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  1. K

    Half way through and need some damage control!

    Milkshake- good on you! I am 6 months post pregnancy and struggling to lose any of the weight- I put on far far too much. So good on you- it is never too late (and I hope someone will remind me of that tonight at ten, when I reach for treats!). enjoy pregnancy and nourishing your little one.
  2. K

    Oh dear!! I'm pregnant

    COngratulations! I know I let the weight creep (or just jump) on when pregnant but there are inspirational people who may help you- could your doc recommend a dietitian to help? When is Orlando- I feel for ya! Hope it is a wonderful holiday regardless!
  3. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I ate 4 chocolate chip cookies and a bowl of popcorn and a glass of pure, unadulterated coca-cola last night. I'm not sure why, but it feels like I am out of sync, that I have been for a while now and I am trying to work out, what is wrong. There is nothing wrong with that, on it's own, but I...
  4. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Numbers aside, I want to remind myself, why it is that being in control of my eating is important. Firstly, binge eating does not make me happy. Ice-cream is delicious, pizza is yummy, but binge eating is not about enjoying food; it's about piling food in my mouth for reasons other than hunger...
  5. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    yup still running. ronsy the next town over from us here in canada- it has more dogs than children i kid you not (pardon the pun!)!!!
  6. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    i'm 11 9- lightest I have been in 4 years! woohoo! unchartered territory!
  7. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    if the scales in the gym are to be believed, I am 1/2 lb lighter than my marathon weight- happy days.
  8. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Hello Ronsy, who needs sanity in a crazy world?!
  9. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    nee, i love the photo! How was the day? did u enjoy it?
  10. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I came by once to the site a short time ago, looked around and left. I guess I wasn’t ready to reconnect with Minimins, and I hope you all understand that, I hope you are all doing well, and slowly I will update myself on how you are all doing. I have made some excellent friends here in my...
  11. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    morning all, the sun is shining (for now) .i have 3lbs off this week (v happy inside)- judith i thank myfitnesspal- it definately keeps me on track. Aswell, knowing the cals of a starbucks caramel macchiato forces me to make choices that are worth it (i choose the caramel macchiato, usually...
  12. K

    The Crazy World of Lozz!

    Lozz, I have really enjoyed reading your diary. You are doing amazingly well, and anyone doing food replacement of any kind gets my utter respect. As I am not doing it, I can't really advice for going on lite, BUT everything worth doing is going to be hard. You have done really really well, so...
  13. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    i was htinking the same- Judith, hope time with TT goes well, wouldnt worry though, my mum has had 5 kids coming and going (and one who stayed until he married!) and while we were irritating and irritated, we never loved her less, prob more as a result actually. Hmm does that help- kids are selfish.
  14. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    folks my fitness pal ap told me that my 75 min walk burned over 700 cals- I'm annoyed as its far out. A hard spin class of 60 mins would burn 600 max. Grr
  15. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Without knowing the exact details of it all, it's hard for me to say. And it is never about being right or wrong. It is about how best to give and receive friendship. And sometimes even the best friendships will cause hurt. Friends offer different things- from someone to go out partying wiht, to...
  16. K

    Don't understand how im going to lose

    Hi Vicky, I am with Circles on this. As you are under 10 st now, the weight is goign to shift a lot more slowly. I also back the comment about exercise, which after losing a lot of weight can help wiht the last few- well done on getting this far!
  17. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Good morning wemitts, and how are you this morning. I have weighed and measured and began a 7 week plan- its on my blog for anyone interested , but it's really just akick up the ass for me. My idea is 1 stone. I know that might not seem much, but I totally belive in little steps, and after...
  18. K

    Down with Spanx!

    Spanx, it is always inspiring to read your diary. You don't do dramatic plans and falling ceremoniously off the wagon, you are tenacious and committed and change little things to make a big difference in the long run. I think it is amazing how much you hav elost, but more than that, that you...
  19. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    first day of my new life wooohooooo
  20. K

    Exercise over obesity

    Running Debate—Can You Be Fit and Fat at Runner's World
  21. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hi all its 3 am and I cannot sleep, I'm putting it down to excitement! Although I wish I could, its good to know that come thursday at approx 4.30pm, i can sleep for weeks....Am I one fo the few ppl who looks forward to unemployment? I'm not sure how my lack of financial funding will turn out...
  22. K

    Exercise over obesity

    when I look at marathon photos, I can see that m waist nipped in without losing much on the old chest! exercise def helps the silhouette!
  23. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat
  24. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hi all, I had a lovely weekend in my sister's where I slept loads- much needed! not the lazy knid- 9pm to 7am, 2-4 nap and 11pm- 8am, so feeling much much better and my eating is just ok, although mum and i went for lunch when we came home,and they gave us two apple buns which we didnt order but...
  25. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    love the new name!
  26. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    you do it. You ring and e-mail and dream and believe. Passion is the most inspiring virtue in a teacher, actually in anyone. DO IT
  27. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I feel hopeful today....One hour at a time...
  28. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    that must have been such a relief- stressful friendships take too much energy!long may it last. Today is a new day and I totally belive you can do this. One day at a time, one hour at a time.
  29. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    I join you on your little steps programme. 11 10, which is actually now 18 lbs away..... ok today is all that matters.
  30. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Bren,pink, minus four, katie rose, nee, jud, and all of you who have supported me- a really big thank you. I am going through my diary from last year for inspiration and hope, it is utterly needed (also getting it from When you eat at the refrigerator pull up a chair and the Dalia Lama!). Your...
  31. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Jud, it sounds like you are in control. yes 5 weeks is a good time scale, and then you can look at what changes you want to make. what i'd give to lose 10 lbs. I was 11 10 5 months ago and haven't seen it since..... I feel lost. Keep at it, and I like the limit of choices. But what makes you...
  32. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    how can i be hungry after 2 eggs on toast, 3 slices of bacon, 2 more slices of toast and 2 tomatoes.....
  33. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    last summer's clothes are TIGHT. Help. How can I get back and stay on track without having my exercise as the corner stone?!
  34. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    My mindfulness did not last all day, but descended into a continual eating fest. I begin today with the same aim. I know that every attempt to change takes time, and that I will fail, but that I will start again. I just wish I did not fail so often. It is a beautiful day and it is...
  35. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    run failed. i didn't get through the warm up before pain struck :(
  36. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    In 20 minutes I will be attempting a run. It is only 3.5 miles, and I hope it is pain free. My head is all over the place these days, no, that's wrong, my emotions are all over the place. I lay eating toffee while eatching comic relief- how wrong. It really hit home that here I am eating...
  37. K

