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  1. M

    Atkins & Lipotrim (TFR)

    Thanks I'll check out your thread!
  2. M

    Atkins & Lipotrim (TFR)

    I started on lipotrim and am currently in ketosis. I would like to combine atkins and tfr if I can maintain my current weight loss. Has anyone else done this? Lipotrim generally gives me 3+ pounds loss per week. I don't want to transfer to atkins completely as I am looking for the faster loss...
  3. M

    Back on TFR...eek

    Congrats kirby. You're doing awesomely great!
  4. M

    NEW START......

    Wow. That's fab kerry. Congratulations. Nothing yet. Various things got in the way including dying of a flu! Hoping to start during easter hols when things quieten down. Have you heard of slim and save? Someone mentioned it on another post. Said same losses as lipotrim but you can eat. Gonna...
  5. M

    Back on TFR...eek

    Hi Kirbygirl. Did you manage to stick with it? I'm back after having put all the weight back up this year. I kept it off for two years. So curious to hear.
  6. M

    Failure again or I can do this!

  7. M

    NEW START......

    Hey kerry. Where have you disappeared to? Hope you're still on?!
  8. M

    NEW START......

    You're flat out baking. Could you pick a more dangerous job?!!!! Say a prayer for me tomorrow
  9. M

    NEW START......

    Hey kerry. What you up to? Chemist called Saturday that shakes in tomorrow so fingers crossed I have some willpower this time! How was your weekend?
  10. M

    NEW START......

    AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! That's fantastic -so excited for you!!!!! Woweeeee.
  11. M

    NEW START......

    Congrats for making it to that point of peace with the diet. It takes a couple of weeks but once you're there it's as good as it will get. Good luck! I know it'll be epic!
  12. M

    NEW START......

    Oh ya and CONGRATULATIONS! !!!!
  13. M

    NEW START......

    You won't believe this kerry. I went to chemist today and she had no strawberry shakes. Don't know if you remember but that's all I like!!!! Delivery probably monday she said but could be tuesday!°°° is this a fricking sign????? I've kept calorie intake down though so might lose a few lbs in...
  14. M

    NEW START......

    OK I've been bold - going chemist in morning for official weigh-in :-(
  15. M

    NEW START......

    Ugh. Gonna try just closing my gob and stopping eating. Give myself a week and if no good, will jump back to lipotrim. I ruined it yesterday! Can I still come on here now and chat with you??
  16. M

    NEW START......

    That's more like it!!!! Chat tomorrow :-)
  17. M

    NEW START......

    So my choices are: jump back on tomorrow or try the fitness way. I'm gonna try getting back on. I tried aykins in the past. I just think it's fine if you have a stone to lose. Not 4. I'm disappointed now. Gonna call into my chemist tomorrow and get on board officially to put some pressure on...
  18. M

    NEW START......

    Can't do it kerry. Im outta here. Maybe try 2 shakes a day or just join slimming world or something
  19. M

    NEW START......

    Ara sure if we tried to figure out how we got back here, we'd think of loads. Life just gets in the way sometimes. We need to find an alternative comfort. That's the reality. Just finishing shake #1. Wavering but keep scolding myself to stay on track. Hope you're well today - so far, nobody new...
  20. M

    NEW START......

    Long day but not even cause of diet. Just not well. Think down with something. Anyway. I survived day 1. Albeit very grumpily with vague moments of happiness! !!!! Going bed. Hopefully feel better day tomorrow. :-) I only have enough shakes for 2 days. So will have to head to chemist...
  21. M

    NEW START......

    We can do it alright Here's to shake 3. Do you find you're still hungry today?
  22. M

    NEW START......

    Great. Excited to hear how you get on. What a bad day for starting. I just feel like crap cause of this cold/flu or whatever it is. Better get shake #2 now! Do you ever find you trying to convince yourself that if you went and did another diet you'd be grand? I'm there right now!
  23. M

    NEW START......

    I think you'll lose loads! I'm starting today. Dreading it cause also woke up feeling pretty ill. Not sure if it's flu or just exhaustion but gotta suck it up! Here goes nothing!!!!
  24. M

    NEW START......

    Yay! I was so worried you fell off and was thinking no way I can do this without you! So glad you got through. Amazing how food can screw you up. Are you desiring a weigh in yet?!
  25. M

    NEW START......

    Kerry? You still there?!
  26. M

    NEW START......

    Hi kerry. Bloody phone died on me today. No charger. So wasn't able to tune in and wish you luck tonight. I presume it's over. Hope it went ok for you. I'm starting monday now. Life is so chaotic right now. I hardly have time to breathe. Let me know how you got on.
  27. M

    NEW START......

    Hi!!!! Nothing too special today. I'm exhausted. Was at doc today. Was off thyroid pills for couple weeks and it caused exhaustion so only wanna go sleep now. Anyway glad you had busy day. Chatted to my lipotrim lady in chemist today. She's so awesome and supportive. Told her I'll be in by...
  28. M

    NEW START......

    Hope your day went well. I'm looking forward to finally dealing with this weight. It's amazing you've held out this long for the weigh in!!!!
  29. M

    NEW START......

    You will stick to it. You can do this and you....we... can keep it off and we're going to. You say you're finished having kids. Well now let's go for it. After this, we're both committing to, at the very least, monthly weigh ins. So we don't let it go too far. But, more importantly, take this...
  30. M

    NEW START......

    Ya I feel like my birthday present to myself will be "suffering". Thanks! Will start soon! How you doing today?
  31. M

    NEW START......

    Ok Kerry. Don't kill me with all the yo yoing. Tomorrow's my birthday so am stalling I don't wanna spend it with headaches and knackered. I will definitely be with you this week sometime! Hopefully Friday. And we're skipping the do Saturday night or maybe showing after the dinner.
  32. M

    NEW START......

    I guess 4 1/2 stone but aim for healthy weight range for now which is 4. Mad to think in 5 weeks I could be halfway there. In ten weeks on same day as your party, it's Aisling's Communion so I should be over 3 stone lighter. How great would that feel. I'd be a size 14 then. Fingers crossed. I...
  33. M

    NEW START......

    Off to bed now so with the new me on duty in the morning!!!!!! Such a love/hate relationship with lipotrim!
  34. M

    NEW START......

    I never thought about weight making you look younger. I bet the way you feel emanates from you too which helps.
  35. M

    NEW START......

    Ok. Tomorrow it is. I'm not sure I'm in the right frame of mind but I think hubby is right. This is what I want now. "Don't give up what you want most for what you want now. " Time to practice that. I cannot believe you have not weighed in yet. That is insane but kind of a cool idea. Not sure I...
  36. M

    NEW START......

    Ugh kerry I failed! I forgot my fricking shakes and was on the road :-( so here's my current dilemma. I have a do on Saturday night. It's a sit down dinner thing. I committed to it before xmas. I want to go because it's a great cause. I don't want to go cause I hate the way I look. I want to...
  37. M

    NEW START......

    Wow. Don't think I could eat. I have a do on Saturday night with full dinner. Have to figure out excuse to get out of showing up until after dinner is done. How was today for you. My turn to join the initial suffering tomorrow! Wish me luck! You've done brilliantly. You will fly through this. Xxx
  38. M

    NEW START......

