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  1. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Check out if he's cute before you call the police..:D xx
  2. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Oh OH... Outed on the internet! :) Juno ..
  3. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Well done on the decision!! I sometimes think getting the commitment is the hardest part.. then all you have to do is wait for it to work :D The new wii fit plus arrived last week and the whole family was up doing ski jumps until gone 9 last night. My oldest son has the most incredible sense...
  4. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    I'm so glad you're back, Jenny!! :D If it's the fruit, veg, and yoghurt that's the problem then let me say that I've been eating all of the above! I looked to see which were the low GI fruits and am sticking to those.. strawberries, blueberries, the odd pear, the odd apple. I have a bowl...
  5. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Now stop that right now!!! You've tried something that hasn't been right for you. You aren't the failure... the diet is. You want to eat everything in sight because your body wants to put back all the weight you have lost. It hates change. Go back to when you were in control, and pick...
  6. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Hi Everyone, Well, I'm back in the land of the living again. We got back from Greece and then went straight into half term madness where I don't get a moment that doesn't have 1 or more children in it. My oldest has some nasty exams next week so when I wasn't sorting out the youngest and his...
  7. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Well here I am in sunny Greece.. Boys and husband are sailing and I have just managed to get them to fix the wifi!! Jenny, tell me! Tell me!! what happened on Sunday????? I haven't managed to get on until now. My 8 year old was sick Wed,Thurs,Fri which meant I got NOTHING done, and then we...
  8. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    5 lbs!! Making a total of 15 lbs in 3 weeks! So you were quite right when you said it was catchup! Jeans are fractionally looser, but I reckon another 2 stone needed for a size loss. Are your clothes telling you anything that the scales aren't? I'm getting a bit jaded with eating...
  9. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Oh Jenny, definately get a wii fit bundle, but either get in quick or wait a couple of weeks. The Old Wii Fit is being replaced with Wii Fit Plus at the end of the month, so Wii Fit is being "specialled" off all over the place. You need to get the software and a balance board, but they are...
  10. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Hi Jenny.. Boy, do I know what you mean! I kept looking in cupboards and the fridge wondering what I could eat. I wasn't hungry, and didn't want biscuits or brownies (drat those children!).. I didn't know what I wanted. I think it's this not wanting to change thing. Your brain is thinking...
  11. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Thanks PP.. any idea whether it's a few, a lot or somewhere in between? I keep finding differing opinions.. some books say "hardly anything, don't worry" and others say "way too much, don't even think about wine". How are you finding GoLower.. it's obviously working! Juno ..
  12. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    I'm going to send your wise words right back at you! I think the wine is the problem. I wonder if we water it down with soda so each glass lasts longer (and we are adding to our water intake)? We have to find a way to manage this because we can't spend the weeks being saints, and then have...
  13. junoesque

    1 Stone gone! 7,5 to go :D

    Well done Klev, Carry on as you are going.. It's working, and you are in control.. what a great feeling!! :D Juno ..
  14. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Thanks, Lovey.. I needed that. I think I've been careless. I haven't wanted breakfast for the last few days, so I haven't had any (which is apparently a cardinal sin.. you mustn't let your body go into famine or it starts hanging onto everything it gets), I had the wine (lots :o) and I have...
  15. junoesque

    Self sabotage and why chocolate is a tool of satan. (a saga)

    Hi Kerry, I, too just want to be ordinary. I don't want to have to try so hard all the time. I want to stop justifying being different and pretending to be happy about it. I just want to be accepted by everyone (not just people brave enough to be seen with a fat person :p). I want to feel...
  16. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    :sign0007: Weigh in results for this week are a whopping 1 lb! So.. I know where I went wrong and I won't do it again.. :sigh: Juno ..
  17. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Hey Jenny.. I just found an iPhone app for carb counting!! WooHoo!!!
  18. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Hi Jenny, I may not have given in to the cakie hell on Sunday, but I gave into the wine :eek: and I think that might be as bad. I had the headaches yesterday, so I probably threw myself out of ketosis and got back in yesterday :break_diet: As a result not expecting fabby results this week...
  19. junoesque

    Self sabotage and why chocolate is a tool of satan. (a saga)

    Thank you so much for your kind words. It means a lot to see people who have successfully made the transition into slender beautiful women.. It truely gives me hope! (..and you're absolutely right about photographs. I cringe! But maybe not forever :)) Juno ..
  20. junoesque


    Never mind that you can't swim.. what a great opportunity to learn!! At most leisure centres that have a pool, they have a training pool which is the same depth the whole length (usually a bit over waist deep) so it isn't scary because you can stand up, and they all have lessons available (even...
  21. junoesque


    I totally agree with Crazy Brit about low impact when you are heavier.. you could really do yourself some damage. ..and with winter coming rapidly on, I can imagine getting off the bus several stops early and walking the rest of the way through sleety rain may lose it's appeal. How about a...
  22. junoesque

    Holla All - I need some help!