    Exercise over obesity

    thanks guys, I found that when I was training for the marathon, even if i went on a binge I knew I had to cop on soon cos the ultimate goal was so big. And it was great to be measuring success in miles not inches. I know that exercie alone doesn;t shift weight but running is now important to me...
  38. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    nice! but you will be wrecked!
  39. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    a 14 hour shift!!! where do you work jud? do u get to have nap at all? Sleep deprivation kills me. Hmmm, interesting, ban chocolate altogether....
  40. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hanz 7 lbs you can do, and I love that you and he are getting on so well! Kick his ass in the comp- I hope you both are positive supports for each other. Today I have controlled my eating again. The Dalai Lama gave me a kick up the ass. He is coming to Ireland in April and our young people are...
  41. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    I have embraced my obesity! I give up! Can't do it. Lovely to hear from you
  42. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I pulled a muscle on my morning run, and I went to the physio this evening. there is problems right up my leg, and she wored a lot of it. I am heart broken - it is 3 days of rest ahead but I am very afraid this is not the end of it. All the injuries are connected and seem to aggravate more...
  43. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Ah Judith I've missed you. Nee, I know what u mean, it shows a deeper level of awareness when u actually saw this happening and smiled. Still crap tho. Friends are not always life ling companions. That's why we have dogs lol!!!
  44. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I love being thin as i don't have that stuffed feeling of constantly bingeing.
  45. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Nee how are wedding plans btw? How is your sister?
  46. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hi all. Was at a great conference yesterday about being the change you want to see in the world- inspiring, nice way to spend the day. Eating still a mess:(
  47. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Another run. Love it. Eating all over the place- candy laces, cadburys and popcorn last night. Having another Monday off-love it!! Going to go to Starbucks for a caramel macchiato-cannot wait!! Life is good, although someone pissed me off so much on Friday I wanted to punch him and then cry. How...
  48. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Morning all. I am lying here thinking about taking the morning of exercising. My legs are tired! Hmm, I actually did want to run, but I'd prefer to run tomorrow as I am spending a whole day with kids and it would get my energy and mood in a good place.excuses or not? I can never tell myself...
  49. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    It has been beautiful weather here, and it has helped energise me. I have ran 3 mornings this week, and 2 walks in the evenings, which on top of the other benefits- makes my skin look great!today I get my third last pay cheque. Scary biscuits when I put it like that. Oddly though in some ways...
  50. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Wow that sounds scary. Yeah I spoke to a friend who pointed out that I do barriers and intimacy better than anyone. And yes I enjoy hanging out with him. Out of oil again-this house is terrible and did not have time to order yet so in bed freezing!! I do have a fire but not in the mood to light...
  51. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    I did 5 miles in about 62 mins.comic Boy came over then/-before anyone gushes he does n't want a relationship. Anyway we lay in front of the fire and just talked or lay in silence-sooo relaxing. So tonight I'm doing the same-no tv just fire, candles and books-bliss. Still not back on a firm plan...
  52. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Just back from a run- feels good, slow but getting faster bit by bit
  53. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    What you up to today Nee? I'm on a day off from work- bliss on a Monday, sitting at my conservatory door with teh sun shining in. think I'll go for a run. You know what- I actually miss the really long runs the 16 - 20 milers where afterwards I was totally spent, done in. Ha- the feeling of...
  54. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Moving On My mum just texted- "first step to turning the bedroom into a sitting romm; single beds have been put in the second hand sale" I have been badgering/ supporting/ badgering my mother for maybe 3 years now to change the bedroom with 2 single beds into a sitting room- we have only an...
  55. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    when you eat at the refrgierator, pull up a chair I am reading this book, and loving it- have I mentioned it before. I highly recommend it. Coming near to the end a question is re-asked- if it's happiness you want, why not go directly to it? The premise is that we think being thin equals being...
  56. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    hi all , how are we all doing, I am all over the place, good days and bad days and no consistency. This place is v quiet...
  57. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    u inivted a friend out and she invited 2 others and OHs - thats abit much, no?? Maybe as a single person I'm more put out by that
  58. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    hmm well i rang him, he met me and we kissed. we did not discuss kissing, before or after or since. Hmm. wierd. Unexpected. Hanz LIE IN! its what I've been dreaming about. TIRED here big time!
  59. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    hi Nee, How are yout today? Good luck, one day at a time missus, and I know you can do this!!
  60. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    minding the mental stuff The Five Essential Elements of Wellbeing « Unwind Your Mind As JK and I ran last night, we talked, as we often to about weightloss. JK is probably at a perfect weight but wants to be a few pounds lighter, but mainly firmer. Sometimes, running, for her, puts the scales...
  61. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Good morning all! I am up and ready to go running with JK- Hopefully I am now back in the groove- still finding it tough, but I know if I keep at it, I'll be pushing on those hills again by the end of March. Started making my lovely peanut butter smoothies again as an incentive! My birthday...
  62. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hanz- I am so jealous- a week off! Today is my 29th birthday. I'm annoyed . my friend and I have our friend from uni visiting- she stays with me as I have my own place. It's both our birthdays (born same day same place, and met 18 years later). But she is not spending time with our friend at all...
  63. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    A Little Bit of Heaven My long birthday weekend begins here, well 3 hours ago. I went to see a Little Bit of heaven- Kate Hudson dies young. And I am utterly balling my eyes out. I love birthdays, not in a me me me way but because the opposite is damn scary. And my heart is breaking because I...
  64. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Black Hole Sometimes we land so deep in a black hole, we can't remember how we got in there and that there is a way out. Such was me for the past 2 days, and only until I found the ladder out, was I able to see I was in the pit. Why? Comic boy not only ignored VD but posted his singleness on...
  65. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    well done kes, and nee, yes you can!! I hope you are surrounded in love today!
  66. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Happy valentine's day sexy, sassy and beautiful ladies, enjoy all it brings. Hanz, I'm especially thinking on you I hope mr. Rugby treats you as the star you are today. I think my love life has crashed and burned. When he doesn't text you back on the 13th Feb, and goes clubbing instead of...
  67. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I love being 11 10 as more clothes fit me, and I feel good in them
  68. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    "why is it we are willing to write our own vows but not our own rules?" Ok ladies, what's your own rules? Not the ones your mother passed to you through osmosis or those imposed by the circle you socialise BUT your own.... 1.Be kind: I do not know what battle others are fighting today 2. Be...
  69. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    YouTube - new york alicia keys It's a day for motivation. I love this song because it takes me back to New York, and the weeks and weeks that proceeded it. I remember the busy streets and the empty bridges, the concrete jungle where my dream came true. It was the mountain top. How can life be...
  70. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I love being 11 10, as I don't look like a pig eating all in front of me.
  71. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Friday I love being 11'10 because I feel I can really push myself on runs, and feel athletic My morning motivation ritual. We handed over the cheque last night, had a cuppa and then went to the pub (I had coffee- its a school night!!) There's a bond between me and these people now, most of...
  72. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Shortcuts I was raised to see shortcuts as cheating. The idea being if you are going to do somehting do it right, do it fair. Tonight I went for a 5 miler with JK. My fitness is in the basement, and I fell behind. At the 2 mile mark, I decided to shortcut, and dropped about a mile off the run...
  73. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Mouth wide open A choccy bar a day???????????????? YUM! Just back form a run- i took a shortcut!!! took about amile off- so 4 miles and i walked and ran it- bad i know but it was great to be outdoors on a lovely evening! We present our cheque to teh charity tonight (marathon money) so...
  74. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I'm having such problems getting down to my marathon weight, just losing any would be a blessing, so I am sharing my lifecoaching tip here. To remind myself every day why I want to be 11 10, as if I have already gotten there.... I am happy to be 11 10 because I feel fit and healthy
  75. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Nee, did the extra 100 lb come off :) Hanz- me loves! Oh how fantastic! Hanz had a boyfriend Hanz has a boyfriend :P enjoy my love, adn sure what a greet week to be having the "talk"!
  76. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Not a brilliant day, but definately feeling better, which is a start. I am getting somewhat back on track, but not completely there yet. I have more hope of getting there though.The luxury- every day can be a new start, actually any moment I chose. I have the application for a visa to...
  77. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Well another day. Last night I was at the doctor's and advised not to run last night (small procedure nothing serious), so instead I ate sweets adn choclolate. So yet again I wake up with teh aim of curbing all sugars and artificial food- I can eat what I want so long as its wholesome and...
  78. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I want to eat well so that I feel comfortable in my clothes.
  79. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    An unexpected day off So it has been decided. I am taking today off. What do I do now? See I don't want a day where I eat and eat and eat, so I need to have plan to enjoy today without leading me into the kitchen cupboards! Read the papers? A book? Watch a dvd? Take a walk in the snow- I do...
  80. K