    Hi Kerry. So I came home late last night and my hubby had a breakfast spread especially for me this morning I knew he forgot so I didn't have the heart to say anything. My question now is do I start for lunchtime or dinner or leave it till tomorrow. What do you think. I can't believe you...
  39. M

    NEW START......

    You go girl! I'm so fricking excited for you. So proud of you. Tough week but you're almost at week 1. I'm totally with you in spirit and joining in tomorrow. I'm at a trade fair these past couple days so been so busy but back home tonight. Ibiza will be fabulous!
  40. M

    NEW START......

    Kerry. Where are you. How are you. I got so busy past couple days. Hope you're hanging in there. Let me know
  41. M

    NEW START......

    Hi Kerry. I'm afraid I'm not gonna start till Monday. I actually am going away over the weekend etc so decided best chance for success is to start when I'll be home. Keep going and by next week you'll be inspiring me more than ever. Ignore the tough stuff. Think of the end result. You will be...
  42. M

    NEW START......

    Aw! Here we go my dear......I know this week will be tough tough tough but I know we can do it.....again :-)
  43. M

    2nd time around :-(

    You're not a failure! This is the hardest diet to do. I know! I've successfully done it once. This does not make you or me a failure. I too have not finished day 1. It's ok. There are a loy worse things in life that can happrn. Onwards and upwards. We will do it. When our heads are ready :-)
  44. M

    2nd time around :-(

    Halfway through day 1 and dying to quit already! I have to remind myself that I have failed to drop the pounds any other way and this is the best option for me
  45. M

    2nd time around :-(

    How did your day go? Tough having to go back on isn't it? But we know the results are definite and guaranteed so we've got to do it
  46. M

    2nd time around :-(

    Ugh. I know that feeling. Although if you did it it wouldn't take so long. Now I've left it I've gained four stone back out of the five I lost. So disappointed. Gotta get back on board. I need my confidence back. One day at a time.
  47. M

    2nd time around :-(

    Ok. I'm back. Made every excuse possible and failed again :-( I am not going to make any claims. I'm just going to try my best. I have nothing coming up in the next month so have no excuses! Day 1. Anybody still hanging in there or wanna try buddying up....again?!!!! I've hit 200lbs today so...
  48. M

    2nd time around :-(

    Ok. Day 1 today. I have my pint of water and I'm pretty positive. It's usually the end of the first day that I fail so gonna focus on minimins tonight to avoid failure. How's everyone else doing? Everybody stick to week 1?
  49. M

    2nd time around :-(

    Thanks everyone. This is tough. It didn't happen this week for various reasons. Gonna try again tomorrow. Any tips to stick to it?? If I could just get through 5 days I know id be fine. Starting tomorrow
  50. M

    2nd time around :-(

    So I lost a huge amount of weight on this two years ago. Kept it off until October when a close friend died. I immediately slipped back into comfort eating and am now back to square one with over 30 lbs to lose. Disappointed but really having trouble just cutting back so need to do tfr again...
  51. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Wow. Where the hell did that month go?! Good luck with those sleepless nights - hopefully there will be longer sleeping spells soon! Take your time with worrying about weight again. You deserve a break. I am struggling with the last stone I lost to keep it off. So, I am varying between 150 and...
  52. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    hi kerry ! sorry it took me so long to get back on. delighted for you and so happy you're both well. enjoy your new bundle! tiring but joyous. Will chat more again!
  53. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    yay!!!! can't write more right now. ill try tomorrow!
  54. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    waiting with bated breath. hope all went brilliantly. can't wait to hear all the details!!!!
  55. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    welcome ladies! hang in there. that first weeks weigh-in makes it all worth while. take it week by week and if you feel you're wavering pop into the chemist for a mid-wegek weigh in. try fizzy water too. i find it took my mind off the diet. black tea is good too. and most of all keep checking in...
  56. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    2 more weeks Kerry!!!! Soooo exciting!!!! I wanted to come on and wish you the best of luck with the whole thing - may you all be healthy and safe!! Loads of love coming from this side of the Irish sea. Hope you're done nesting and get ready for the fun part!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
  57. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Hi Kerry! Took me ages to get over that sickness - got over the cough with the 1st round of antibiotics, then got a head thing - 2nd round of antibiotics got rid of that. I feel like I was sick for the 1st 2 months of the year. My work has fallen behind and I'm in the middle of studying for some...
  58. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    LOL!!! But you'll have a fabulous new bundle to hold after all that! How are things Kerry? I have been manic busy lately so sorry for not catching up. Btw kept meaning to ask how the home schooling is going? And the cake business? You must be starting to get tired these days. That part I don't...
  59. M

    When the scales say Err!

    Great job Dusty! The mini-goals are awesome. Meant to tell you - take your measurements. They are a fantastic motivator. You would be shocked what you can lose in inches every 2 weeks. Good luck with week 2! You can do this!
  60. M

    When the scales say Err!

    Congratulations!!!! That's amazing!!!! Well-deserved. Onwards and downwards.....Good luck with week 2 - you are going to do great on this plan!
  61. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Hey Kerry! Time is flying for you. So delighted for you. You're really embracing the pregnancy. It's fabulous to hear about! Thanks for the photo comments. Still difficult accepting compliments but thank you. I don't know if it's the Irish thing but I usually would knock myself down after those...
  62. M

    When the scales say Err!

    Reading your posts brings me back to when I started this diet - it seemed like the end was so far away. Turns out it wasn't. I don't know what to say to you all that have started because I know it seems so daunting right now. Please hang in there. Losing weight and gaining back lost confidence...
  63. M

    Julies Diary: A post for each day inside!

    Fair play to you. It's gonna be a great journey. I hope your insight helps others starting this diet - you sound so determined and optimistic - I have no doubt you will plough on. I do believe something triggers people to do this diet and whatever that thing is, it has begun for you. Good luck...
  64. M

    the shame of being me

    I was a pure stress eater so i totally get it. Telling myself that missing food wasn't the worse thing that could happen to me just did the trick. You definitely need the distraction
  65. M

    the shame of being me

    Hi Cherry! No, I went off in the summer. I made my target weight - maintaining now. Sooooo worth it! Was on it for 3 months and the results were just the best thing that I've achieved in years! Hope you stick with it cherrygem. If you could just keep telling yourself that food isn't really that...
  66. M

    the shame of being me

    Good luck cherrygem. Don't worry about what you're gonna lose. You will lose a load in the first few weeks so you will feel great at that christening. One day at a time. Get to the first hurdle, then the 2nd, etc. And best of luck. We all deserve to feel good about ourselves.
  67. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Hey Kerry. You're a braver woman than me - I have zero pain tolerance - used to ask when I could get the epidural as soon as I entered the hospital! Good luck with the home birth thing. Exciting times for you. Don't worry bout the weight so much - it is what it is. Not doing too badly - put up...
  68. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Congratulations on your news Kerry! Hope ye are all well and just wanted to say merry Christmas!
  69. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    I, like you, still check in Kerry! Not as often as I used to. I remember when I had to check in a couple, if not, a few times a day. It's such a great support mechanism. Good luck with the home schooling. Sometimes, we certainly have to claim back our kids from various things! That will be a...
  70. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Wow Kerry! You are expanding - all good though! I retained a lot of water during my pregnancies too so I know what that's like. I went in to my sister's delivery of her first child and I remember when her waters broke, she pretty much flooded the delivery room! It took about 10 towels to clear...
  71. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    How's everybody doing? Only 5 odd weeks till Xmas. That's mad isn't it? How's the bump Kerry? How close are you to the finish line Lilac? Hope everybody's well!!
  72. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Your brain's already fried!! That young one is eating it up on you!! :p Don't worry bout putting up weight Kerry. Get rest, eat what you have to to keep going and don't worry so much about the numbers. Have you tried crackers? Ryvita did me really good in one of my pregnancies. I really hope...
  73. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Just saw your message Kerry. I leave on Thursday morning. 18 hour journey - 3 flights - won't feel it without 4 kids in tow though! So excited now. Hope we get nice weather now. Will try and post some pics after the trip - will take my camera for sure of me supping on a cocktail! Or two. xx
  74. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    6 lbs as of today officially at chemist - refeed tomorrow - gotta say 'thank God!' Hope all's well ladies!!!
  75. M

