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  1. morphing

    WW Online

    hi hun, I think WW esource is exactly the same, only £3 cheaper each month. Plus, if you pick up a leaflet at a ww meeting, you can get a free trial and then choose whether to continue your membership - whereas I think there is a £30 initial joining fee for ww online. So, my advice would be...
  2. morphing

    WW Esource code - has anyone got a promo code pls?

    Hi, Wonder if anyone can help - has anyone got a two weeks free trial code for WW esource? I am thinking of trying it out, when I've joined WW in the past quite often I pick up the leaflet, but I cant find one in my documents. Can anyone help please? Thanks xxxx :gen147:
  3. morphing

    Sams Diary - Back on SS

    Well done hun, 12lbs is brilliant!!! Yipee Yipee Yipee!!!! Hope you managed to get rid of the hunger !
  4. morphing


    Well done hun!!!!! Good Luck with your fitting xxxx
  5. morphing

    OMG 10lb lost first week

    Well done Blue Chick, thats fantastic!!! Onwards and Upwards!!! xxxx
  6. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Quickie last post before I have to leave for work... Well I just wanted to record that I just got changed and for the first time in weeks, I felt OK in the first outfit that I chose. The 11lbs have already made a difference and whilst the change maybe slight in terms of inch loss, it's had an...
  7. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Yes, it seems worse this year, lots of people who don't usually suffer are getting it. I think my tab might finally be kicking in, up til now, my nose has been streaming! I've basically got to review and give self feedback on a presentation that I had to make, it's an easy one compared with...
  8. morphing

    Sams Diary - Back on SS

    GOOD LUCK!!!!
  9. morphing

    Celebrity Body Fat - and...loose skin

    Thanks for your post Bunny, it was really interesting. Can't believe how small those stars are!! And well done on losing your 6 stone FOREVER, have you got and before and after pics???
  10. morphing

    kaz`s diary

    YAY, well Done on your loss and getting into the 17's. Imagine carrying 3 stones in a backpack - well done on leaving it behind you FOREVER!
  11. morphing

    anyone else STARTING (again) TODAY?

    Well done Sascha on dropping a dress size,thats great!!!! YAY!!!
  12. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    Have a good day everyone! I won't be around much, as got loads of work to be doing and cant skive two days on the run! xxxx
  13. morphing

    nibbling my way thru the queasy!

    :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Well done Candice!!!! On to Day 4 for you today isn't it? And you should be in the K zone!!!! Don't think I'll be around today as will be back at work and catching up on my skiving from yesterday! No movement on the...
  14. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Day 5 Good Morning! Feeling a bit tired this morning, but I think thats because I got up later than normal. And since waking up, have been all sneezy, so I think it's my hayfever. NO movement on the scales thiis morn, but not disheartened, as I cant possibly lose everyday. Won't be on...
  15. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    Yes, I managed to shut them up, thankfully!!!! Drink drink drink. Goodnight xxx
  16. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    Well done hun, thats ace! Yay!! I'm doing OK thanks, although got to go for a bath no because my chatterbox has started. Grrrrrrr Chat soon xx
  17. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    Thats brill hun. I've got about 6 to lose, so 5lbs is ace!! Glad that you are feeling so positive! Sounds like Ketosis has got you if you have more energy. You'll be at goal in no time!!
  18. morphing

    Day 2 energy zapped!!

    LOL, oups sorry Dab, your thread is a bit bombarded with posts and explanations. Last one I promise: B C - Meant Beyond Chocolate (seek and you shall find)
  19. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    I could say the same tobe honest, want a safe pregnancy, but if I get preggers before I get to buy the Xmas hottie dress, I'll just have to try and be sensible throughout. Oh yes he wants babies, he's soooo broody!!!
  20. morphing

    nibbling my way thru the queasy!

    LOL. You don't know what you are unleashing...
  21. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    PMSL at the pig comment - can I ask how old you are? As a mum of a little-un, I'm assuming that you are in your twenties? I'm 33 and still to have babies. I want babies!!! I confess I've been skiving (and arranging furniture) - yes it has arrived and I love it!! Very comfy - I like a sofa...
  22. morphing

    the appreciation thread :)

    Oh bless, what a lovely idea xxx
  23. morphing

    Adapting LL to suit yourself?