    Down with Spanx!

    Spanx, that entry is inspirational, and completely right. I have been too strict and you know what, life is too short- well done, 36 weeks with only 3 gains- amazing!
  81. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    we've got snow!!! lots of it! woke up to it, and thankfully had my work phone because the north west is blocked up and we had an early meeting! Shocking. Anyway Nee, no not bored, that sounds like a perfect weekend, I hope u rested yesterday. How are you feeling this morning- all dizziness gone...
  82. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hanz, you are music to my ears. My boy was over on wed and since it seems like there is a cold wind blowing- what did i do? Part of me wonders if he is going quiet til valentine's day is passed, and I'm so delighted ur guy know he's onto a good thing. I'm on a wise naturally
  83. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Sunday mornings, my favourite! The papers, BBC radio 2 and i must go get a cuppa! Yesterday, we gave the young people a task. They are involved with the local authority, and will be for 2 years. They were asked to write a letter to themselves in 2 years. They had a bout 20 minutes- some had...
  84. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    In the newspaper today, there is an interview with a writer who was 25 stone and is now half that. She has written a fictional novel (You don't have to say you love me) where she used her own experience. In writing the line- "regardless of how thin you are you will always be fat inside", it...
  85. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    End of week 3 project motivation I have around half a stone on in one week. Shocking I know. I ate and ate, largely out of happiness! And the sugar liquoraces, and cappucinos. Off to my clinic today- oh the fun that awaits me there. I sometimes forget why I bother even trying.
  86. K

    IF UR THINKING OF BINGEING .............

    i've spent the past week eating everything- sugar caffeine overload now! agggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  87. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    My eating is all of again. My consultant will put it down to eating sugars which throws everything off and not emphasising protein... Blah blah blah Anyway I am happy, and that is nice. I am telling my employers on Monday that I will accept redundancy and then my plan is t go travelling. i...
  88. K