    the shame of being me

    Great idea! Try it - you have nothing to lose except more weight!
  76. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    4 days on and lost 4 1/2 lbs. Just finished day 5 and one more day tomorrow, then refeed starts sunday. Don't stop lilac - I had a stone to go and I went off it thinking I could lose the last bit on my own - regretted it right away - about 2 weeks later went back on to lose the last stone. Lose...
  77. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    How you doing Lilac? Hope you've gotten back on board. Not long to go and you will be finished!!! Kerry, the photos are awesome. You are definitely having a big one!!! You look just fab - there's a reason they use the word 'beaming' for pregnant ladies like you! So, I was slow losing so I went...
  78. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    What date are you due in May? My daughter is May 2nd! She'll be 4 though! Where does the time go? Hope your pregnancy goes a little easier for you this time. I'm all good - lost a few pounds - bout 7 to go and I'll be back where I ended lipo at. I am going to California because my best...
  79. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Hey Kerry. How you doing? Ugh. Those deliveries were tough. Brave you is all I can say! How's the sickness going? Improving at all? I know a girl who was told she was having twins when she was 6 months pregnant! LOL! Good luck!!!! You do get bigger though. My last guy was my biggest. And you...
  80. M

    the shame of being me

    What a mess Cherrygem! You have to start putting yourself first and maybe, without that negativity around you, you can actually get started on a new you, inside and out. The bottom line is that true love doesn't see weight. It really doesn't. I know, cause I've been there. I was there for almost...
  81. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    That's nothing Kerry. Keep it all in perspective - that's just over half a stone and you lost about 5. What's that - 10%?! No problem. Once you spout out this lil one, you'll get that off just breathing let alone dieting! xx Glad you had a nice holiday. How's the illness going? I'm doing fine -...
  82. M

    the shame of being me

    Keep going cherrygem - I promise you it will get better every day
  83. M

    the shame of being me

    WOW! Well done you! Get back on the bandwagon right away. You see you've done it for a week and the results you can get - don't worry bout celebrating. If you want to splash out splash out on something else like makeup, jewellry, a new top, etc. Food is no longer a splashing out item. Good luck...
  84. M

    the shame of being me

    Great job! Keep going! Imagine the week's weigh-in - it's soooo worth it!
  85. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Have a fantastic holiday Kerry. You deserve it. Relax and enjoy cause you'll soon be doing the night feeds again!!!xxxxx
  86. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    I have a couple pics up but at that stage I had a stone left to lose - I actually have no recent pics. Must dive into the holiday pics and see. In the meantime I'll make the photos public.
  87. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    You look perfectly fantastic. Fair play to you. You have lost so much and you're so close to the finish line. What an inspiration! Congrats! :worthy:
  88. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    FUNNY!!!!!!!! Electric lilac, you're making me lol. Jaysus Kerry, talk about everything smooshed into 1 week. Good luck with that. As for morning sickness. I had that with 3 out of 4 pregnancies to varying degrees. I found just eating almost continuously all day helped but tiny amounts. Like...
  89. M

    the shame of being me

    Don't worry bout the scales, just get your head in the mode!!!! We're all here right behind you and rooting for you. Good luck hon!!!! xxxx
  90. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Hi Kerry! I've been stuck doing a course for the past week and a half - in and out of school, then hotel room, rushing home for a couple days and back again today. All done tomorrow though thank God. Busy time ahead for me. Anyway! That's where I've been! But I did peek at your pics yesterday...
  91. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you!!!! As far as lipotrim - get off it - you need proper food for your baby - first few months are...
  92. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Hi Kerry! YAY! It'll happen but they always say the last stone moves the slowest. I'm kind of watching what I eat - not very strict with ww but I managed to lose 2 lbs since coming back so I'm 10 stone 3 right now and fine with that. Trying to make smart choices - for instance, I'm in a hotel...
  93. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    DON'T YOU DARE KERRY!!!!!!!! Keep it up at least until right before you go and do refeed right before hols. Look how tough it was to go back on after the last time. Don't make me come over there.......
  94. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Still a loss Kerry - congratulations - and, you know, the week after a slow week is usually better than good - so good luck! Can't believe you've less than a stone to go - so awesome!!!!! We did it!!!!! Sooooo delighted for you!!!! Your other half sounds like a sweetie. He really marked the day...
  95. M

    the shame of being me

    So sorry to hear that cherrygem. Prioritise your grief first. And your dad will then help you get where you want to go. xxxx
  96. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    ok I'm confused - when is your official weigh-in day and what is the unofficial? Keep it simple Kerry! You're losing me!!!! There's a very good chance you'll lose the stone before you go. Are you going on refeed before though? So, really you only have 2 weeks and bit to go? Or is the 3 weeks up...
  97. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    So happy for you Kerry. Busy week ahead of me so won't have much time to check in. So proud of you - only a stone to go!!!!! I put up over 5 lbs on hols but I'm fine with that cause I said I'd give myself half a stone leeway. Anyway, gonna do ww this week and see how I go and if I don't drop...
  98. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Waiting to hear Kerry! Good luck - I know you will get into the 11s.Well done for sticking to it again!
  99. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary TAKE 3......

    Hi Kerry!!! Over here on my hols and wanted to check in with you. First week's a struggle but you're doing awesome and thank God you stuck it out so far. Isn't it mad that you still lose so huge on your first week even when you don't have so much left to lose. Aim for your 11 1/2 stone. It won't...
  100. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Good to hear from you Kerry! No worries. You've still lost 3 1/2 stone on it haven't you. That's something to be extremely proud of. Give yourself a big pat on the back for it. We know how hard it is to do this diet. Try getting into slimming world more. It'll help I'm sure. You're only about...
  101. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Meant to tell you Kerry, I put up the before and after pics but they're not very good. I didn't take many pics when I was fat especially full length. Never thought to take one when I started.
  102. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    I've heard it does. If I could start all over, I think I would try to do the situps the whole time as I was going along with the hope that it helps. I didn't do any exercise. I also heard that you should give it 2 years of working out before you try anything more drastic. Good luck cherrygem!!!
  103. M

    Refeed and terrified but determined, I think!

    Back on refeed today! So excited. Finished another week and a half of tfr and lost 12 1/2 lbs putting me within 2lbs of my target. I stopped so I could have refeed week done before my holidays next week. I've decided lipotrim is one of the best things that ever happened to me since I have this...
  104. M

    How the heck can I possibly stay slim while eating?!!

