A way of eating forever

I have certainly in the past had the "OMG I wanna be size xx by the weekend" and the feeling terrible when it hasn't happened. I have scuppered myself by having a bad week food wise but losing weight and rather then chalking it down to metabolism thought "OMG how great I can eat chinese for breakfast lunch and dinner with snacks of pizza and curry in between and lose weight" only to have been knocked off and demotivated after a couple of weeks when I realise that is a lie and I am actually fatter then before.

I think the secret to losing weight successfully, is to have a healthy balanced mind to accompany the healthy balance diet. Just like giving up smoking/drinking/drugs/an abusive relationship it will not work unless you know it is long term and for life.
I think the secret to losing weight successfully, is to have a healthy balanced mind to accompany the healthy balance diet. Just like giving up smoking/drinking/drugs/an abusive relationship it will not work unless you know it is long term and for life.

Totally agree. Its hard to stay away from temptation sometimes.

And I hate how there is really any healthy choices when I go to our shopping centre. Its all kfcs, mcdonalds, chinese and pizza places. Even in Sainsburies etc there is not much choice.