1.5 stone to go

So that's it really. I want to lose 1.5 stone. Since stopping breastfeeding a hungry baby 6 months ago the weight has piled on and I no longer can get away having that extra biscuit because 'I need the energy!' So this loss will bring me to the weight I was when I was at my slimmest n fittest 9 years ago. It might not seem like a lot to lose but with a love of food then I'm fighting an uphill battle.

So I can't afford to join any 'club' so last week I pooled all the info I could find off the Internet and thought I'd give slimming worlds EE plan a go. I mean so many friends have had so much success with it so why not? After reading through all the gumph I had found I was suprised by how much I could eat. Fantastic so off I plodded.

So I'm one week down and despite a Nandos n a couple of Krispy Kreme I lost 3lb! Surprised is not the word so thought I'd join here and you can read my dull journey! And it helps to have it all written down doesn't it?!

So vital stats to get started

10/06/2013 78.9kg
17/06/2013 77.5kg 39.8% fat BMI 29.6kg/m2