    My opinion (although I do CD), is that a planned and controlled approach is better than a binge anyday of the week. My understanding is that on LL if you do lapse you aren't meant to mention it to the rest of the group? Not sure if this is true, but I can understand because when I've found out...
  24. morphing

    OMG...guess what was on my bird table?

    OMG!!! LOL
  25. morphing

    Sams Diary - Back on SS

    Hi hun, I'll subscribe now, so that I can keep up to date with your journey. I was just reading it and going...ditto, ditto, ditto. Good luck at your first weigh in - Did you read that post by chunky monkey? She's lost 51lbs in her first 9 weeks!! Thats what I want!! Thats my goal to...
  26. morphing

    51lbs in 10 weeks

    WOW, 51lbs in 9 weeks, thats fantastic. I'm going to use you as my inspiration!!! I started on Sunday with 91lbs to lose, so it would be fantasttic to think that by 19/08/07 I could just have 40lbs to go. Good luck on the rest of your journey!.
  27. morphing

    kaz`s diary

    Good Luck at your weigh in and hope you feel well soon xxx
  28. morphing

    Day 2

    HI hun, Soz no advice on soups as I don't like them...but just thought I'd stop by and say Hi and I think that you are right. Sometimes your head tells you that it wants to eat, even when you aint hungry. I think it's a lifelong habit!! I was salivating last night watching the F Word...
  29. morphing

    OT-Good Bye from me

    Oh how awful, wishing you both well xx
  30. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Thanks hun, I'll try!!
  31. morphing

    Sorry for not being around.

    Thats lovely to hear, you are on a mission, good on you!!
  32. morphing

    Sorry for not being around.

    Hi Bev, I was really moved reading your 'apology' for not being around. Like others have said before me, you are not alone and many of us have been through similar experiences. I think that it is so easy to be mean to ourselves and look backwards rather than forwards and we are often our...
  33. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Thanks hun and well done on being 100%. You will certainly reap the rewards. I'll look forward to reading how you have got on! Oups In somehow went into italics. I would love to be strong enough to stay away from scales because I know that it's a bigger picture than the daily loss, but I do...
  34. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    You are welcome hun! I haven't tried the mousse stuff, but I have had the flavours - which are nice - and can be turned into lollipops in the summer months. I love the bars, but I tend to get really hungry when I have them, so I have stopped buying. Plus, they get me in the mood for...
  35. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Cool, I'll go and look for yours so that I can support you too. xx
  36. morphing

    nibbling my way thru the queasy!

    Thats brilliant Dis, WELL DONE!!! And sorry to get all poetic, but I think that those hills can be your metaphor, that each day you are climbing however gradual a pace that you take it, could represent your journey to slimdom. Yesterday you were on a steep bit and today, you are a bit...
  37. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Oh thank you for your lovely post Beverley. Sorry to hear that you had a bad year. It's just so easy to regain again isn't it? And then we beat ourselves up for gaining and feel even worse. My comfort eating needs to be addressed this time, because god knows what I'm doing to my system...
  38. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    God, i'm hot and bored waiting for this sofa. Have been occupying self by doing some exercises and playing on here. Can't wait for it to arrive so that I can sort out where all the furniture now needs to go. My husband is working away tonight, so I can move everything where I want, before...
  39. morphing

    Message from ICEMOOSE

    Best of Luck Mike, you'll be transformed xxx
  40. morphing


    Good Advice Isobel !!
  41. morphing

    Happy Birthday Phil!!!

    Happy Birthday Phil!
  42. morphing

    Happy Birthday Gen!!!

    Happy Birthday Gen!!
  43. morphing

    Day 2 energy zapped!!

    Ohhhh....Thank you!!! I now need another abrieviation explaining...on another thread B C??
  44. morphing


    Oh dear, you sound as though you are having a hard time. The only time that I get that is if I have eaten too much after I have been SS'ing for a long time. I would talk to your LL counsellor and your GP to set your mind at ease. It could be any number of things, so please do not worry...
  45. morphing

    Day 2 energy zapped!!

    What's MN? Sorry just being nosy!! Hope that day 3 goes btter for you Dab...your energy will return xxxx
  46. morphing

    Off to Glastonbury in less than 12 hours!