    Word Association Thread

  89. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    mark faster hanz!!
  90. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Firstly well done on last night- willpower of Superman there. Secondly big hugs. Yes your tattoo is part of you. I don't like tattoos, so i don't get one. My friend has a tattoo and it is part of her, just like her blond hair (which she also chose and was not born with). For some reasons, brides...
  91. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    My lovely Sunday morning, alone in my own home, Bliss. So to my thoughts. The scales are up from 12 5 to 12 12 in 4 days. Yes I ate all in front of me. Advice? I am sitting here thinking, do not eat breakfast, then another pasrt says no, eat a healthy day of food. I feel like if I am too...
  92. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    enjoy the moments nee, think 80% good, 20% no rules apply (at least at this point- life is for enjoying)
  93. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    welcome blue! make yourself at home.
  94. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    ah i love cuddling watching a film... where is comic boy? eating here guys and loving it....
  95. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    i am eating everything. Just because I was out of routine. And I loved it!!!
  96. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hanz is on her date.... I am in Dublin for the next 3 days with no sports bra grrrrr here come the pounds....
  97. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Nee, both the going to work when tired and the scales- UGGGGHHHHHH Hanz, enjoy to the max babe, you totally deserve it.
  98. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Week 3. I jumped on the scales there, I know I should not be on every day, but honestly, what is the harm? I don't get hung up, its just a good pointer. Well I'm up at 12 7, (12 5 yesterday). Now i know I had a skinny caramel macchiato (lush) and a satay chicken salad and dark chocolate extra...
  99. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    quiet in hee, what y'all doing? anyone know anything about living in canada?
  100. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Nee - 18lbs to lose - 18lbs to go Kell- 10lbs to lose- 8 lbs to go Judith- 8lb to lose, 8lb to go colly- 14lb to lose- 14lb to go. Hanz - 8lbs to lose - 6lbs to go Good morning my little snufflebumps, how are you all. I am goign to teh gym. I didn't go yesterday so I'm pushing myself today. I...
  101. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    a dream, literally I dreamt I ran away, and then all day, I had a feeling. the growing unsettledness inside of me. My mind asked the question, and my gut reacted. My consciousness played no part. My consciousness wants to stay close to my family, to work in my safe (enough) job which has many...
  102. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Is it time to go? I am thinking about emmigrating. The chances are I will have work until December, in a much more insecure way, but work none the less. Yet something inside me is asking if I should emmigrate. Change scares me. I do not know where this feeling is coming from. As you may know, I...
  103. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Nee, I reckon your right- its the stress u went through from that bollox of a landlord in your last plece. I wonder could it actually be Post traumatic stress syndrome? I'd mention it to the doctor, as just sitting down adn discussing with a professional can help
  104. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Yesterday, an old friend rang. She was coming to do a bit of work in the area, so naturally I invited her to stay with me. And how lovely it was. Some friends come and go, others are just alway in your heart. What a nice treat. (No bickies with tea lat night, poached eggs adn my one slice of...
  105. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    good luck with teh interview, but really ur seeing if they are good enough for you!
  106. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Collie, I like your style. Confidence is so important,Its not about the behaviour , its about making choices that are right for you. Yup Comic boy, sweetheart, very tactile, so cuddles and all that. Very into movies, which is great. hmmm early days but i am grinning here Hanz- "ish"sounds like...
  107. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hanz, what was a lady doing in his bedroom after the first date??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. SOOO jealous.
  108. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    shhhhh....Unofficially I have 2lbs off, my aim is to be 3 lb down by Wednesday, fingers crossed.....
  109. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Oh Hanz, a dvd is so perfect- no mates watching you there I bet! Ok Collie, when we taking these rugby player- I think we can be good distractions? And yes, I'm totally in love with arms too- a guy I lived with had the most perfect arms, mmmmmmmmmmm dreamy stare...... Well I went for a run...
  110. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    rugby players are just so yum, its the masculinity oozing out of them!! early check on the scales show a 2 lb drop- could it be possible to lose another one by official WI on Wed?
  111. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Last night, I made wraps for Ems and I, but as she was beginning to hurl (delayed hangover) i ended up eating 2.5, instead of one. I'm not quite sure why as I actually didn't want it, and though i decided twice not to eat it, I didn't get rid, and so it made its way into my mouth. So today, I...
  112. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    oh Hanz, I have that cutie tummy feeling for you, 7 rugby men??? can i hang out with you????
  113. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    sure I'm always up for a challenge! Nee - 18lbs to lose - 18lbs to go Kell- 10lbs to lose- 10 lbs to go
  114. K

    IF UR THINKING OF BINGEING .............

    i'll give ya a hug instead. Ok feeling guilty will only lead to more food. Accept and tomorrow think of all teh nice good foods you can eat... good luck my dear
  115. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    My weekend plans went skew wiff! I was meant to go to the gym and then help at a car boot sale. Instead I had a friend send a random text and the day took a bizarre turn. No, not an adventure, more a place to hide out for a day! Still, I am sitting here by the fire, watching come dine with me...
  116. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Nee, terrible service. You pay for healthcare through taxes- make a complaint in writing- nicely worded but make teh point and then tehy will not be so disrespectful! Mistakes happen but you should have been given an apology!!!
  117. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    good stuff nee, what a lucky man he is
  118. K

    IF UR THINKING OF BINGEING .............

