16 stone and going down!!!


I just wondering if anyone would like to buddy up for this am new to propoints so all help appreciated!!

Had first weigh last night and came in at 16 st 8.5 so really need to shift the weight!!!
Wow good woman thats a bloody great loss!!!
Hearing all these replies help to keep motivated - hopefully my post next Tuesday will be a good loss too!!!
Hi I have weigh in too! It's at 5.30 am being hopeful!!! Was good till weekend hit - but once I'm down a pound I'm happy!! Let me know how you get on!
Brilliant work well done!!!! I'm down 2.5 so happy out! Tracker ready to go!!!
Am feeling better in myself now too! Cis at least I k ow I'm doing something bout it now!!! Slow and steady that's the route for me! Am enjoying my food more too!! How bout you??
Hey there how did your week go??? U had a really bad one and as a result gained 2 pound!! Not happy to say the least but only have myself to blame!!! Here's hoping for a much better week! B
Brilliant at least you sts!!!! If you have a good week it won't catch up!!!!
I found this week that drinking lots of water really helps!!! And I did up the veg and make the carb portions smaller!!! But still wasn't hungry! So hopefully that's me on a roll!!!!
Can i join you all. I have stuck at my present weight for the last few weeks. I have maintained it but not been good enough to get it my weight loss going again, also not been on here for ages neither so determined to get into the next stone down by end of July. Hope you all have a good week and get the result you want. x
Hi there linzmain bad bad bad week for me again am just finding it tough to get settled into routine!! Well have finished up work this week for summer so hopefully I can get into routine! My daughter had asthma attack sat and sun night and cos of being up all night watching her see is only 3 I ate everything in sight! Can't get to weigh tonight as hubby working late and I won't leave her with anyone when not well! I did home weigh though and am up 2.5!!! Expected! So diary at ready to start fresh week again!!!!

Congrats on your loss well done!!!

Welcome aboard army wife!!!!
Hi all

You're probably in the next category down now, but if not, may I join you?

I found out a disturbing fact at the weekend.. My 6' 6" darling step son weighs 16 stone! He thought that was loads (not in a problem way). He's in good shape, but I was mortified that coming in at a foot less than him, I weigh 10 lbs more! So goal # 1 is to weigh the same as him, which also happens to be my 5% loss.. I reckon only another few weeks and I'll be there :)

Have you been on WW long?

What have your losses been so far?

Lindsay x