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  1. R

    Writing Game

    Hmmm If I inject the new DNA maybe I would get Acid based super powers!
  2. R

    The Really Funny Pictures Thread!

    I like the cat fat one he is very nice!
  3. R

    Obese Britain. So what's the answer?

    I completely agree with you on the laziness of society thing, so many people are so apathetic and just want change to magically happen to them. I try hard to buy healthy foods but money is an issue, preparing fresh food takes time and when I don't get inf rom work until 7 I have to cook...
  4. R

    Man Boobs - any ideas?

    You could try some sport that uses upper body a lot like swimming or racquet sports, I prefer squash but tennis is good too!
  5. R

    Diet Fizzy Drinks

    I think "diet" drinks are a waste of time, aspartame is much worse for you than anything in normal fizzy drinks, I would much rather have the calories than that stuff. I think drinking smoothies and cordial is the best solution and treat yourself to a fizzy drink every now and again.
  6. R

    My hobbies

    lol fun a puppy is the best hobby ever! You guys have loads of hobbies, i'm afraid i'm a bit more boring. -Video Games -Squash -TV -Writing
  7. R

    Misheard Song Lyrics!

    I remember having an argument with my sister when i was really young because she thought the lyrics to band aid were "breath air whoaaaaa" she was gutted when we saw the lyrics in Top of the Pops mag
  8. R

    The Really Funny Pictures Thread!

    I like the leeroy jenkins thing too, v. v. funny :) I also liked the cat posts, some are so sweet!
  9. R

    Wii Fit - Weigh In Addict!

    I really enjoy Wiifit, i originally picked it up for my partner as she thought it would be great but I play it more than her!! I like the muscles exercises although some of the later ones are really ahrd.
  10. R

    Wii Fit

    I have wii fit (brought it for my kids) but #I play it more than them! its loads of fun and I can defiantly feel it the next day.