    Have a great time!!! I here that you can get married there this year!!! You might come back a changed woman!
  47. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    Good luck WW, I'm sure that your efforts will be rewarded and you'll realise that it's been worth the hard time which you've been having. Looking forward to your update..good luck!!!
  48. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    And I forgot to say...good luck with your weigh in, cant wait to hear how you got on and see you ticker change
  49. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    I will do, I think it really helps sharing each others journeys. Have you got a diary? I think that your goals are sensible as well and so long as we keep focussed we should be OK. My prob is the same as yours..keeping at it once you feel happier with the way that you are looking. I tend to...
  50. morphing

    anyone else STARTING (again) TODAY?

    Well done everyone for getting through these first few days...I'm on to day 4 today and am so happy...I'm a changed person these last few days, must be the Ketosis!!
  51. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Day 4...yes yes yes!!!!! (In Meg Ryan Way) Well I could do some cartwheels!! Have lost a total of 11lbs in 3 days. Am so happy!! The gym session yesterday really seems to have boosted my weight loss and I'm so pleased. I can already feel my collar bone becoming more prominent, I love it...
  52. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Thats the spirit!!! Keep the killer body in mind!! Our goal!!!! The CDC thing really depends - did she tell you to buy 2 weeks worth? I buy 3 weeks at a time, but I don't go for the support. In the past I have gone weekly to a different CDC and I think in the early stages this can really...
  53. morphing

    Please help me!!!

    Great, glad you found a good solution xx
  54. morphing

    nibbling my way thru the queasy!

    Well done mate on getting through Day 2!!! It's all about learning how to deal with it and these mini battles will help you to gain strength to say no the next time. So bloody WELL DONE!!! Can't wait to hear how you got on, on the scales!!! Will check regularly. BTW, I've heard that the...
  55. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Day 3 over Just off to bed, so this is a quickie update. Had a gggggggggggreat day, seriously. I've been working on a really hard task for the last month at work and today I finally nailed it, in spite of lots of challenges! And I'm hopefully nearly in Ketosis, so even though I've had a...
  56. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    He he, your mexican wave reminds me of my bingo wings actually, very fluid.
  57. morphing

    nibbling my way thru the queasy!

    Hi Dis, Sorry only just got to the PC - worked late and then found out that they are delivering the new sofa 2moz and we had to start trying to clear everything out. Well done on starting your diary. Don't feel embarassed about struggling. I find that the weekdays are far easier than the...
  58. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Well posting on here beats talking to myself, LOL. Just a quickie as I now have an hour to get ready for work. Just did 30 minutes rowing at the gym and 100 sit ups. Feeling great! Got a ruddy blister though - god knows why? I was sat down and not meant to be moving my feet whilst...
  59. morphing

    Please help me!!!

    PMSL, I never noticed that, he he. Good Luck Marli :)
  60. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Mmm, I still haven't started my work. I think I may go and get myself ready to go to the gym - it will make me feel good and get me ready for work, and I'm sure I'll be more effective at work after a work-out - may try and persuade hubby as well.
  61. morphing

    anyone else STARTING (again) TODAY?

    Well done on your day 2 Kirsty :party0049: I just noticed your ticker, you have already come a long way - you are doing brill. Are you jumping on the scales each morning? Or is it just me? I've lost 7lbs in the last 2 days, so am delighted and hopefully that delight is what will get me...
  62. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    Hi Linda, think I called you Lucy last time, soz! Are you dieting for any special occasion? I've got quite a bit more to lose than you, so I'm aiming for Xmas this time around. I was at a comfortable weight last Xmas, and felt loads more confident at my parties, but I'd really like to be at...
  63. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    Hi WW, Thats exactly the attitude to have, keep focused on those treats that you will receive in 3 weeks time. Think of all the photos that will be taken and how gorgeous you will look in them. Cooking for other people is hard, but later on in my CD journey (in the past) I actually found it...
  64. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    On to day 3!! Good Morning! Well I survived day 2 and am just about to embark on day 3. Just weighed in and I had lost another 2lbs, so was down to 16.0. Am v pleased and I hope to get into the 15's tomorrow, before my daily loss starts to slow itself down. Am feeling so much better...
  65. morphing

    anyone else STARTING (again) TODAY?

