Anybody been on any IF plan for more than 9 months?

Big H

Silver Member
Hi Guys - Whilst there are some really good losses on here, I can't find many people that have adopted this as a lifestyle and stayed on plan long term I am done with 'Dieting' I need a Lifestyle change, but it needs to be sustainable and I'm not sure if IF is (not saying it isn't, just not sure if it is)

Cheers x
Hi, only been doing it since end of August,
I lost 1 stone 3lbs up to Christmas and have lost slower once I got to a body size I'm enjoying being at. I have more to lose but I'm enjoying fitting into my size 14's do I've probably only managed 1 proper fast each week and I've lost about 3 more pounds. I'm stepping it up again now to try to get into the next size down but I'm so chuffed with my loss so far without really trying that I'm happy to just keep going with the odd good fast and good attempts
Oops pressed send as I was checking that one over - blooming phone!!!

I've never really managed more than 1 really good fast and 1 or 2 controlled low cal days but its working for me and I'm sticking to it as long as it keeps me where I want to be. It's easy to pick up again if you have s bad down day, that's what I really like about it, I can't and haven't felt like I've failed, I just turn my day into an intermediate fast or an up. x
Hi. I haven't been on the plan that long, but I would definitely consider it a sustainable lifestyle plan. I think the recommendation is to drop to one fasting day a week to maintain, although if you wanted the optimum health benefits it offers I suppose you would need to stick with 2 or 3 days a week at a fasting level, and increase the calorie dense foods but nutrient rich foods on UP days.

I have a long way to go to goal, but this is the first plan that doesn't depress me at the idea of a) staying on it as a 'diet' long term, b) staying on a version of it for life.
Thanks guys
My mate has been doing Juddd since early last year, she has nearly reached goal weight having lost nearly 6 stone and now does 5:2 and still losing and maintaining her loss...she has definitely made me see sence in that alternate day dieting is way forward and maintaining it is doable (having gained all my vlcd loss) :(

Good Luck with what you choose :) lifestyle change is better than seeing it as a diet, especially after doing vlcds for so long ;)
I have been doing IF (alternate days) with breaks for holidays since September last year, so about 8 months. I love it and find it a fantastic lifestyle choice!
Me too - I take breaks when I think I might just 'fail' - I want to avoid that and make this a proper lifestyle thing.

So far, slow but steady and staying off! Dates and amounts in my detail bits!
I've been doing it almost 8 months without 'breaking' a DD. Im now at goal and doing 5:2 to maintain (as opposed to the 4:3 I was doing to lose weight). I've no intention of stopping either. I love this lifestyle :)
I've stuck to all my fast days except one since the middle of November.
I fast Sun/Tue & Thurs (no food fast) so I only had Christmas Day not fasting
I'm close to my target weight now, so am thinking of fasting 2 days a week to maintain once I get there