    Hi Sy, 7 stone to lose is par for the course around here, so don't be embarrassed .. we all have a different story, but we're all united in the need to lose the outer us, and reveal the thinner us struggling to get out! Turn your back on subway!!! Step away from the door and think about...
  23. junoesque

    Self sabotage and why chocolate is a tool of satan. (a saga)

    Stephy, I'm here for the long run too, and I'd love to have you as a friend! We need to keep telling each other to be graceful not grateful!! Juno ..
  24. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    When we stop going to things that we like because we think we are too old, then we need to reassess. You go girl!! (incidentally, I bought my husband tickets to see Paul Weller for his last birthday. It was mostly men, mostly over 55 and all of them playing air guitar and singing along...
  25. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Hi Jenny, I was AWOL yesterday with family stuff.. sorry I couldn't get on to say :talk017: WELL DONE. In the normal scheme if things 1-2 lbs a week is a pretty good effort. Don't lose sight of the fact that you've lost over half a stone in 2 weeks, without too much pain or self denial. I...
  26. junoesque

    Self sabotage and why chocolate is a tool of satan. (a saga)

    Thank you everyone, for your kind messages and support. I really appreciate it, and it was pretty cathartic for me to get that out of my head, where it has been lurking for years. It's a bit like having a baby -, course, programme is based around actually having the baby...
  27. junoesque

    Self sabotage and why chocolate is a tool of satan. (a saga)

    Thank you Steph, I also hate being the centre of attention and I completely understand your fears, but fore-warned is for-armed. This is going to happen, and you are going to be much much more noticed than you are now. Start thinking now (before your transformation) about how you will...
  28. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Hi Jenny, I have been having killer headaches too, but I think it might be coffee withdrawal. I haven't been having as much coffee (because the coffee was really so I could have the biscuit :rolleyes:) and I think that might be it.. I had a fantastic dinner last night involving fake mashed...
  29. junoesque

    100lbs Gone - Sort of

    Well spotted, Rainbow.. 9kgs per month is a stone and a half..which would be going some, even on a VLCD. Don't set yourself up for a fall Sweetie. Juno ..
  30. junoesque

    So much to lose-head is spinning! :0(

    I weigh myself on the wii fit, and have the numbers under lock and key. My husband and children can't actually compute how much I weigh.. come to think of it I weigh as much as all of them added together!! (in my defence, the children are 11 and 8 and stick thin.. husband has hollow...
  31. junoesque

    New to WeMITTS - six stone to lose!

    Congratulations on the loss so far.. I understand about the gym membership thing only too well. How about getting an exercise DVD or wii fit (if you have a wii) as a short term solution? You can jump about in the privacy of your own home until you are comfortable enough (both...
  32. junoesque

    Lots of weight to shift...

    I totally agree.. Huge numbers are terrifying (unless they are in the loss column.. then they are very friendly indeed ;)) so use little goals to keep yourself motivated, come on and tell us how you are doing often (so we can cheer for you :happy036:), and move onto the next one. I think of...
  33. junoesque

    100lbs Gone - Sort of

    Hmmmm. It depends on what you mean by "in a healthy way". 20kgs is just over 3 stone so you could possibly do it with a VLCD.. Normally the rule of thumb for SW/WW is 2-3 lbs a week x 12 OR 8-12lbs per month x 3 =24-36lbs or 10-16kgs so not with SW/WW Although 139kgs is what you would...
  34. junoesque

    So much to lose-head is spinning! :0(

    BBB, you're on your way.. and you can't do much more than that, can you! You've taken the biggest step. The rest is just waiting to become history and statistics. When you see someone in the street that is bigger than average do you think horrible things about him/her? I'll bet you don't...
  35. junoesque

    Self sabotage and why chocolate is a tool of satan. (a saga)

    I have always been big. I was a plump baby, a chunky child and a substantial teenager. This is my story and a revelation I have had, that I just need to get out of my system. This very self-indulgent, so I apologise in advance. I have walked 3 times now down the rocky, painful path of...
  36. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Well weigh in was today, and my first weeks loss is... 9 lbs ! I'm very pleased because I don't feel like I have had to change my life to fit the diet, which means it may .. just .. work! Whoopee!! Juno ..
  37. junoesque

    I must really mean it because I've just signed up to a gym!

    :eek: Whatta woman! Well done.. You've done what I know I should.. I'm VERY impressed. Juno ..
  38. junoesque

    New WEMITTS Member

    Claire, I LOVE the wii fit. I'll bet you would be fine on it..give it a go! ..Only do it in the dead of night to save embarrassment, but the worst thing that can happen is it will give an error. You can put a code on your weight profile so no one else can see it too.. I'll bet you're...
  39. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Hi Jenny, Yes, weigh in is tomorrow and the urge to weigh is HUGE!!! ..but..must...not..weigh.. myself..yet... The carb cravings are subsiding and and I'm not hungry at all (ahh the warm blanket of ketosis descends..) but I want to eat during the day.. by the evening I can barely face it. I...
  40. junoesque