    Hi ROSB, Hope that locking self in bathroom helps, if you can try and get through these first few hard days, it will soon get better. Your brain is just trying to convince you to eat, don't listen. You chose CD for a reason, you can get through it, even if it means a hot bath, an early...
  66. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    You are welcome, glad to see your loss up in lights, it really helps motivate me!! But I am a bit of a geek, LOL!
  67. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    Hi lucy, Go to Graphical Tickers for your Signature, Message Boards, Blogs and Web Page and select the 'weight loss tracker'. Then once you've set it up with your stats, it gives you a BBCode, which you need to copy & paste into your signature. (Which you update via the User CP option)...
  68. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Day two diary update Just a quickie as I need a PC break, been on it all day and now have square i can't drag self away though! Am well on the way to completing my 2nd day 100% and am so pleased. I seem to be really focussed this time around and know that if I stick to it, I'll...
  69. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Hi hun, good to hear from just going to try something technical, so I can reply to each of your comments!! Yes...get used to the yadda yadda yadda...there are so many well meaning people that think that they are helping, but just can't help but stick their nose in!! My family have...
  70. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Thanks for the support Kaz, I appreciate it :). You are doing really well aren't you, over two stone already!! Thats brill!
  71. morphing

    hi guys

    A few of mine To feel good about myself To not have to avoid my reflection in shop mirrors To not fear the camera coming out To feel and be confident To feel pleased in self for achieving my goals
  72. morphing

    Before & After Photo Thread of Inspiration!!! Post Your photos here!

    100lbs, that brilliant. Don't be down on yourself, focus on what you've achieved already and refocus on your goal and you'll soon be heading towards your goal again. What a great achievement, well done!!!
  73. morphing

    Before & After Photo Thread of Inspiration!!! Post Your photos here!

    Wow, you are doing fantastic, well done!! Thats amazing in 10 weeks!!!
  74. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Day One survived Morning diary, Well I'm pleased to say that day one is out of the way and I was 100%. After several failed attempts, I'm really pleased with myself and I really think that it has helped to write things down. I haven't really got the time to spend on here as much as...
  75. morphing

    Crystaltips cd diary journey

    Hey hun, How are you doing? Don't be sad. Try and put it behind you and regain your enthusiasm. You can do this, you really want it. Good Luck
  76. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    He he, well you've got to live and at least you got there!! It's amazing how your social life takes off when you lose weight, you just feel so confident and sexy....thats where I'm aiming for!!!
  77. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Wow, size 10, thats amazing! Well done you!! How long did it take you? Thanks for stopping by with the encouragement, much appreciated.
  78. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Well, day going 'OK'. Just got back from my mums house for lunch. I went around half an hour late, so that I missed the eating part. I left early though as I was starting to get grouchy. I've got a bit of a headache, which I assume is the carb withdrawal. I got home and there was a big slab...
  79. morphing

    Starting CD tomorrow!!

    HI Tricia, Are you allowed boullion then? Thats good if you are, it is quite tastey. Good luck with your loss. I'm sure you will reach your goal. I've just started again aswell and have the same disappointment with myself to just look forward, not backwards!
  80. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    I really must mean it this time because I'm prepared to put my starting measurements on this diary. Bust 48" Waist 42" Hips 50" Shocking as they are!!!
  81. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    Thank you Vicky!
  82. morphing

    Have fallen off. spectacularly....

    The MoodGYM Training Program Hi Spooky, I thought I'd share the above wensite with you. I suffer with a similar problem and how I cope with lifes ups and downs (well the downs actually). Anyway, my GP has recommended the above site - it's free and it's all about changing our coping...
  83. morphing

    I'm under 15 stone!!

    Thats great, well done, I hope I can join you by the end of the week!!
  84. morphing

    Lost a stone in 2 weeks now! So happy!

    Well done Jay Jay, so pleased to hear you are doing so well. Keep up the good work and you'll definitely hit your target!
  85. morphing

    anyone else STARTING (again) TODAY?

    Hi hun, I'm restarting CD myself today. From experience I know how hard it is the 2nd time around. Well done for your perserverance and losing that 42lbs. I must do one myself!
  86. morphing

    Day 5 and the sun is shining!!

    I’ve struggled with my weight for years and have previously continually yo-yo-ed, however now I really need to take control of the one thing that I struggle to control in my life. It has really got me down recently. I’ve just been prescribed anti-depressants and I think that my weight has a lot...