Induction Am I eating *enough* carbs/ calories / whatever?


loves food and cooking
I am following the rules of the induction plan and am logging all my food in myfitnesspal daily. I am eating three meals a day and am not hungry between meals (if I am I snack on cheese or deli meats)

According to MFP I seem to be eating around 8g carb a day and only seem to be getting around 1100 daily calories ... My pie chart shows at around 60% fat / 35% protein / 5% carb

Am I eating *enough* for both the diet and for good nutrition?
Should I be aiming for 20g carb a day, or is ynder 20g a day all I need to do?
If I should be eating more, what should I be eating more *of*?
You don't absolutely have to hit the carb target, no. If you're taking a good multivit nutrition isn't a worry - but you can increase your carbs and bulk meals by adding veg like courgette, celeriac and cauliflower - they're also very versatile for doing things like making faux - mash, rice, noodles and chips.

Your calories are pretty low, it's not recommended you eat under 1200 calories.