week 1 weight loss less than expected....

    thanks guys for taking the time to reply to me. I will stick with it and see how I get on....and in the meantime keep reading the boards for inspiration!
  21. misha

    don't know how I did it !

    wow! well done! did anyone comment on your not eating? I have a wedding to go to myself in a couple of weeks - hope I can stick with it to!
  22. misha

    week 1 weight loss less than expected....

    Hi guys, I am really pleased to find this forum and have loved reading all the great stories and advice. My niece did LT and I thought I'd give it a go too. She lost 9lb in her first week and 5lbs in the second. She was only about a stone and a half overweight. I am over three stone...