46lbs - a journey with a small spoon !


Full Member
A while ago I heard the expression of not trying to eat an elephant in one go, but to attack it over time with a small spoon. I guess thats really about not setting yourself a huge goal without breaking it down into small bites that you have every hope of succeeding...and sticking at them til the job's done.

So here I am, first day here and hoping that completing a weight loss diary will give me a place to record the journey...one I know will be full of ups and downs !! Ive set myself the goal of losing three stones by Christmas...that's just 46lbs....or 736 ounces. I can't work out if it sounds better in pounds or ounces at the moment. That'll probably change depending on how much I can shift each week - grin!

I'm newly relocated to a sleepy village in the East Midlands and currently not working. It's all a bit of a culture shock but, always one to look for the good things, I have time now to think about me for a while and the main thing I'd like to tackle is my weight....well, that and how to find my way to the supermarket without getting lost in the tangle of country lanes, suicidal badgers and potholes!

I've used online communities for many years and know just how real the friendships and support can be. I also like to natter, whether it's in person or on a screen - so I'm hoping I'm in good company and I look forward to sharing your successes too :D
oops newbie error..I didnt realise there was a Slimming World specific place for this. Ive reposted there but this one might need to be removed !
Hubby and I bought smaller plates it really helps. We both have a great deal to lose and not to feel it is an uphill struggle we are taking a new look at our life style and making it more healthy. Weight loss is just a by-product. The very best of luck to you. We are aiming for a healthy 1-2lbs a week. By Christmas that will be, for us, at least 52lbs and that's not to be sneezed at is it?