    Well, I'm back on refeed and very excited! I did a week and a half of tfr and managed to drop about 12lbs, only 2 lbs off target. I would've kept going but I am going on holidays in 6 days so thought I'd get the refeed behind me before I go. I will be on my last day the day we are flying, so the...
  105. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Well, 3.5 lbs off on my 2nd week, 4th day, so I'm back onto refeed and I'll have it mostly done before my holiday. Absolutely delighted with lipotrim - it has given me a new lease on life. Thursday, the day I'm flying, is my last day of refeed, so the plan is to have my shake at the airport, a...
  106. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Get back up on the horse! Don't worry - look forward and good luck again! It's a very tough diet but if you could grit your teeth for that first week, I promise it does get easier!
  107. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    How you doing cherrygem - any first weigh in yet?
  108. M

    I feel bad :(

    One of the side effects of lipotrim can be feeling down. So, it's not unusual. I'm sure if you search the forum, you will find other people who have felt what you do. Your OH is right though-I have lost all my weight and I do feel so much better and have caught up with all those friends, etc...
  109. M

    Day 16 and constipated :(

    Dulcolax once a week would be my advice too. I take one at night going to bed and by the next morning I get busy! I do it once a week too and find it works a charm. Good luck!!!
  110. M

    My lipotrum journey

    Congratulations everybody!!! Keep slimming - it's all so worth it!!!
  111. M


    Congratulations! Such a great feeling isn't it?!!! Good luck with week 2 - that should be enough encouragement to keep you going! It's all going to be worth it - trust me!!!
  112. M

    Not much help at the chemist

    Well done on your weight loss to date! You're over the worst of it! I have heard of this in the past. My advice would be to take the trip across town every week because you are going to be on this for a long time. My experience with my chemist has been that she has been a wonderful pillar of...
  113. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Where is everybody? I've lost 9.1 pounds on my first week back. Very happy with that. Going back Friday to see how I'm doing - might be able to go off then so I can do my refeed before my holidays. Anyway, waiting to hear how everybody's doing!!!
  114. M

    Refeed and terrified but determined, I think!

    Hey Nicki - answered you on another thread. Good luck!!!
  115. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Hey Slimmerfletch - if you manage to hang in there for 2 weeks, the tiredness should be gone. It's so worth it because you are guaranteed to lose weight and it's completely under your control with lipotrim. It's different with everybody. My worst day was day 5 but it took me 2 weeks to get out...
  116. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Hey all - hope everybody's weekend went well. Hope you're still with us slimmerfletch and cherrygem. How's everything Kerry? You hanging in there? Keep slimming ladies!!!!xxx
  117. M

    July Challenge..

    Just in the nick of time!!!! Leon : 16lbs ~ -4lbs, -7lbs, -2lbs, +3lbs , -8lbs (= 18lbs this month) Dolphin10: 16 Ibs Fizzyfluff: 18lbs ~ -11.8lbs, -4, -2, -1.5, (=19.5) Dave: 16lbs Chester: 15lbs (-13.5lbs = 1.5lbs to go) Susie : 16 lbs Becky: 14 lbs (-6.6, june loss, keeping challenge at...
  118. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    7.6 lbs down! And I just started day 6! Gonna weigh in again Tuesday. YAY FOR ME!!!!!! :-)
  119. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Hi all. Day 5 and going surprisingly well considering this was my worst day last time. Cherrygem, as Kerry said, you are worth it. I think sometimes we get so caught up in minding everybody around us, we forget to look after ourselves. Keep going. This is for you and you alone. It will make you...
  120. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Keep checking in cherrygem - you can do it!!!!
  121. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Hey slimmerfletch - here's a quote off lipotrim's website: '' Once you reach your desired weight or are ready to stop, the pharmacy will help you switch back to eating ordinary food and introduce you to Lipotrim Maintenance products to help you maintain your new weight.'' There's the answer...
  122. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    I don't bother with ketostix - you will be in ketosis within a few days - you will feel it in your mouth and your breath - once you're in it you won't be out unless you cheat.
  123. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Hi all! Cherrygem - the 1st week is the hardest but you've got to get it in your head that you cannot eat!!!! After a week, you will start to feel better and then it becomes second nature after a few weeks. Slimmerfitch - the purpose of lipotrim is to get to your healthy weight range - I guess...
  124. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary restart....

    Hey Kerry - welcome back!!!!! According to my scale here on the start of day 3, I'm down 6lbs already! I'm sure there's something wrong with my scale! Anyway, I'm still managing - the headaches have been rough though. I did a party at the weekend too - a hen! When I checked, I had gained 2 lbs...
  125. M

    How the heck can I possibly stay slim while eating?!!

    I started back on tfr yesterday - I decided I made a mistake coming off it until I had gotten to my goal. Maintaining isn't possible till I get there. So, I'll pop back after my 2 weeks are up and hope for the best going back into ketosis which will not be fun! Thanks everybody for your support...
  126. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Well Kerry - day 2 and I don't feel too bad yet. Headaches but other than that I'm surviving - I think cause I was only eating smaller portions anyway that it might be easier. How was Marley's party? Wonderful cake anyway I'm sure! Keep willing myself that it's only 2 weeks I have to do this...
  127. M

    How the heck can I possibly stay slim while eating?!!

    So funny - we are on the same wavelength Kerry. I too couldn't face waiting ages to lose the last 12 lbs. So yesterday, I went and got a load of lipotrim and said I'll start tomorrow. My plan is to do at least 2 more weeks. I have about 10-12 more to lose so I figure, with my history, I should...
  128. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    OMG!!!! Keep me posted!
  129. M

    How the heck can I possibly stay slim while eating?!!

    Well, I am going to use this as my opportunity to try a whole new bunch of healthy foods. I never ate fruit or veg before this and devoured bread all of the time. I am on the right track, I think! I will definitely take your advice and write everything down. I'm not sure which dieter I am Jan. I...
  130. M

    How the heck can I possibly stay slim while eating?!!

    So Tanya, do you still keep track of what you eat even a year later? That's interesting because I thought you'd just get used to it and it would become second nature after a while. Good to know. I will have to start reading the older threads - I have to make the time. When I say I ate all those...
  131. M

    How the heck can I possibly stay slim while eating?!!

    Well, here I am. Just finished refeed on Monday after having lost over 4 stone. Started eating normal on Tuesday and have no idea how I can possibly maintain, let alone, lose a few more pounds!!! But, here I go. It's been a great week trying all those foods I once loved. I know I'm not supposed...
  132. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hey Kerry - where you at? Gonna try posting a new thread in maintenance section today. There's not much going on over in ww forums. Struggling to stay within my point range although I have - just wanna taste everything in sight. So, keeping my weight off but not losing anything yet. Chemist told...
  133. M

    Refeed and terrified but determined, I think!

    Read some other lipotrim maintaining threads on another website. One woman had written that she felt it takes about 6 months for your body weight to stop going up and down - she reckoned that it was the glycerin being repopulated and settling. So, I think it will get easier. Maybe the more...
  134. M

    July Challenge..

    I just finished refeed week and gained half a pound but onwards and upwards with weight watchers so fingers crossed I might still make my target! Leon : 16lbs ~ -4lbs, -7lbs, -2lbs (3lbs to go) Dolphin10: 16 Ibs Fizzyfluff: 18lbs ~ -11.8lbs, -4, -2, (1lb to go) Dave: 16lbs Chester: 15lbs (-7.5...
  135. M

    refeed dairy.....

