Attack 5lbs lost in 3 days!!

Oh I am going to try the muffins... You all have such wonderful ideas! Great to see so much motivation!!
I need to make some more and I am going to try these

Hi there, I like your you, I'm a newbie to Dukan...actually, I'm newbie to forums and dieting in general! I just started the attack phase today...this is not a desperate measure to loose weight (since I'm actually in good shape 138.8lbs/63kgs for a 5'8ft/in height)...I never believed in diets and always ate EVERYTHING, but in moderation, plus I work out regularly (3-6x a week)...but in the past couple years I've had some stomach issues (in addition to my chronic migraine) and doctors really have recommended for me to play around with my diet to see what feels best for my body (food intolerance)! I used to weight 126lbs about 10yrs ago...but you know, age does slow down your metabolism...these days, if I want to loose 1kg, I have to work extra haaard (really, 3hrs at the gym for a week...but HELL NO) I decided to try Dukan to cut me off a bit of sweet cravings and carbs, and to see how my body responds to it...and then maybe I can loose a few lbs/kgs along the way...who knows?!

Here is what I ate today:

1 medium to large sized beef tenderloin (seasoned with paprika/1 thin slice of lime/oregano/onions/garlic)
1 small tilapia fillet (same seasoning)
10 shrimps
1 egg
1 0% FAT Greek Yorgut
5 little Goji berries
1 portion of sugar-free jello

When listing like that it seems like a lot, and I do not feel hungry, but my body did miss the rice today (to go with the main meals). Let's see how I do tomorrow and if I get any results on the scale.

ps: I plan on taking it day by day with the attack phase...but if feeling well, do up to 5days. Also, you may notice that I'm not doing the daily dose of oat bran...hopefully, this won't have a huge of an impact, even though it is listed as an 'essential' in this diet...but I actually feel very nauseous when eating these type of cereal, no matter how I eat it.
ps2: I'm hoping people won't be judgmental to the fact that I'm already in good shape (BMI: 21.1), would be great to loose some lbs, but I just want to see how my body responds to this diet since I've never eliminated so many items out of my daily consumption.
ps3: I'm slowing it down on my usual work out routine, since it's more hardcore then what is recommended, but I still did more than the 20min. asked...I feel a bit dizzy, but not tired.
ps4: I'm impressed by your results, you are doing wonderful!! Keep up the good work ;-)
Hi Viv and welcome,
Probably best to start your own diary if you're sticking around. Great place to post q's and see advice/suggestions. :)
Your day looks okay for a PP Cruise day but probably not Attack. There are no Tolerateds allowed during Attack. Plus the beef should be less than 5% fat (it may be, but worth mentioning).
I would say 5 days is FAR too much for your size. I started 40lbs higher and was told by Dukan coaching to do 3 days. I'd probably say that would be pretty good for you too.
And not to be a nag, but the Oat Bran really is essential. There are LOADS of creative ways to use it for making crisps, muffins, cakes, etc. that hopefully can mask it enough that it doesn't make you nauseous. I would be slammed on here if I missed my daily intake. Plus trust me, you will NEED it after a few days on this (or you're likely to have other stomach issues).
Very very very best of luck to you!!!
I hope you stay around and achieve your goal.
Kind regards,
Hi Jess,

Thanks for all the are awesome!! I'm confused with the Tolerateds you mentioned...I got my list of what I could eat on attack phase from here Dukan Diet Food List - 100 Allowed Foods - so I should be fine, no?!?
Also, I'm really disappointed about the oat bran, trust me...I wish I could, but it really upsets my stomach and, at this point, does more harm than good! Damn gastritis and acid reflux =(

I lost 1.5lbs on my 1st day of diet, not feeling energized-not feeling tired...just Ok, but my stomach doesn't hurt...which to me, is a plus, plus, PLUS!
Like I said, I'm taking this day-by-day, my health is waaay too important to deprive myself if I really don't feel well! My impression on Dukan thus far, it that it seems to use attack phase as a shock to your system and then add all other foods gradually...which I really like! Keep up the good work all are doing a wonderful job!! =)
Is it possible to get the dukan flu 4 weeks from starting??

Feel Awful today off food but craving choc. Aches and pains including a trapped wind feeling :/ I think I will have to buy myself some vitamin c supplements tomorrow xx
Hi drumstar - just seeing this. I had a delayed "flu" like onset as well. I think we're all different so likely the answer is yes :)

As for the other question, this happened to me last time and I had difficulty sorting (other than drinking loads of mint tea, nothing helped). I've since founded that Colpermin (which is for IBS but essentially just tablets of peppermint oil) helps a lot. I had horrendous pains the other day (doubling over) and this sorted out straight away.

Best of luck!!
Feel 100 percent better today and a bonus of another 2lbs off

Thanks for advice I will look Into them as it's such a horrid pain :(

Not yet about another stone and a half I would like to get to, which I know may take longer than what has happened this month. I'm really enjoying the diet though two friends want to try it xx

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Well done on your loss (and those truffles look amazing!!)