    New WEMITTS Member

    One of the best things about having a lot to lose is that in the beginning (when we really need the boost) it drops off really fast, so 12lbs is a fabulous loss, and not too unusual on this forum.. I'll bet you feel fantastic about it because it's another stepping stone down the journey, and...
  41. junoesque

    Scared of the plane - HELP

    ..even with the sweat running down your hairline.. :8855: Damn, we're good! Juno .. x
  42. junoesque

    So much to lose-head is spinning! :0(

    Sorry for barging in but I just wanted to say HUGE congratulations on your first week's success!! :happy096: Well done.. Juno ..
  43. junoesque

    Scared of the plane - HELP

    Love this story!! You go girl!!
  44. junoesque

    Scared of the plane - HELP

    Hi Claire, I am so with you on the excruciating embarassment of aeroplane travel.. all the way from getting the seatbelt done up, past the thighs lifting up the armrests and finally landing at the pulldown tray that doesn't drop down flat so your food and drink slides off.. It fills me with...
  45. junoesque

    losing weight but seeing no difference? 31lbs

    YAY Guru!!!! :talk017: You must be over the moon! Go and find something that weighs 50lbs and try and pick it up.. 12(ish) 2 kg bags of sugar all at once. That is how much you aren't carrying around anymore! Well done! Juno ..
  46. junoesque

    losing weight but seeing no difference? 31lbs

    Too true!! I lost it from my head down, and at one point I looked EXACTLY like a pear! Size 10 on top and size 18 thighs! ..But the good news is it all wanders about and sorts itself out and you end up all in proportion again.. Thank goodness!
  47. junoesque

    losing weight but seeing no difference? 31lbs

    I always think that people being so unobservant protected me whilst I was getting bigger, and it's bound to get in the way on the way down. I remember a friend who got their braces off their teeth after 4 long years, smiling and smiling at everyone, and no one working out what was different...
  48. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Hello Stephybaby and Goinggoinggone and welcome!! I'm afraid I don't know much about xenical or the WLS route, but there are certainly people here who do !! There are separate categories for both of them on the main page and all the people who can help you are gathered there, waiting to...
  49. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Hi Jenny. I was just coming on to find out when you were getting the good news! 4.5 LBs is excellent considering, and the best thing is that next week should be the exciting one! I refuse to weigh myself until thursday, so as to avoid obsessive weighing (which I am prone to :rolleyes:) I'm...
  50. junoesque

    losing weight but seeing no difference? 31lbs

    When I lost a lot of weight last time (I've done it 3 times now!) I remember how incensed I was because I had lost 3 stone and NO ONE had noticed! Possibly, also your clothes are a reason.. The whole reason we wear the clothes we do is that they HIDE us and they are obviously doing their job...
  51. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    6 pounds is Fantastic! Are you still looking about for food or has the reductil taken away the urge to eat as well as the hunger? It sounds odd to ask that but half the time I eat for reasons other than hunger, and unless I feel sick I still could eat a chocolate cake if you put it in front...
  52. junoesque

    What 5 things are you looking forward to doing....

    Dreadful how society has made us feel guilty for how we look! No wonder most of us have self esteem in our boots.. That's what is so good about the WEMITTs. No judgement because everyone has walked a mile in the same shoes. Just keep taking steps.. sometimes baby ones and sometimes giant...
  53. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Great work on achieving your first week, Jenny :happy036: The teeny little bags of granola had me very worried when I first unpacked the boxes, but by the time everything is added together it's the right size.. It's all part of re-adjusting what my brain perceives as "the right amount"...
  54. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Thanks Chelle. The head space is a huge problem, and finding the spur that makes you take your weight out of the too-hard basket and do something about it is really difficult. I have found in the past that the spur usually runs up and attacks me :p In my case it's a fabulous trip to Africa...
  55. junoesque

    What 5 things are you looking forward to doing....

    Oh, and I forgot.. 6) Meeting up with old friends you have re-found in facebook, instead of dodging the meeting! May I please have 6.. please..
  56. junoesque

    What 5 things are you looking forward to doing....

    Fantastic Thread.. My 5 things are: 1)Not squirming and blushing when a small child says the word "fat" 2)Taking my children swimming because I'm not afraid of the swimming costume. 3)Being able to get on an aeroplane and not even consider the seatbelt. 4)Getting off a sofa without...
  57. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Jenny, I'll be really interested to see how you get on with GoLower.. so far it all seems a bit too easy. All the food I have had so far is delicious..I mean really nice! And I'm full after each meal too, but that's the vegetables I think. I had the pork in mustard sauce and it was almost...
  58. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Hi back, GoLower is a diet that is kind of like Atkins in that it's low carb, but it provides the food which you top up with fresh fruit and veg (unlike Atkins!). I lost 4 stone on Atkins but I just couldn't cope with all that meat and I fell off the wagon. GoLower provide you with a...
  59. junoesque

    Can I dip my toe in, please?

    Hi Everyone. Can I join you all, please:) I am one of those people that lose huge amounts on a diet (like cambridge) put it all back on over a couple of years with interest and then go through the whole thing again (3 times). I move between size 12 and 24.. up and down. I have shedloads of...