A weight loss diary that i will actually complete


Full Member
I am nearly through the first week. It has not been as hard as i expected.
Actually its a bit of a relief.
Finding it hard to use all the shakes.
I wonder if thats an issue.
I really want this weight gone.
More than i want a bar of chocolate for once.
Being off the wine is easy too.
Need to up the water intake.
Cannot wait til i can read over this and be a different person.
This vlcd is like it was meant to happen.
Having a down day today.
Quit my antidepressants cold turkey. Just sick of taking them now.
Am hungry today which i know is psychological.
Tired as well.
Wishing i could fast forward a week.
The euphoria of the start of the week is fading.
I need to see 11s on the scales.
I need this weight that i have lost snd regained so many times gone for good.
I just want to feel some positivity.
Need to sort the kids out for the day.
Re: A weight loss diary that i will actually complete - pics

Weigh in this morning.
In the 11s.
Was thrilled.
Just took the edge off my happiness now though as M is insisting on doing my diet with me.
He will take over as usual.
Will beat all my losses. Get the compliments.
Back to feeling like i am perpetually in his shadow.
This is more than just weight loss to me.
This is about feeling good about myself again.
I hate how i look. I hate how i feel.
Why cant he get that.
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My weight consumes me.
I mean it takes over so much head space.
The difference i allow a result on the scales to make to my day is just unreal.

God perspective.
Forcing myself to not step on the scales today.
Ok saw someone else has how many pounds to go as well as pounds lost.
Week 1 -7
28lbs to go.
Seems like a huge amount right now.
Had wine last night.
Did not even really enjoy it but had it none the less.
11 11 this morning.
Have had two meal bars today.
Well it was either an extra bar or some of the divine crusty loaf that i was buttering for the kids.
Can of coke zero later and cravings have past.
So far today only one shake and two bars.
Need to up the water again.

Me at 12 stone 7lbs and miserable.
Seeing this post has inspired me too do an online diary, starting my weight loss journey after a good few lax months and not looking forward to it

Love Mrs p
11 12 3/4 how is that even possible.
Weighing every day is a bad idea.
Awfully constipated and not feeling in control.
Stomach is bloated again.
Hmm dont want to take laxatives.
Must look into some fibre.
Feeling bleugh about myself today.
What if I cant do this.
Will I just have to settle for over weight forever.
I am almost afraid to set my goal too low.
Convincing myself i would be pleased at 11ish but i wont.
I want my body to be what it should be.
Going to drink as much water as possible today.
Hiya, wondering which diet you're doing? I know it's easier said than done by try not to weigh every day. I know it messes with my head! Since I've started exercising and can see visible results in the mirror I'm less inclined to want to jump on the scales all the time. I was also on anti-depressants until recently for PND, but I find exercising makes me feel 100 times better than the tablets ever did. I just came off mine cold turkey and felt no flaming different, so don't think they were helping that much anyway! Although I did have an increase in appetite for a little while afterwards. When I was on the tablets I never ever got hungry!

I'm assuming M is your partner? I know what it's like when others see you doing well and want to jump on your weight loss band wagon. It's good though that you are doing this for yourself and yourself only. I hate dieting with friends and family. I just feel like I get too distracted trying to help other people and dragged down by their problems. Try your best to see it as a positive thing, that they are trying to help and support you.

You're doing really well and don't beat yourself up over the red wine!
Hi there.
Doing nupo.
Available in irish pharmacies.
Shakes soups and bars.
Its tough but not too bad as you have six portions a day so never too long between something.
Up early with the dogs.
The peace is lovely.
I was shopping with my sister yesterday and it got me thinking why i am over weight when both my sisters have never been.
I just cant seem to wrap my head around why?
Feeling very unmotivated today.
Not feeling like eating.
The diet thing is grand but just feel like where i want to go is so far away.
And why bother anyway.
Another weekend spent sitting in.
Its not like anyone is going to really notice or care if i drop a few stone.
Will it really mean that much.
I just cant see me getting there.
Hmmm 10s.....
Did not weigh this morning as big dog needed to go out.
Stupidly sitting here now not wanting to go upstairs to weigh in case i wake people but not wanting to drink water til i weigh just in case by some miracle i am below where i was yesterday.
Feel sluggish and bloated.
Ok 11 10 this morning.
Very bloated and sluggish today.
Really need to up the water intake. I know i am not drinking nearly enough.
Have the dogs sorted for their kennels.
Going this eve.
Thoughts of my big girl pining for me is making me feel ill.
Need to have a shake. Not feeling like finishing the holiday packing at all.
I was hoping for a bit more of a loss this week.
But still its going in the right direction.
Kids want me to eat normally on holidays but that will mean burgers and fries and i am not doing that to myself no way.
Still I am 11lbs down in less than two weeks.
Going to guzzle the water today and see where i am on wednesday.
I tend to just see the bad bits.
But yes the stomach is starting to deflate.
Will never be the same as pre six pregnancies but getting rid of some of it would be good.
Well holudays over. 2lbs upbut one off already.
Onwards and downwards.
Looking forward to being 100% this week.
Really want a big loss this week.
So target is 5lbs. Heres hoping.
Hope this week is still going well for you!
Its not. Away again.
Two compliments and a full bottle of wine later...
Ok i am no longer fat.
But i am blaaah.
I blend in.
I am wall paper.
My dh is not.
He gets attention.
I feel crap.
No matter what i loose will i ever be more than ah not bad i suppose.