    Hey Kerry - glad it's not only me feeling hungry. I'm having a 'fat' day today too! How funny is that though? I never had fat days when I was actually really fat!!!! Ah well. Scared for this week. Put the half pound on so it's just hard to imagine that I am going to lose anything with weight...
  136. M

    Refeed and terrified but determined, I think!

    Well, put up half a pound on refeed. Chemist said my TOTM so shouldn't take it so bad but that never affected me during the tfr so was very disappointed. Anyway, onwards and upwards I think. No other choice right?! On to weight watchers and hope I can shed 5 lbs before my holidays. It's almost...
  137. M

    Refeed and terrified but determined, I think!

    Did really well on refeed until today - I was unexpectedly away for the day and so I had to eat out for dinner so I had a spaghetti bolognese but not sure how low fat the bolognese was. Wish me luck for my weigh-in tomorrow - I hope I haven't screwed up too badly!
  138. M

    refeed dairy.....

    You will have no problem losing that stone before your holidays Kerry. You will be fine! You did great for your refeed since you didn't follow it to the letter. Am delighted for you! So, hang in there - this is the fun part - starting to enjoy food again! We just have to be way more careful than...
  139. M

    Refeed and terrified but determined, I think!

    Hey was just wondering was anybody feeling hungry during refeed? I am finding I am quite hungry and I thought since my stomach has shrunk that that wouldn't be a problem anymore?
  140. M

    July Challenge..

    Well done Fatty-2-Fitty! Awesome first week loss! Keep going!
  141. M

    Refeed and terrified but determined, I think!

    Well, tonight I had a potato - cut up into chips and baked in the oven - with chicken - and it was the best meal I've had yet! Never has a potato tasted so good! I am looking forward to getting this week over with as I am finding it very difficult - knowing I can eat again but being so limited...
  142. M

    Refeed and terrified but determined, I think!

    Tried the balsamic vinegar and it definitely made the difference but I am very bored with the chicken salad already! I'm really looking forward to the potato tomorrow! Thanks Molly for the hummus tip - will definitely try that next week. Gotta admit am dying for the refeed week to be over!!!
  143. M

    Refeed and terrified but determined, I think!

    Thanks everybody. My plan is to follow weight watchers after this. So that will start Tuesday. Today I am going to have one of the orange whips, then 2 salads - one chicken and one turkey. Wasn't so keen yesterday - don't know is it because I was never keen on salads unless they had a creamy...
  144. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    WOW! They're fab! Prince Harry will be calling for sure!!!
  145. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Oooh how does the kitchen look? You must be so excited! I was tempted a little to stay on tfr but I want to get back in control of my food asap so by the time I go on hols, I am very confident I can control it well. I'm in my healthy range and in size 12 so am very happy - the rest is just the...
  146. M

    Refeed and terrified but determined, I think!

    Well, have started refeed today. I am going to post my refeed plan here and if anybody has ideas to improve or if I'm going wrong, please yell at me!!! Loudly!!! Had a wonderful 13 weeks with my diet buddy Kerry on TFR and am ready to eat again in the big bad world. :p Had half a caramel bar...
  147. M

    refeed dairy.....

    I'm officially onto refeed Kerry! Keep going and I will be following/stalking :) you. Think I'm gonna plan my menu today and post it in a new thread to get any ideas from the more experienced people to try and stay on track. Holidays in 4 weeks so have a great incentive. Only 4lbs from my...
  148. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Where are you Kerry? I weighed in - another 4 lbs. Just started a caramel bar! It's actually ok. Just had half though - was too filling and a little too sweet and sickly. Had one before this diet and hated it. Chemist told me to try again cause my pallette has changed and I think she was right...
  149. M

    July Challenge..

    Leon : 16lbs ~ -4lbs (12lbs to go) Dolphin10: 16 Ibs Fizzyfluff: 18lbs ~ -11.8lbs (6.2 to go) Dave: 16lbs Chester: 15lbs (-3.5 = 11.5lbs to go) Susie : 16 lbs Becky: 14 lbs (-7, june loss, keeping challenge at 14 more lbs!) Skinnyminny2be: 16 lbs Lilac: 16lbs Third time lucky: 14lbs...
  150. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hey Kerry. Dying to hear how your weigh-in goes. Don't worry, you'll get into it soon enough. You won't want to be here again in another 2 years right?! Anyway, I am so looking forward to tomorrow, it's not even funny. Gonna do my list for food shopping today. I have the most awesome chemist -...
  151. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    A pound is so miniscule - just try and start planning - I think that's the key to maintenance - plan for during the week when you have control and splash a bit if you have a special occasion or something. That's gonna be my approach. Don't be so hard on yourself and I think your OH is right...
  152. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    How you doing Kerry? Did you go for weigh-in today? Update me!
  153. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    You have a wonderful talent Kerry. The cakes are just beautiful. Do you make gluten free cakes? Just curious. Both my daughters are coeliac and we have such a hard time finding decent cakes. I have a girl that makes them for me but they're not great at all. I've started trying my own recipes to...
  154. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    OK. I have gone mad and changed my goal. That's it now for me!
  155. M

    July Challenge..

    OK. I'm a little late but here goes: Leon : 16lbs ~ -4lbs (12lbs to go) Dolphin10: 16 Ibs Fizzyfluff: 18lbs ~ -11.8lbs (6.2 to go) Dave: 16lbs Chester: 15lbs (-3.5 = 11.5lbs to go) Susie : 16 lbs Becky: 14 lbs (-7, june loss, keeping challenge at 14 more lbs!) Skinnyminny2be: 16 lbs Lilac...
  156. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Can't wait to see the cakes Kerry! I'm sure they're awesome. I got such a shock yesterday Kerry! Oh well -still can't argue with the numbers. What ages are your kids again Kerry? Homemade chicken soup no less. Yummy yummy. How you doing with hunger, cravings, etc.? Are you tempted to eat a load...
  157. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Can you believe it? I think the man above never wants me to eat again! 5 lbs down. One more week at least on the cards!!! And officially a size 12 again! Will probably start refeed next week as long as I don't lose 5 again! Although my new goal was 147 which would bring me to 10 1/2 stone - I...
  158. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Scales are showing much higher weight loss today! I'm all psyched up to eat today but will have to wait and see what the scales say!!!! Cakes sound awesome Kerry! You are flying it already!
  159. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Sounds good Kerry. I think I'll be far too scared to stray - it's not looking good for weight loss this week so should be on my first meal tomorrow night. Fingers crossed in a way!
  160. M

    Karens Attempt - Operation Size 12 - Wk 1

    Hey Caz - my worst day was day 5 so you may have just had the same experience - I think you're over the worst of it though. Hang in there - the results are sooooo worth it. Congrats on your 3rd weigh-in Karen! It really is the best diet for the quick weight loss. I'm due to start refeed either...
  161. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Great job Kerry! Delighted for you and the ring sounds lovely. 2 lbs to your initial target is awesome. Can't wait to hear how the food was - I want every last detail please. I'm playing Tuesday by ear - if I lose 5, maybe 4 lbs, will go another week. If not, it's refeed time. Will catch up...
  162. M

    Karens Attempt - Operation Size 12 - Wk 1

    Hey Inieroba - stick with it if you can - just keep visualising your slim figure - it really is mind over matter for the first couple of weeks. Good luck caziedalts - you know what to expect so try sticking it out this time till you get to the end. And lipotrim good luck - it is so worth it -...
  163. M

    June Challenge anyone??

