another question about smash


is doin this
just another question
was thinking the other day...ouch...somtimes when you want to thicken a sauce up you use flour which is syned and i wondered would it taste ok if you used smash which is free on green(powdered potato)instead or would this taste revolting.would it even work?
any ideas thouigh on how to thicken sauces would be lovely.
sorry if this is posted in the wrong place wasnt sure where to put it x
Yep- use it all the time! Just be careful to add a little at a time and check the consistency- sometimes my hand has slipped and I have ended up with a gloopy mess!
I always do this too.
this sounds like a great idea, what other sauces have people used it in?
You can use ordinary mashed potato to thicken soups/stews. If I have any left after a meal I freeze it in little pots then just chuck it into the soup/stew still frozen when needed. Better for you than Smash too as it's not processed.