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  1. L

    bars - do they make you hungry?

    excuse the typing, i have a sleeping child on my lap! does anyone else find that bars make them more hungry? i usually have one for lunch, but lately i've found as soon as i have one i crave food. i don't know if it's just the mid afternoon slump or if it's common. only one way to find out i...
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    Anyone near SE9?

    I'm in SW London too. Not sure how near you need someone to be?
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    Counselling - Does it work?

    I don't know whether it works or not yet, but I have really enjoyed the group support and learning a lot more about why people over eat, so I think it's worth it for that. I guess it depends how much you have to lose. For me, I think it's going to take between 4-5 months for me to lose my...
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    bit of a revelation in group tonight!

    Yay, you go girl!
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    Streach Marks

    Well done on 6 months at goal, Rachel :D I've heard swimming is good for toning so I'll try and get into that more soon. Shame it'll ruin my hair, but hey, can't have it all! I had overhang before I had my little girl, but it's much more saggy now. hopefully at some point it'll get better. I...
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    How old are your ears?!

    Ha - I can hear them all. Not that my daughter will have a mobile phone until she is 26, but she'll be annoyed if she tries that trick on me! It's a shame for my deaf brother that I must've got all the ear genes though :(
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    TOday is the day for my sis

    Oh, BL, how awful. That really puts body woes into perspective doesn't it? I'm so sorry, I hope she heals quickly and the recovery is straightforward.
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    Streach Marks

    Hi, I'm afraid, like BL, I will do anything to avoid having loose skin, I don't like it either. I got very stretchmarky when I was a teenager, so when I was pregnant I used Bio oil and got one (new) stretchmark right at the end so i've been doing the same this time. I haven't noticed any new...
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    Hi Daisy, I haven't really noticed much difference either way with LL - although am only about 1/2 way through. But I have had peaks and troughs with my sex drive (I guess that goes with the territory when you have kids). My advice would definitely be to get back in the saddle as it were. I...
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    End of Foundation and Photos

    You look FANTASTIC Westie. It's great to see that actually, we have similar amounts to lose - I'm about half way through - so very motivating to see someone else. Good luck on LLL, it'll be lovely to have a meal a day, it'll feel like a real feast!
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    Why I am so Thankful of this diet...and how its not all about the weight...

    What an uplifting post! Enjoy your 20s!
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    Keep cheating...

    I don't know what's wrong with me this week, but I keep sticking things in my mouth. Not even nice things, leftovers from my daughter mostly. WHY, WHY, WHY??? I am still losing weight (I've been going to the gym to try to compensate) but slowly - 2lbs this week and last - I'm going to end up...
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    Feeling nervous

    Thanks Sean, yes it is amazing how quickly time can fly when you're doing something like this! I will definitely be coming here more often I think!
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    Feeling nervous

    Thanks Foxtrot, I know I can do this! Good to hear I'm not the only long labourer in the world, everyone else I know pops them out!
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    Feeling nervous

    Yes, you're exactly right, having kids does change things. I can run around after my daughter still (no choice!) but I hate the thought of being a bad role model to her. My nephew is 6 and he is already giving me advice about healthy eating! Good luck with the rest of your journey.
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    Feeling nervous

    Thanks Slendablenda - you have done SO well, look at you in those trousers (surely they were never yours?). I think you're right that the gap in between making enquiries and the first meeting gives you a bit of a chance to process what you're letting yourself in for. I almost felt like...
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    Feeling nervous

    Thanks Pete, I think my slim voice has been silenced for so long, it can't get itself heard over the booming big fat one! I am feeling almost excited today though, I'm looking forward to my first weigh in!
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    Feeling nervous

    Thanks Huseyin, well done for getting to RTM, it must be lovely to see the end in sight! I'm *almost* excited today. A new beginning!
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    Feeling nervous

    Oooh, it's good to hear it goes quickly anyway! You've done really well to get through 48 days :D
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    Feeling nervous

    Thanks Minerva - I am feeling a lot more 'in the zone' today. My house is lovely and tidy, my daughter has been adorable, I have planned meals for her and my husband that I'm not fussed about for this week. Hopefully it'll go quickly. Am a bit worried about carb and sugar withdrawal, but if...
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    Been very bad, I've lapsed :(

    Sorry to hear you're finding it tough, but you've done so well, it's a shame to waste it now! I'm sure you can get back on track easily enough, good luck.
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    Just looking at kerry

    I think she's right to aim for 8stone 7lbs. I'm the same height as her and that's the lower ideal range - it's something like 8.5 - 10.5 stone. I'm a yoyoer, and I know when I've gone too thin, sounds like Kerry does too. As for her belly, who cares, she gets airbrushed, unlike the rest of...
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    Feeling nervous

    I'm sure this is quite normal on your last normal day isn't it? I feel like I hadn't really given it enough thought before I decided what to do and suddenly my first meeting is tomorrow! I'm sure it will be fine, just feel slightly angsty! :confused:
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    Waaaaay Off Topic: Jade Goody

    I think I'm probably in the majority here in that I couldn't stand the ignorant racist when I she was in either Big Brothers. In fact, she encapsulates everything I loathe about soap style lives - ie. big rows where you don't listen to what the other person is saying, flouncing about etc. BUT...
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    Feb 09 Starters!

    Hi, I got my forms signed today and I'll be going to my first meeting on 23rd. I'm looking forward to losing weight. Basically, I've been carrying around an extra 2-4 stone and WW-ing for the last 5 years or so. I've had all sorts of hassles getting pregnant with no.2 (took three years to have...
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    Getting the Dr to sign forms...

    Thank you all sooo much for your really helpful replies :) I don't get that much time on t'internet, so sorry I haven't replied individually, but I really appreciate your replies. I went this afternoon, and my GP was in favour - she was really positive. She said she could see I was in a...
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    Getting the Dr to sign forms...

    Hi all, I'm going to the Dr tomorrow to ask her to sign my forms. I might be over thinking this, but I'm worried about what she will say. I've been trying to think about how to get onto the subject. What have your experiences been, and how did you broach the subject with them? Thank you>
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    Would you go away?

    :DThank you so much for all your replies. We decided to book a holiday for mid-march instead! My husband has booked a few days off work and will help me out instead of going away. Thanks for sharing your views.
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    Would you go away?

    Hi all, I'm going to be starting LL on 14th Feb. My husband has suggested going away for the first few days. Do you think this is a good or terrible idea? I was hoping that being out and about with lots of fresh air would stop my cravings a little, but maybe I'd be better off at home where I...