11 Weeks to Go....


New Member
Decided to keep a diary for somewhere to go when I'm feeling like eating and to record how I'm feeling. Hoping to break my cycle of emotional eating with Cambridge. This is my last shot at ss+ as I've tried it a few times and not lost more than a stone then given up. I have to do something about my weight as it's having a really bad affect on my confidence and how I live my life. I put off going out with friends, I avoid exercise and I eat more to hide the pain. I'm in my mid 20's and have just come out of a 7 year relationship and had a couple of other big changes in my life and I just have to lose weight to gain some confidence back.

I lost 4lbs by myself two weeks ago by watching my carbs and eating 1-2 nuts when I wanted to snack. I've been on Cambridge SS+ since Monday. On Friday I cheated but I didn't binge I had small portions of some treats. Yesterday I was 100% and felt like I was in ketosis, which is strange considering I ate carbs yesterday. Weigh in tomorrow is keeping me going and thinking about buying some nice new winter clothes that aren't a size 16-18.

I don't want to think too far ahead but I would like to do SS+ for 12 weeks and then go higher up to around 1000-1200 and focus on getting fit.