    Love this thread! I am really trying to focus on why I binge, and often its just pure rebellion- which I do not understand (eh like rebelling against being a size 10 or what??) thanks folks
  119. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    I hope nobody minds-I am not updating my stats until Feb 19th, my aim being to get back to 11 10 by then- I'm now 12 7....
  120. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Judith 3lbs is steady. I know right now I'm doing something very different and get anxious that I'm not doing what's best for me. But then none of the other stuff worked (completely, maybe partially) for me, so why not give my new thing a good go for 20 weeks. Thta's my thinking anyway (though...
  121. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    At the clinic, I regualrly do an assessment of my attitudes and behaviours to determine my mental weight. The questions look at what you eat and when, where you eat, how long it takes to at, your mental attitude to life, to others, yourself. While most overestimate how fat they are, I apparently...
  122. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I had my appointment this evening. I told her about teh key points of feeling hungry and we agreed that i could have an extra carb, and we'll see how I weigh in next week. I lost 2% body fat which i apparently great, as most lose water. So I'm losing the good stuff. She also showed me what 3lb...
  123. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    End of Week 1 of Project Motivation While I get weighed officially this evening, I like my morning weigh ins. Last Wednesday I was 12 9.6, this morning I am 12 7.2. So 2.4 pounds. Not massive folks, not massive. Throw in giving blood and several hunger pangs and I do wonder if this high...
  124. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Nee your going to do it. Stick with it today, and know that hunger pangs go away- you've done it before and you can do it again. And then as weeks go by, the inches will fall off. YOU WILL DO THIS. Believe in the power you have within you.
  125. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    It is day 6 of Projct Motivation. I'm not sure how I'm getting on. On Sunday I was soooo hungry that I had a portion of oven chips with my dinner that were not on the plan. I knew half way through the meal I was full, but I kept eating, thinking on the hunger I;d suffered. However yesterday I...
  126. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hanz, me likes!! Enjoy the date, and you would be surprised how many of us waited years for a proper date! The men of the British Isles do things differently I reckon. So what is the plan for it, or is there one yet?
  127. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    thanks guys- it looks great!
  128. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Ah nee, I feel for you. I'm going to say this once and once only. Is this plan working for you? You know me though- I cannot cope with deprivation of any kind. Anyway, you are beautiful inside and out, and you will find a dress that suits, regardless of the size. I am totally 100% behind you...
  129. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    what is quorn actually made from? It would be good to not be eating meat all the time, and I am not a great fish eater! I feel hungry I have to admit which is alien to me. I think my consultant may be trying to show me the plan works by my losing a ton of weight first week, but I know how to...
  130. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    One day at a time This evening I came home and really enjoyed doing the housework. it took over an hour to get it all done, and it is much easier to clean when I do little things every day. It may seem strange, but the place being clean and tidy has definately improved my mental health, and it...
  131. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Ah it feels like we are all getting back into it. So my apointment last night went well. I am open to the new eating plan which has a lot more protein and less carbs than I am used to. As i said before, for me its the one to one work on why I binge eat, so I'm really looking forward to that...
  132. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    oh give her my best!!!
  133. K

    The end of the line, or the beginning of a new life?

    thinking the same Kind and loving thoughts to you tulip wherever you are.
  134. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    I am signing up for motivation weight loss. Someone I know did it 2 years ago, and has kept the weight off. Apparently 86% do keep it off after 4 years. Here's hoping I can be one of the 86%! So basically it is a 20 week programme, with a weekly consultation, one on one, largely looking at our...
  135. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    My new year resolution is to keep my home tidy. I'm going to do this in 3 ways Wash dishes after dinner Hoover on Thursday Hang up my clothes every night. It may sound silly but I feel like if I learn how to mind by home, I may learn how to mind myself. Plus since my massive "spring" clean (a...
  136. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    i'm going to a motivation clinic this evening- thinking about getting extra help to do this- i'll update after with the derails. has anyone ese tried this way?
  137. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    karma just downloaded my fitness pal to my ipod.. never used one before- thing is I'm useless with calorie counting- i;ve nvr actually done it- but i guess i'll learn as i go along!
  138. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    i have to eat everything before I can start... and I'm still based on teh couch all evening.....
  139. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    slimming up for summer Well I have 1 stone on since going to New York. So I am spending my last day of 2010 planning to shift it by my birthday on the 19th February, and to be my ideal weight for next Christmas- 9'10. My sister in law lost 4.5 stone this year- so that is my inspiration. I ate...
  140. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Well I have gained a stone, which I am actually pleased with- simply because yesterday i ate toast, ben and jerry's- the big tub, pizza and prawn and cous cous for 3- how bad is that. Collie, kick away, stupid I know. So the healthy eating starts here. I'm going for a run, and while there...
  141. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Thanks Nee, I'm back at work for another little while! and eating all in front of me, but sure its Christmas, and I'll be back on the wagon next week. U working much over Christmas?
  142. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    at least ur good half the week! take comfort in that! i cannot get poker, i kept watching but nope. Now the snooker i enjoyed!
  143. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    hi all, where is everyone? judith I watched what i believe may have been poker on sky sports on sat night- way over my head!! thought on ya hon!!! Nee, how is the job going? are u finding a balance? Collie- stop jumping on and off!!! slow down! Hanz- how are th new kids? adorable or little...
  144. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    good days and bad days. I should run but this weather is making me lazy. Actually enjoying time off, but I know when January hits i'll be bouncing off the walls!
  145. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    sweetie, no man is out of your league. UH UH- NO! you are wonderful and beautiful
  146. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Energy I met a friend for lunch yesterday. She is on my advisory group, and knows that we are waiting on word on the job. I told her that I was finding it hard to stop- mymind was jumping from one thing to another to another in split seconds- tv, facebook, book, tea, tv, text...... She said she...
  147. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Colly- wooooah! That's massive? are you ok? well not ok- head above water I suppose- thinking on ya sweetie. Ok well I am back on the wagon, finally managed to eat well yesterday and went for a short walk in the snow twice. I need a good hard run to work off nervous energy (awaiting word on...
  148. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    happy for you Nee, there's nothing better than loving that which makes you your living!
  149. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    walking to the brink, stepping back, looking over... So my job was gone, and then there was a glimmer of light and now there is another 24 hour wait... I am eating all in sight. I am jumping from one thing to the next, and staring blindlessly thoughtlessly into space. I'm tired. I want to...
  150. K

    Down with Spanx!

    the "bridge" - google it- hurts but good
  151. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    stop the snow has come. The ground is white, roads are treacherous, and people are somehow in a better mood. Or maybe its just me. Our Friday night plans were cancelled and I sat in with a bottle of wine and a bowl of popcorn. And loved lying back watching a DVD. Somehow, these days I don't...
  152. K

    Down with Spanx!