  164. M

    WI Wk 2

    Good luck Karen and congrats! I thought we'd lost you!
  165. M

    Karens Attempt - Operation Size 12 - Wk 1

    Hey Karen - where are you? Say it ain't so.
  166. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Congrats on your cake orders Kerry! If you can do lipotrim, you can do anything, so I'm sure you will do very well in your new venture. Hope you get your kitchen sorted asap. You don't realise how much you use water until you don't have it! HAPPPYYYY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Shout it from the rooftops...
  167. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    OK. Only 2.5 lbs. Unless I lose 4/5 pounds next week, I will start re-feed Tuesday. If I lose 3, then I'll have 10 to go when I come off this. Kerry, where arrrreeee you? I'll stalk you till I find you!!!
  168. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Weigh-in today and it's looking bad. Ah well, if I don't keep doing well, will definitely be done next week! Where's everybody gone? I'm getting paranoid now!!!
  169. M

    Karens Attempt - Operation Size 12 - Wk 1

    How you doing Karen? Still hanging in there?
  170. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Well, where is everybody?! I am currently considering staying on this longer than next week to lose the final stone. I've changed my goal another 3 pounds. I'm up in the air about it all. But, I went in and bought a pair of size 12 skinny jeans today. They fit, but they're tight. Main problem is...
  171. M

    Karens Attempt - Operation Size 12 - Wk 1

    Aw. Don't struggle Karen. Try and use mind over matter. You know it's a craving and not hunger. What I have done when I feel ticked off is go to my chemist and get an in-between weigh-in - it always spurs me on for another few days. I've done that at least twice if not 3 times. When you do...
  172. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    3 lbs is a great loss Kerry. It's double last week's loss. And, you might just make the 5.5 next week. Who knows? This diet can be weird. Anyway, my God, when you think about it. We haven't eaten in 10 weeks, 11 for you. That is just insane - I'm still amazed we lasted this long. It's a hell of...
  173. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Ya, my hubby was always loving but now, he's over the top! It definitely makes me more confident in our relationship though and that can only be a good thing. 12 days till food! I can already taste it! But after refeed week is over, I am treating myself to pizza - I have to. I have obsessed over...
  174. M

    Karens Attempt - Operation Size 12 - Wk 1

    It is so worth it - especially when your clothes start hanging off you. Good luck with week 2. Here's to a new you!
  175. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Thanks for the prayer Kerry - managed 4 lbs! Delighted cause I thought I would do less. That puts me 3 pounds away from my healthy weight range and my initial goal!!! So happy about that! I'm almost 'normal'. Who would've thought. Still got a big belly but I don't even care! I am counting down...
  176. M

    Karens Attempt - Operation Size 12 - Wk 1

    Hey Karen, another thought to keep you inspired - set some mini goals - it's a great feeling to just tick them off as you're going along. I'm only 3 pounds from my initial goal and I've extended it twice! But it's great when you tick off things like the stones or the clothes-size etc. You must...
  177. M

    Karens Attempt - Operation Size 12 - Wk 1

    OMG Karen! That's HUGE!!!! Congratulations!!! That should inspire you for another week at least!!! Well done. Just delighted for you cause I know you've had a tough week. But after one more week, it should become a part of your stride. I lost 4 too! I thought I'd do bad cause I am just 3 lbs shy...
  178. M

    June Challenge anyone??

    TARGET MET!!!! v12345 : -3 lbs, -3 lbs (8 lbs to go) BigT: -14 lbs to go. bye-bigun - 14lbs to go. abouttime - 12lbs ( -4lbs 8lbs to go 5stonetolose - 18.5lbs (-4lbs, -4.5lbs, -1.5lbs, 8.5lbs to go) dolphin10-16lbs (-3, -3.5,-3 - 6.5 Ibs to go) MillieMor -10lbs (-4lbs, -2lbs, refeed=sts, 4lbs...
  179. M

    First weigh in

    It's a great thing isn't it?! Enjoy and keep going! You're over the first 2 weeks - it flies after this. Good luck!!!
  180. M

    Karens Attempt - Operation Size 12 - Wk 1

    Oh good Karen - your weigh-in day is the same as mine so we should both be getting good news! Can't wait for your first weigh-in - it gives you such a buzz that boosts you to go further. Take it week by week and you'll get there. Don't look too far down the road. I started with 53 pounds to lose...
  181. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hubby wants to know if you're the blue side or red side of manchester? I must go back and read the earlier bits - I did struggle for a good few weeks. People say to me all the time 'i could never do that' and my answer is always: 'that's what i thought.' I think the same that without you on...
  182. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Aw Kerry. Well, you expected it which is half the battle and it's still a good loss. That's the end - only great losses from here on out! And, after my bad week, I had two good weeks - so here's to the 8 lbs!! Hang in there lady!!! It's all worth it.
  183. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Good stuff Karen - glad it went well for you - the first week is hard but if you get past it, it does get waaaayyy easier! I'm stalking waiting to hear Kerry - you kill me when you go past lunchtime with news!
  184. M

    June Challenge anyone??

    WELL DONE EVERYBODY!!!!! v12345 : -3 lbs, -3 lbs (8 lbs to go) BigT: -14 lbs to go. bye-bigun - 14lbs to go. abouttime - 12lbs ( -4lbs 8lbs to go 5stonetolose - 18.5lbs (-4lbs, -4.5lbs, 10lbs to go) dolphin10-16lbs (-3, -3.5,-3 - 6.5 Ibs to go) MillieMor -10lbs (-4lbs, -2lbs and starting...
  185. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hi all! Welcome Karen! Stick with it - it does get easier - and the results are so worth it. It literally falls off you. I don't know about doing your whole shift without a shake. I space my shakes 4 hours apart and it works a charm and I find I get hungry coming up to my 4 hours. It might be...
  186. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    5.5 lbs for the whole week!!!!! That's mad isn't it?! Delighted I am! 2 weeks 6 days to refeed - so excited!!
  187. M

    June Challenge anyone??

    Hey Kimby - that's awesome. The only reason some lose more than others in the first week is because they retain more water. The real weight loss is just beginning for you. Good job sticking to one week so far! Keep with it. The results are so worth it.
  188. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    I've decided to officially change my weight goal - my initial goal was just to get into my healthy range - now I am aiming for 5 lbs less. Want to go more but I will be on holidays by then so it won't be feasible. So I'm 11 lbs from healthy zone but 16 from final goal! Not bad all the same!
  189. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    You're not due a bad week you silly silly girl! Sure I'm flat out praying for you! You can't go wrong. A new kitchen - that must be awesome. Enjoy. You sound like your talent could do with a new kitchen!
  190. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    So, I thought the GL diet would be perfect for me and so I got the book today - didn't take long to get through it and the bottom line is, it won't suit me at all. It essentially takes away carbs - potatoes, bread, pasta, rice. It concentrates on veg, fruit, and meat. I don't eat veg so without...
  191. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Just opened the first kids' hairdresser in Ireland in August!! if you wanna peek. It's so tough though - I'm struggling. Ah well. We decided when we invested that if it all went bust we could afford to pay back the bank and that's all we would need to get through! Hopefully...
  192. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Oh that's so funny! My word was bleeped out! I said the sh word!!!!
  193. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    YAYYYYYYY!!!! That praying is going very well:) You will lose that 10 lbs no hassle in 3 weeks. Delighted for you Kerry - another nice boost. Sleep is still *****. Decided it's probably cause I'm stressed - bloody tax man is coming to audit me and I'm disgusted cause my biz is only 10 months old...
  194. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Kerry where are you? Don't you dare leave me hanging till midnight again!!!
  195. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Thanks Dolphin! It seems to get tougher and tougher - I'll probably be at least 12 weeks altogether but it serves the purpose! You're doing great - what day's your weigh-in?
  196. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    That's a great way to look at it: 3 more weigh-ins after Friday. I'm struggling a bit reasoning why I should stay on this when 'all' I have left is about a stone. But, I'll keep going. It's easier to lose it this way rather than struggle with another diet slowly. So, again, I went in for the...
  197. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Took a sleeping pill last night - did me good - might go for one more good night tonight - I'll feel like a proper druggie then! Waiting on my gi books from amazon - can't wait to read them. When I'm at work and the girls get their lunches, all I do is suck up the smell! Can't wait to eat again...
  198. M

