Alpen Light Bars Announcement!

I see they are listed on SW's website again (some specifically say 70cal, some don't) so I'm assuming the ones in the shops now are the right ones again. I wonder if their sales dropped massively?
70 cal bars are back in asda. no more hunting for them everywhere. they did seem the only place that switched to the new bars. happy bunny :)
I'm so happy about this, I didn't get the update that they had changed the recipe back & so have been deprived ever since until last week when someone mentioned I could have them again!!
Hiya! I'm new...but totally love these alplen lights! So would this count your 1 HEB? Thanks! em

Yeah, you can have 2 Alpen lights as one B choice
Wow - I am amazed. When you think of the costs involved in redesigning and producing the new packaging, all of which will now go to waste, not to mention the behind-the-scenes stuff which goes into formulating and testing a new recipe, that's an impressive u-turn.

Shows what can be done when we all make a fuss!!

Like Bill Gates realising that the internet was not going to be replaced with a M$ only version and turned Microsoft into an internet powerhouse in the course of a few weeks!

Common sense is strangely uncommon but this sounds like the ideal HEB. :)

Do Slimming World have to ratify the new formulation or do people just start using it as their HEB?

Hey Ian, since they have returned to the original 70 cal bars I assumed that it was fine to use them because the recipe hasn't actually changed. I had them in my first two weeks and my consultant didn't flag it up in my food diaries.
Thanks for that Bethanie, I expect that I will be visiting those supermarkets within walking distance of me today to see if I can pick up a box.

I do like to have a stock of something in for when my brain switches over to "I'm gonna be bad" mode. Having tame bad options helps limit damage.

Edit - Friday 29th.

Managed to pick up three different types of the Alpen Light bars at Waitrose, Twickenham.

For info, they are on special with 2 X 5bar boxes being £3.00

The Chocolate & Fudge ones are scrumdiddlyumptious! That's HEB sorted for the week!

The recipe in the Alpen Lights that you can have as your b choice was changed earlier this year & were no longer allowed as a b choice.

Luckily they changed the recipe back so the ones in the shops will be the ones you can have as a b choice.
Does anyone know if the lemon drizzles bars are 70Kal???
This is really good news. :) just a little tip i read somewhere else, if you put an Alpen Light bar in the microwave for about 30 seconds its nice and chewy plus crumbled over yoghurt and fruit.