12th Week Weigh In!


Full Member
I've lost 4.6 lbs this week! That's 3 stone in total!
Well done especially at this time of year. Losing 3 stones its a really achievement and the losses are still very good week after week. Inspired now today Maria:)
Well done! I hope you're going to mark the occasion in some way - give yourself a treat (had a facial last time - lovely!)
fantastic sis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well done! I was chuffed to bits when I got to the 3 stone mark - especially as it feels like a 'bonus' cos its before the end of the 14th week!
Well done you! your amazing!

I bet you feel great and you should be very proud of yourself! Excellent work.

P x
Thanks for all your great comments. Yes I feel great. I've never felt so good!