    June Challenge anyone??

    Not a bad start!!! v12345 : -3 lbs (11 lbs to go) BigT: -14 lbs to go. bye-bigun - 14lbs to go. abouttime - 12lbs ( -4lbs 8lbs to go 5stonetolose - 18.5lbs (-4lbs, 14.5lbs to go) dolphin10 - 16lbs ( -3 Ibs - 13 Ibs to go) MillieMor -10lbs (-4lbs, 6lbs to go) Theresa6 -14lbs Jewel - 12lbs...
  199. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    2.2 again so total of 4.6 for the week. Not bad. A bit down today not because of the weight loss - just overall - maybe I'm just tired - have a hard time going back to sleep in the mornings if I get up too early. Anybody else have this problem?
  200. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    OK. Was just reading about ketosis and it does say that ketosis causes the fat to be burned and not muscle so we should all be safe! It seems that if we don't exercise our muscles are just getting weaker. So, it's up to us to not just diet but maintain our muscle mass. Weigh-in today!!! Check in...
  201. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    That is interesting. It kind of makes sense that we lose muscle too though don't you think? The info I was reading said not to consider tummy tuck until after 2 years of trying to actually lose the excess naturally.
  202. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Just read up on that loose skin issue and have discovered that it could take a couple of years to get it toned up and that's with exercise and healthy eating. Because this is essentially a crash diet, we are losing muscle as well as fat. Because we are losing the muscle too, there is essentially...
  203. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Have to laugh that you have to buy new clothes Kerry - that's actually a good thing! Hey Dolphin! I've actually always had loads of energy with my kids - I just refused to take pics with them! I would never have let my weight get in the way of their fun. But it will be fun to really enjoy it...
  204. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    By the way, did you ever use I use it now but will definitely use it for my maintenance as well. It lets you chart your weight, work out calories eaten versus burned, etc. Really handy and most of the tools are free.
  205. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hi guys! Well, to get to my initial goal, I need to lose 16 more pounds so that would take me probably about 4 more weeks which will bring me to the 5th of July. So, I should be re-feeding right around the same time. I am debating over weight watchers (as I know it like the back of my hand) or...
  206. M

    First weigh in

    Congratulations! It's a great feeling, isn't it?
  207. M

    To refeed or not? Please help.

    My chemist has said if you don't refeed before regular food, you will gain a lot more back than if you had. So, I suggest following your chemist's advice.
  208. M

    WEEK 1 - WEIGH IN !!!!!

    Congrats! Here's to many more weeks of losses!
  209. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Congratulations Kerry! That is a load in a couple of weeks. Here's to another 4 next week!
  210. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hey Kerry. The week flew. Waiting with bated breath! Good luck!!!!!
  211. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hey all. Went for intermittent weigh-in cause was feeling a bit down after the 2.4 loss and already in 2 days lost another 2.2! Very happy with that so will keep me going till next weigh-in! Where are you Kerry? How you getting on? Bank holiday weekend here so loads going on. Will be a tough...
  212. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Congrats on your first official cake orders Kerry! It's a start! You'll be doing the cake for the next royal wedding next!!! I am looking forward to the U.S. - can't wait for the shopping especially if I'm at my target weight. And the weather. Ireland lacks good weather! I am ok with the 2.4...
  213. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    So, my bad week arrived. 2.4. I'll survive till next week. Very disappointed but what can I do. Try another week and hope for more. I think I gave you my weight loss Kerry with the praying. Gonna have to pull back this week!
  214. M

    June Challenge anyone??

    OK - think I updated it. I'm going for the stone to be realistic since it's a 4-week month! v12345 : -14 lbs to go BigT: -14 lbs to go. bye-bigun - 14lbs to go. abouttime - 12lbs (refeed and starting maintenance) 5stonetolose - 18.5lbs dolphin10 - 16lbs MissesMazin -10lbs Theresa6 -14lbs Jewel...
  215. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Kerry, you make me laugh - if my prayers were that good, I'd be saying a lot more of my own! That really was an awesome weight loss. Will check out the June goal - think I might go for a full stone. Wouldn't I be happy?! Went shopping the other day and was so delighted to get into size 16...
  216. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    OMG! That's soooo awesome - I'm absolutely delighted for you! What a huge weight loss. You must be buzzing! Well done Kerry! You'll make the 13s next week! Congratulations! It does pay off!
  217. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Stick with it JoJo - it's tough but if you can resist food for the first two weeks, you will start losing at a good pace. Kerry - that's soooo cool! You must be excited - a new you all round! It's a big step going back to school even if it's for something you love so hats off to you. Cannot...
  218. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    So, I've decided to continue despite moodiness - my hubby and I talked about it and he said he'll put up with it and the kids will forget! I will be happier for it and, in turn, it should benefit the kids anyway. Today, I had checked my own scales and they showed only a 2 lb loss so I was...
  219. M

    May Challenge

    Target met!!! Delighted!!! Leluna -10lbs ( -3lbs, -5lbs, -3lbs Target Met!) Etheral -10lbs(-3lbs, -3lbs, -3lbs 1lbs to go) 5stonetolose - 15lbs (-3.5, -3lbs, -3.5lb 5lbs to go) V12345 -10 lbs ( -2 lbs, -3 lbs, -4 lbs, 1 lbs to go) Chester - 12lbs (-9.5lbs gone 2.5lbs to go) Binni - 14lbs...
  220. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hey Dolphin - thanks! Your starting numbers are brilliant. Keep up the good work! Hey Rebeccah - thanks for that - it's all perspective isn't it? I keep saying I was 3 years pregnant and not the easiest pregnancies - so I should be able to handle a few months of this. I have to keep focused...
  221. M

    Lisa's Maintenance Shizzle

    Hey Lisa. When I first started tfr, you came along and welcomed me! I'll have finished 6 weeks on Tuesday and am delighted with the results so far. You were heading off on re-feed and I was dying to catch up and see how you've been getting on. Congratulations on looking and, clearly, feeling...
  222. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hey Kerry. I think my biggest problem with lipotrim is the moodiness. I have no interest in my kids some days and that's really bothering me. I can be downright mean at times and I'd say it's confusing them because I am rarely in a bad mood. For example, yesterday, I was like a bull. I spent...
  223. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Yuck. Looks like I've only lost a pound in 4 days so looks like my bad week is finally here. Here's to losing 3 lbs over the weekend!!! Today's one of those days you justw ant to sit in and have a cup of cocoa. It's lashing rain here and the wind is all over the place. But, I shall sit here with...
  224. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    That's awesooooommmmmmmeeeeeee Kerry! Delighted for you and that was eating real food this week! Brilliant! You might make that 5lb next week. You're welcome for the praying!!!!:)
  225. M