    Spanx, know that feeling. I hate it when works seems to conspire to add weight to me- it is very hard to resist food at work conferences, seminars or training!
  153. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    i didn't know that Posting in another forum of some of the best people I have ever met, I made a realisation. The depression of the past week is probably more to do with my menstrual cycle than simply stress. Reason being, my circumstances have not changed but I feel better this morning, and my...
  154. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    nee, you busy bee! Hanz, i know exactly what you mean. Ate crap this week but coping on today. The first morning in a long time where I woke up happy- its been a tough week (I guess that isn;t long!). Interestingly it is now my TOTM- oooo could PMS have added to my stress and now I feel better...
  155. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    well done that is MASSIVE!!!this job is the start of a whole new you in every way!
  156. K

    The end of the line, or the beginning of a new life?

    Should we be concerned- Tulip- hope you are ok x
  157. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hnaz, when does your job start?? Nee how was last night?
  158. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    oo i assumed it would be this morning and was thinking on ya! h this is the start of somehting big- I can feel it! best of luck, adn break a leg and all that!
  159. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Definately a sign that this new job is meant to be! Good luck with today, this is the beginning. It will not be easy. But it will be worth it.
  160. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Judith where are ya? I am currently using this as a social network cos I am doing no losing weight- chocs here tonight and mulled wine is a cooking! went christmas shopping today with mum! So roll on the Season! I can;t say I feel bad .. yet! then the guilt will hit!
  161. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    GO on the positive- thank them for their support over the past x months, explain that it is your dream job, etc. Also do it in person as you hand over the letter. You can do nothing about the intimidation now so rise above it and make ur leaving as stress free as psooibel. good luck!
  162. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    wagner has to go he has to....
  163. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    ok Nee, so is it a case of dream job and crap money V good money and not so good job?? Bloody hell- can u survive on less money?
  164. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    congratulations to HAnz Hanz I am so proud I wanted to give you a title!! Well done, it must be such a relief plus such a proud moment. What age? (the kids i mean!) Judith honey darling and friend. Please post. I miss you when you are gone. Your humour is always much needed in the doom and...
  165. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    60 days to change my life? "i need to stop treating my body as a landfill" said a writer in O magazine last January. She and I must be very alike, and in response to her realisation, she started a 60 day programme to change her life. She chose Bikram yoga. Its strange sitting here now...
  166. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Well how is it this evening??Hope its been a good day for you!
  167. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    ronsy, you always have a home with us. Thinking on ya honey x
  168. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    ok still have not gone for my walk! ok soon i promise. Nee are you online at work? If so- I am jealous. But saying that, the interenet wastes so much of my time- i've spent well over an hour reading articles on runners world about well, running! Yeah half way through my weight loss, well...
  169. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    starting again? Well it has now been a week since I made my biggest ever dream come true, and I guess its time to move on. I am still in bed, it's my last day off work, and while I would love to lie here all day, sadly there is much to be done. I have lived this past week on eating out and...
  170. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hanz good luck in interview, be positive and enthusiastic. Christmas treats, guess its that time, I need to start thinking about gifts. And Aidan is gone from X factor, well I reckon he wasn;t going to win, but I cannot believe Katie survived again. I do like her, but maybe I'm the only one...
  171. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    well done on yesterday. one day at a time. I know the feeling of over eating well, its a good sign that your body is making it harder for you to do it though.
  172. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    I planned to go to the gym this morning, and woke at midday. I don't think I have ever slept that long. So goodbye gym I think, just for today. I weighed myself- 8 lbs on, but I genuinely don't mind. I know a lot will be gone in a week. Plus, I just ran a marathon!!!! Ladies I recommend it to...
  173. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    it was absolutely amazing! best experience ever., 5 hours 30 mins and 44 seconds! well worth the work
  174. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    i'm back! now what did I miss???
  175. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I ran a marathon. I ran and I finished, jumping in the air. It took me 5 hours 30 minutes and 45 seconds and they were the best 330 mins and 45 seconds of my life. I was so happy, so emotional, so everything. The best crod in the world cheered us on, and miles seemes shorter than any I'd run...
  176. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go. I leave first thing in the morning. It was January i think when this ideas was first mooted, and even though I said yes, I was doubtful it would happen. 10 months and 34 lbs lighter, here I am. Regardless of what happens in New York, I am the fittest I...
  177. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    back up- tuna in spring water?? huh??????? Ok well bed at least.
  178. K

    The end of the line, or the beginning of a new life?

