Anyone else weigh at home on a thursday- wanna post?

laura35 said:
First slimming world weigh in done since starting the plan on Monday (I know you're meant to weigh once a week but I had to start on a Monday... you can't start a new diet mid week, but I want to be a Thursday weigher as it works best for me). And.... i've lost 2lb so far so definitley motivation to stick to it! So.. my december goal is mainly to stick to the plan 100% as I have been doing whilst surrounded by all this christmas temptation (probably the worst time of year to start a new diet lol). I am going to my fiances work xmas party on Saturday so thats my first test, not to jump for hangover takeaway on Sunday!

Good job Laura! xx
Tracy831 said:
Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.......megs I just watched ya loving the shades !!!!!!

Lol Tracy thank u, I wasn't loving the shot of me walking into the house @ my tjunder thighs on show :p
Thats the 1st thing anyone who has watched the programme says "How cute is Callie!" :) We got so many phone calls from friends & family, such a spoiled pup x
Well girlies after a combination of being ill & SW i had lost 7lbs, so that hasn't changed this week, i'm a STS. Happy enough tho :)
I'm off to stay with Ruth for the wkend, so a wkend of shopping on Oxford Street coming up!
Nite all, Megs xx
Lol Tracy thank u, I wasn't loving the shot of me walking into the house @ my tjunder thighs on show :p
Thats the 1st thing anyone who has watched the programme says "How cute is Callie!" :) We got so many phone calls from friends & family, such a spoiled pup x

Wow Megs - you were so confident on that programme and so pretty too - and remember they say television adds 10lb to the way you look! :)
If you don't go to meetings will the new book be available in the shops does anybody know?
laura35 said:
If you don't go to meetings will the new book be available in the shops does anybody know?

No you can only get them at meetings or eBay ,where you will probably need a small bank loan to buy one as the people that sell them on there take advantage of the fact that there are people like us that don't go to meetings but would still like the books !!

Dubs loving the new photo xx
Thanks Tracy. That's the luvly Jono n me last week at my 30th :) Scrubs up ok doesn't he ha ha

Well 2lb gain for me this week. Was expected and am back on it now the last 2 days. Am starting the simply filling plan this week so hopefully get on ok with it x
I'm trying anything to lose weight this week as I can't count on exercise - i've hurt my foot! Just ate scan bran with philadelphia and pickled onions, I heaved on the first mouthful lol. Any other tips ladies? What can I do with scan bran and what else works as well?
I need to go food shopping tomorrow and buy more fruit and salad

Tracy831 said:
Well after seeing the programme I don't even think megs needs sw !!!!

Debs & Tracy u ladies will give me a big head lol.
I got so much teasing from my U.S friends as my accent has really toned down the more yrs i spend in the UK haha x
I'm just bk from a fantastic weekend in London with Ruth, we saw Jersey Boys & wow!! we were dancing in the aisles :)
Hi guys, well i weighed in this morning just to see if i'd done any damage & i've STS :) so hopefully that won't change thru the week & before Thursday WI.
I'm off to work this eve, so i'm quickly sorting sum lunch. Hope everyones had a good day & not too much snow, we've just had a wee bit here xx
Oh no.. Dont mention the S word... Still none here as yet but some are saying we're due some, and others are saying we'r not.. So who knows... Please God we get NONE.. I can't cope.. Haven't recovered from the snow in January...
We've had a bit here in Manchester and it's freezing!
Dubs I'd be interested to know how you get on with SF - will check your diary and see.

I've been following SW 100% since Thursday so really hopeful for a small loss or even STS this week after my week off last week :)
Hello ladies,

Sorry i've been a bit quite the last few days, I feel rotten. I've had a viral infection which then went to my sinuses at the weekend. OMG my head and face was sooo painful all weekend :sigh: so did nothing and stayed in all weekend. Doctors have given me antibiotics today so hopefully will start feeling better soon.

Well weigh day is fast approaching again! and yet again i'm dreading it (i dread it whether i've been bad or good ha ha)

Hope everyone is well.

HP xx
I'm not a big fan of snow either Dub, had more than enough of it last year, ruins the hols as going anywhere becomes impossible.
My tree is up! Woohoo. Am i early? Or just average? Ryan thinks i'm mad & Callie loves it & sleeps beside it now haha.
Miss HP that sounds rotton, hope u feel much better soon xx.