5:2 version

Just been googling to do some research on the juddd before I start and I came across one that's a 5 days eating and only 2 days fasting the report I read said a stone was lost in 6weeks
Has anyone done this version Aswell ? Instead ?
I tried this first and didn't lose anything. I am losing now I do a minimum of 3 fast days and adding more exercise. I think the 2 days would probably work if you've not been on diets before but I've been up and down for quite a while and quite close to goal so didn't find the 2 days quite enough to lose a significant amount. Worth a try tho, especially to start with, I found it good for a few weeks to get used to fasting. Then I just increased fast days until I started seeing a proper loss each wk.
I haven't tried it but I think doing a more regular routine works better for me, as has been said above I would not lose weight on a 5:2 regime personally but if you prefer it then try it. Everyone here does JUDDD in the way that suits them, its not one size fits all and its also very flexible which really works. I don't even fill like I am on the diet, its just a way of life and I actually look forward to my Down Days. Sounds a bit strange but I think its finally taught me the discipline I needed with food like nothing ever has before.
I'm doing 5:2 at the moment, but I'm not completely 'up' on up days, I eat low GL as it keeps me feeling healthy. Then I have one real up day, usually Saturday, takeaway and wine.....yumm! Works for me, slow but steady weight loss.