5 stone down

oh my god!!! Wow well done! You must be so proud of yourself. Well done. you are looking gorgeous xxx
6 Stone and half a pound down!

Wow is all I can say you really look totally different from your other photo. People who haven't seen you in years must walk past you now. Looking at you will keep us all on track as we see the results in you
Wowzers :eek: You're doing absolutely fantastic, well done! I'm going to make it my mission to be more like you from now on :p
Cant believe your still going Sharon. take my hat off to you
Oh wow! Well done! U must feel great! X
That's amazing!

The one thing I am dreading this time around is what will be left behind after the loss. I was lucky last time not to be left with lose skin but I doubt I'll be so lucky again :-( I had a caesarian in June and have been left with a belly that hangs down over the scar :-( But I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get to it?!

Ur an inspiration :) x
Thanks yeye. I'm like you I'm going to worry about it when I get to that bridge I've still got just under 4 stone to lose.
You look great. i tried.on a pair of tracksuit bottoms that i hadn't wore for ages, i walked about five steps and they fell down around my ankles was a great feeling
Wow you look amazing and thanks for sharing - it helps motivate us all!!!
Fantastic! X