    exact same feeling as I have, but I honestly worry, like in the past, I will put it back on....
  179. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    wouldnt it be great to be able to curl up whenever ya want...
  180. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    nope, i only got to 11 10. but i don;t care. I promise i'll get serious when i get back. well 2 weeks after the marathon! how's you do Nee?
  181. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    is it something about VLCD? maybe the severe drop in calories weakens your immune until you get used to it? No idea really, but thinking of ya, colds are rotten
  182. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hanz, given that i arrive in a tracksuit(!) I sadly could not be further from sex and the city, but hopefully by the end with nices hsoes and a good handbag I'll be feeling that way! Nee, i know more about your constitution than my own!!! Judith, what is a sloppy giuseppe we don;t have pizza...
  183. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    there's someone at work, more senior I suppose, and when we(odd time) work together, he hugs me. Not in an inappropriate way- like your older cousin hugs you- it is just very very very funny! I am on holidays form work! 12 days OFFFFFFFFF. Sweeeeeet
  184. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    How are my little wemitts? Hanz- have you eaten all teh bisuits yet? We all do it, and I trust that this will be short lived- plus it sounds like you are enjoying it, adn its not just bingeing. Judith- sound approach. Nee, stop weighing yourslef! it will drive you demented! I leave my house...
  185. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I have been overcome with nerves, and I have come through. I have one more day at work, which in itself is brilliant. Barr a week in July, I have had the toughest 5 and a half months. It has been a rollercoaster, and I have a feeling at 3pm tomorrow I will want to cry, my colleague is leaving...
  186. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    6 days Hanz, so we won;t have much time cos fri sat and sun is all about marathon and resting, and monday will be recovery!
  187. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Now that would be a support group I would join-someone who would come take the biscuits out of my hands!! Jud- well done! Nee- Well done!!! Nerves are settling, this time next week you will be talking to a marathoner and not just any marathon, the NY marathon. I will do this. Even if I'm on...
  188. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Nee , sorry I'm useless at the exante stuff, but I'd say your body is burning a lot of your fat just because you are so low in cals. Is not going causing you discomfort/ pain?
  189. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    yeah hanz, you need to weigh in. Bu Hnaz you have been absolutely amazing and even IF and its a big IF you sts or gain a little, you are so dedicated that it will be gone in no time. You completely deserve to go a little off plan, esp having your bro home. You have lost so much in a short time...
  190. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    same as that Nee, I liked Treyc too. Love Matt, he can do no wrong in my eyes. Spa was lovely, feel all soft today. But fear is kicking in so it'll be a tough week. Heading out for breakfast with friend- its a tradition, but hopefully I will not overdo it. I also have a first birthday...
  191. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    what you think of x factor? so cosy here, went to spa today with mate- lovely and goin to cinema now, having lovely weekend and hope you all are 2
  192. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Judith, hmmmm, yeah not a good idea, but you know that, and anything we say won't match that feeling you have inside. FOOD When do you go on hols? Folks I'm heading for my last long run.... 12 miles.... (last long run barr marathon next sunday)
  193. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    nee, hope you are delighted, keep going you will do this.
  194. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    My miles 26 Me- now and always..... 25 mum 24 C. God daughter K. Niece A nephew baby bump 23 My angel in heaven 22 Cha 21 Spock 20 Lou 19 Big sister 18 big brother 17 Dad 16 The girl I once was 15 all on here! 14 My aunt who passed away 13 all my young people 12 Ems, G and SS, L and P 11 L and A
  195. K

    Food Addicts Not Anonymous

    filly and kristin- thank you. Filly I did what you said, allowing myself home made foods yesterday, and feel much better today. Kristin- reasons. 1. Work has been high level stress, and once the public event was done, all the behind the scenes stuff that had been left needed to be done...
  196. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    ah u 2 make me laugh!! Love the puns folks!Nee, you are always a princess in my heart! I'm also jealous of the weight loss! but I know how much you are investing in this- fair play to you, you totally deserve the big weight loss. I'm looking forward to coming in on friday (after my 12 miler...
  197. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Hanz a "guy friend" -should we be digging? Enjoy both outings, both sound like fun. Good on you, your successes are an inspiration and so should be shared everywhere! Judith- that evil chocolate bar. I'm telling you they seem to be getting cheekier, and you only looking in the fridge for a...
  198. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Ok today I did not run. BUT i ate: spag bol (with cheese) a bowl of porridge and a bowl of home made popcorn, bit of salt. a little baileys. and a pint of soda water. Is soda water as good as water??? Ok so not great but better than the past week!
  199. K

    the "i want to lose 50lb by 2011" thread

    as are you 2 hanz- well done all, i doubt i will make it, but so long as i keep going, even at a snail's pace i'll be happy!
  200. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    phew!yeah im with jud on the nutritional stuff, just don't be cutting back on a regular basis.but now you have ur bumper pack- no probs from now on!
  201. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    oh i hope your package is there awaiting your reurn and you cna get stuck in! keep up the willpower!
  202. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    Jud, that is a fantastic tip. Today I am going to do laundry adn clean the house. I don't think i am going into work (bank hol here). I will already be doing 24 hours overtime this week. Still loads to do... Anyway I promised I would stop giving work my everything, so today- housework- a good...
  203. K

    Food Addicts Not Anonymous

    remind me people please- how do i stop a bad bout of binge eating- tips please?!
  204. K

    Food Addicts Not Anonymous

    Jill 7 lb gain- yip can do that and beat that! eat til i feel sick and keep eating- yip can do that. have just seen a photo, of a time i did not think i was at my biggest (!) and OMG- BAD BAD BAD Jill, hiding away does not serve you or the world. I hope that through SW you regain some...
  205. K

    The end of the line, or the beginning of a new life?

    12 lbs- amazing!! Jump up and down now. I'm with Awaken on this. Just stop and look for a moment- you have lost over 6stone. That alone, were you to lose no more is a massive achievement. As Galway girl mentioned about living in the now- right now you are successful and fantastic! I know we all...
  206. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Well done inge, and Nee, I wonder what Friday will bring... I am afraid to stand on the scales. The past 2weeks I have been terrible-Judith I know, i need a really big kick up the ass. And the chips last night- low point. Felt I had to go out with a friend I haven't seen in a while and then she...
  207. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Me too, So as soon as you get home let us know!! Is there something more about Day 3 that daunts you? You are doing well my love, keep at it.
  208. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    i just had hre biggest greasiest take away after a night out!!! yummy oh but they used salad cream instead of mayo- WTF!
  209. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    love the photo nee, your hair is class! Judith, us and pizza- its perpetual war! I'm going into work today, I'm not gonna stress it, just get it done, I know I'll feel better after. Have a nice Sunday (its a bank hol here so maybe I'll be able to take tomorrow off if i get loads done today!)
  210. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    deliveries are so awkward, and i know its not life or death but bloody annoying! here's hoping common sense kicks in!
  211. K

    The end of the line, or the beginning of a new life?