    May Challenge

    Everybody's doing awesome!!!! Congrats ladies!!!! We'll be strutting by the end of May!!! Leluna -10lbs ( -3lbs, -5lbs, 2lbs to go ) Etheral -10lbs(-3lbs, -3lbs, -3lbs 1lbs to go) 5stonetolose - 15lbs (-3.5, -3lbs 8.5lbs to go) V12345 -10 lbs ( -2 lbs, -3 lbs, -5 lbs to go) Chester - 12lbs...
  226. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hi ladies. Well, Kerry, I wish there was a secret but don't forget, I didn't do that well in week 2 and 3 when you lost 5 pounds. I think it all evens out in the end, although I admit right now, I am feeling quite lucky. But, that could all change at the next weigh-in. I keep waiting for the...
  227. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Good for you JoJo - just think that on a normal diet you would have lost half of that! It probably is totm and the fact you went in a day early as every day is another pound! At least you're focused to see how you do next week. Are you having all your shakes and water as well? Anyway, stick with...
  228. M

    May Challenge

    Delighted almost made my target already! Keep slimming ladies! Leluna -10lbs ( -3lbs, -5lbs, 2lbs to go ) Etheral -10lbs(-3lbs, -3lbs, 4lbs to go) 5stonetolose - 15lbs (-3.5, -3lbs 8.5lbs to go) V12345 -10 lbs ( -2 lbs, -3 lbs, -5 lbs to go) Chester - 12lbs (-6lbs gone 6lbs to go) Binni -...
  229. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    4 pounds ladies! Can't believe it. Really happy with that cause it was my totm - I thought I would gain! Anyway, here's to another week! Let us know how the weigh-ins go girls?
  230. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    So glad to hear that Kerry! Delighted for you. What was it like eating real food again? My weigh-in day tomorrow but totm so not so keen! Will stay optimistic. Chat tomorrow ladies.
  231. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Lol! Never thought of me being hot cause I'm fat but makes sense!!!! How are you feeling jojo? When's your weigh-in Sam? Good luck tomorrow Kerry. Days out are tough. Let us know how you get on anyway and enjoy Alton Towers! Sounds like fun. Hope you get a lovely day!
  232. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hate when I miss a day!!! KERRY!!!! 2 STONE, 2 STONE, 2 STONE. Frig that little half pound. Put it down to the underwire in your bra being heavier than usual?! Or you didn't get all your junk out before you went?! Hey, it's yucky but it's true. Seriously though, a half pound in the overall...
  233. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Don't you dare Sam! You can have it when you're done. It's only a tiny bit of time in your overall life. Keep it in perspective. Try to get to the end and then you can make that sandwich. Nothing feels better than losing this weight. Good luck with it Jojo - it isn't easy but don't bother with...
  234. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hey all! Yes, Kerry, it completely shocked me so it moved me back on for another few weeks! Good luck with your weigh-in tomorrow. It's always great to finish a week and begin anew. I went to the shop today cause I needed a jacket and I fit into a size 16!!! A little snug but just a little - I...
  235. M

    travelling via aeroplane helppp!

    Just thought I'd let ye know that I flew last week from Ireland to England. They didn't blink at the powdered sachets. I'm sure every experience can be different so good luck!
  236. M

    May Challenge

    I think this is up to date now! Leluna -10lbs ( -3lbs, 7lbs to go ) Etheral -10lbs(-3lbs, 7lbs to go) kerry - 15lbs (-3.5, 11.5lbs to go) V12345 -14 lbs ( -2lbs gone 12lbs to go) Chester - 12lbs (-4lbs gone 8lbs to go) Binni - 14lbs Abouttime - 14lbs (5.7 gone 8.3 to go) Emmievic - 20lb (9lb...
  237. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Well, can you believe it? It's divine intervention for sure - 6.6 pounds on week 4?! I'm here again for a while Kerry! Anyway, gotta dash again - my poor little girl is puking for a few hours now. It's an amazing diet again!
  238. M

    May Challenge

    Leluna -10lbs ( -3lbs, 7lbs to go ) Etheral -10lbs kerry - 15lbs V12345 -14 lbs ( -2lbs gone 12lbs to go) Chester - 12lbs (-4lbs gone 8lbs to go) Binni - 14lbs Abouttime - 14lbs (5.7 gone 8.3 to go) Emmievic - 20lb (9lb gone 11lb to go) Jewel83 - 6lbs (-2lb. 4lb to go) Temmytango - 10lbs (...
  239. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    YAAAAYYYYYY SAM!!!! Awesome first week. Congratulations. Stick with us for a while now. You get used to it fairly quickly. Kerry - I'm with Sam - I want a cake too!!! Nice to have you back - by day 3, I was almost in panic mode and kept checking to see had you posted! You can't leave me like...
  240. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    It's normal not to feel hungry Sam - that's the only thing that has helped me get through this - the reality is that you aren't hungry and once you realize that you can stick to this pretty ok. You're almost at the end which is exciting - the 1st weigh-in should definitely spur you on. Aw...
  241. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hey Sam - hope your day 5 went well. That was one of my hardest so stick with it - your first weigh-in will be more than worth it!!!!
  242. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Gosh Kerry, you had a God-awful day and I'm so sorry to hear that. It is a shocking thing. I was hit when I was 17 so I know all about it! Broke my pelvis no less but thank God that little girl was fine. That's even more shocking. So, it proved you could handle a hugely stressful situation and...
  243. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    kerry. I survived! will finish week 4 anyway. still not sure bout week 5 but will play it by ear!the first week is the hardest sam. if u can survive that it really does get easier. I am still shocked that i've managed 3 weeks and coming up on 4. did you check your own scale? don't feel bad. I...
  244. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Great to hear about the inches lost Kerry! Delighted for you. And welcome to saml - hang in there! Well, I'm back to having a rough day - wish me luck. At the airport now surrounded by food! Onto Man Utd match later tonight. At least we're staying in an apartment so I won't have to be surrounded...
  245. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    3.7 down. Not delighted but I know week 3 can be bad so will hang in till week 4 at least.
  246. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Hey Kerry, btw where does your father go in Ireland?
  247. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Well ladies, you're all very quiet - hope all's well. Met a friend of mine today who hadn't seen me in 3 weeks and was gushing over me "shrinking!" Anyway, had a better day today. Still fighting the desire to quit TFR. If I can just stick it till the end of May, I'll only be left with about a...
  248. M

    kerrys lipotrim diary day 2

    Great stuff Kerry. Really glad you had a good day - hope your day went well Destiny. I've just come back from a very rough day! Started chewing the flapjack. After about 3 nibbles, gave up, went into loo and put my shake in a cup and shook like hell! It did the job thank God. But, it was a...
  249. M

    Am I crazy to start now?

    3 weeks ago I posted wondering whether I should start - so glad I did. Thanks all for the support!
  250. M

    Day 3..........

    Keep posting Jackie and reading other peoples threads - you'd be amazed how motivating it can be.