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  1. T

    What weight should I be?

    finding out your ideal weight is a bit of a grey area. you'd be surprised how easy it is to be 13 stone, especially at 6'1. like they've said above, its all relative. my friend is 6'5 and 11 1/2 stone, but so is my 6'0 friend, neither of them look skeletal. i used to work at a riding school...
  2. T


    im 5'6. if that is the case, my natural weight is fairly flabby.
  3. T


    Well, during an A-level science lesson my teacher told me i should be eating about 1400 calories a day to not gain weight, which i within reason attempted to stick to... so i thought cutting out a couple of hundred, teamed with exercise, would do the trick. Ive now decided to start...
  4. T


    hiya. ive just joined here and im looking to lose about a stone. for the past fortnight ive been eating (reasonably) healthily (about 900-1200 calories a day) and going to the gym 5 days a week for 45min-1hr, which at my level of activity should burn about 400 calories each time. I havent...