    My friend loses hair when she is stressed. I guess with your massive weight loss and aswell You are going through so much these days. I feel you are on the cusp of something, just reading your words, I think you have a lot of potential locked away, as if you are hiding part of who you really...
  212. K

    Food Addicts Not Anonymous

    Em Big hug. Deprivation never works, our bodies' seem to react in the opposite way adn we end up eating everything. A family member of mine is on SW and it is working for her, about 2 stone she has lost now, and she is very balanced in how she approaches her syns. give this site time, adn...
  213. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    rest I had this dreaded feeling all day. The family wedding last night was lovely, and I enjoyed it. But today, perhaps it was the demon in the drink, the feeling was back again. The feeling that it is all too much, that I am not good enough and the feelign of exhaustion hightened with lack of...
  214. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I was tired after 9 hours sleep, and arrived late to work bearing coffees. I knew I was pushing myself- we know the feeling when there just is no fuel left in teh tank. And then bam, a school principal complaining. Bam, a partner agency in serious battle for survival. Bam, it is doubtful there...
  215. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    thanks for the support Nee, I bought 2 dresses in River Island (!) but not sure if I'm too lumpy for them. Wedding is tomorrow OMG Nee, i hope exante is good for you, i have the feeling I need something drastic
  216. K

    The end of the line, or the beginning of a new life?

    Tulip, someone close to me, well the end was marred by silences and in the end, it was a very quiet, though no less sinister, parting. It does not take a confrontation, but a choice, although a very very difficult choice.
  217. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    this has got to be the best soundbite ever. If i ever right a book, I'm using it, that ok Judith? Nee, this is the best thread ever. I dont know if I;ll ever lose more weight. But here just feels like home. Hanz i'd be jealous but I'm too happy for ya Judith, me too - dreaming of full adn...
  218. K

    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    i will be unemployed on the 11th December. I am exhausted from work and from running. I am going for a nap. I'll be ok, just not tonight.
  219. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    ah nee, one bun, one bun... how'd rest of day go?
  220. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Nee, I get scared on fair ground rides, not a chance would i ever jump out of a plane/ off a bridge. UH UH. did WW but not really into them - firstly the support element just wasn't what it was supposed to me. See that's the thing- I can't fix this by diets. I think I need therapy- a friend...
  221. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    i definately do, but I know my eating is still a problem, I need to learn how to amaintain control!
  222. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    I'm talking about new way of losing weight? I always get excited by these things- good motivation in trying something different. After marathon, I am really worried bout piling on the pounds
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    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    excited by it? I need something to get me going after marathon.
  224. K

    The end of the line, or the beginning of a new life?

    welcome home, you were missed. I hope that,despite the mental abuse from OH, that you got some rest. The place sounds beautiful. It is such a shame a toxic person takes some from it. You are a fantastic person nad deserve only respect and love.
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    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    Nee there is a recipe for potato substitute which is cauliflower and low fat greek yoghurt- not the same but it did fill me- I had it with red sauce and it was grand. Technically veg is carbs but not the dense kind, they are so full of water and nutrients that they do plenty of good compared...
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    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    I am trying to work out when to run. My last 20 miles has to be done by Wednesday, so I am thinking about running this evening, then tomorrow morning at the track, then taking a half day Wednesday and doing it. All fitting around work. Sometimes we look at celebs ant think "I wish". But when...
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    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    no cuddles, he wasn't there! Did not mind in the slightest as I knew they were to be in the pub all day. Plenty more fish in the sea!
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    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    yip, me and the girls will be there. same as that Nee, its nice to feel petite
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    Word Association Thread

  230. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    supposed to be meeting him in my local between half ten adn half eleven.... we will see. Thing is he is a foot taller than me (and thats me in heels) which is both good and kinda wierd
  231. K

    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    yip, aim for it, someone has to do it- why not you? one day nee...
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    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    he can paint and decorate me anytime! hahahahaha yeah storm wont last, can' see it, loved her- whats her name?
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    Word Association Thread

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    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    nee, you watching x factor? tempted to make popcorn but stopping myself
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    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    update for those not reading my diary. Hah- a public diary! the gorgeous photographer is in a long term relationship with boxer boy's sister. My world is too small
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    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    hahahahahahhahaha, My friends spent last night Jud telling me to cop on and move on, and you put that little bit of hope back into my heart! yeah life is long.Pink if my hopeless love life cheers you up you go for it- at least my heartache is making someone smile hahahahaha...
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    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    hmmm a 6 ft 4 rugby player yummy... haha meant to meeting him again tonight. Our 2 mates snogged too. He is a really big guy and very cosy to snuggle into after being tossed out of apub. (while awaiting a taxi, no antics to report). That house of wasted desire i set on fire has gone out now...
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    Word Association Thread

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    x Nee x - Operation Princess - Get into the 15's by end of September!!!

    "if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always get" yeah, lots of thinking, Check it out Nee, it could be perfect for you, it might not, but trying it or at least talking to someone is the only way to see...
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    Imagine if i wasn't fat

    social networking - making snooping easy Well the little dream romance is over before it could start. By more social networking snooping, I found his girlfriend. And there on her page was boxer boy's gym's page. And then it clicked. The love of my life (ok that's a stretch but my object of...
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    Word Association Thread

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    Word Association Thread

  243. K

    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee what if i never see or hear form him again........ or worse what if I do, and he is totally uninterested.Or with someone. Or gay.
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    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    Nee, Judith, I've read your posts but cannot comment, my heart is still in a flap. So We said our goodbye, we'll not be working together again. sob sob. Lovely guy. He blushed today in front of me- not quite sure why. Maybe I was intimidating. Left a facebook comment on his business page about a...
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    'BIG' .......Bring on the summer :D

    bring him into my office and have him over my desk? no? no. hahaha must do my hair and chose what to wear, hahahhahhha thanks guys