

3rd WI I sts :( i'm down now!
Focus on what you have lost, 16lb in two weeks, that's amazing!
Check other people's stats, it seems to happen alot after big losses, but then the next week they have another good loss.

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Hey dont worry, it is just the your body. You may find next week you lose 5! I only lost 1lb this week and 2lb last week. Was really cheesed off and wandering whether it was worth it... but it is!! I havent seen the scales go down in a few years and this is the first diet that I have!
Keep going and you will see the results you want in no time!
Just hang on in there honey, my losses are slow too at the moment, but they will all even out in the end. I have taken 5 weeks to lose the same as you have so far x
is there a reason? ie, not enough water? totm perhaps? too much exercise?

because if this was your first week ss, then i think you're right to be a bit miffed. Don't use it as an excuse to give up though, even if you can't find am explanation. Just know that the number on the scales next week WILL be better!

don't lose your motivation over 1 WI xxx
my first week ss though. My first 2 weeks were 810. I have had a tummy bug so my cdc thinks I could be retaining water to stop me dehydrating x
aww don't worry love - you've just had two massive weeks (on 810 too!) so it's to be expected. You're probably right about the water retention. Stick it out till next week and I reckon you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Hope so! Still sticking with it, ain't gonna let a bad wi stop me.. :) x
I had a bad week too on the scales,really disheartens you doesn't it? l keep myself going by thinking about how much weight i'll gain if I start eating crap again, keep focussed, we can do it! hugs xxx