Anyone else weigh at home on a thursday- wanna post?

Just back from group 3.5 off :)

Well done dubs!! I'm on operation get back in gear - but I have so many different things to remember that I keep forgetting things!

But so far today I have:

Had grapefruit for breakfast
Started the day with hot water with lemon
Had a carb free dinner
Had some scan bran cake
Currently drinking green tea

Didn't get my 2l into me and I forgot to eat my melon - yesterday I forgot the scan bran!
But I have some of that bloat reducing water in the fridge for tomorrow and hopefully I'll remember the rest!
hey guys
well done dubs and great work smurfy.
tracy hows that knee??

well heres one for you.
this morning i fell down the stairs all ' glamorous and composed like' NOT
fell from 3/4 way up and fell flat on back so basically doing a bobsleigh impression. hitting head on each step like some cartoon character. bump de bump de bump
landed on the finish line with pain in every part of me. lauren from the kitchen, says ' mum have you done my lunch ?' - typical.
frank comes to the stairs doing the ' what do i do?' dance
eventually gathering my self and my bruise bottom i am bustled into the car and frank drove us to school/ work before going home to bed ( works nights)
i got to work safe and sound but very sore and bruised . the duty doctor today is a dr that i worked with as a midwife and they want him to give me a once over ( im certainly not feeling in the mood for a once over!)
picture this - or maybe dont, come to think of it. im in a trouser suit nurses uniform - but have on me ol faithful pop socks - yes i said pop socks, well i cant do tights with trousers .
so he really is going to consider himself a lucky lucky man. at times like this i wish i weighed 11 stone . lol xxx
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Oh no pebs,what a nightmare :(
Although I do have to admit that I was chuckling just a little bit when I read it,not because you fell,but the way you describe it,I'm sure you are a closet comedian really lol !!!!!
Anyway,hope you are ok,and let us know what the doc says xxxxx

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Morning - me again posting from the south london bobsleigh team headquarters .

Yes Tracy it's true I do have a comedic streak , I used to write funny poems, and then when I worked on nights as a midwife I wrote a night duty newspaper to keep everyone laughing. At Christmas I used to write the Christmas carols but with a medical slant . For instance I rewrote 'deck the halls with boughs and holly' and it became 'deck the ward with ky jelly' etc. ho hum I'm just a funny ol gal . When I walk into work I usually get ' oh thank god you're on today , at least we will get a laugh ' that's nice and I've heard that for years so its really lovely to know I'm making a difference .

So I managed some sleep but kept waking in pain.
from the waist up I feel like I've been shoved in a spin wash, beaten with a broom and hung on the line by my shoulders .!

I did manage a days work albeit a difficult one but I felt if I kept moving I'd be less likely to seize up , plus anything happened and I'm surrounded by 9 doctors so the best place to be (ish)

My most worrying thing is I think I got concussion , as I have nausea, headache , slight dizziness , a fixed stare every now and then and what they call retrograde amnesia - which is when you can't remember events just minutes before you banged your head . I have to say it did take some bashing as I went down .
I think maybe I've also damaged one of the ribs I broke in the car accident last year , probably just given it a shove in the wrong direction cos it's no where near as painful as when I did it so its not re broken . Doc said that today I would wake with an extremely sore neck and god he wasn't wrong there .

Any excuse for a bag of chips from the chippy !!

Ben had his first English gcse on Thursday so one down loads to go . Poor lamb so much pressure and they're so young .

I thought of you smurfy on thurs night when a lady came into my coil clinic and whilst doing the procedure we chatted about what she did as a career etc . She was a maths teacher (secondary) and when we finished she burst into tears, worrying that she was in pain, I asked if it was really painful - she said she's had a bad day and they told her she's not having her contract renewed in September . She's on that first year after qualifying thingy you were talking about and she is devastated . How she can go in and finish the term is beyond me . Id want to leave right then and tell them to stuff it but there's the kids to consider so my heart really went out to her , and I thought poor smurfy too xxx

Tracy rb , I've not seen any peanut resembling parcels on the doorstep huh huh?

I've got some recipes to post on so I Better get on with it . See you later xxxxx
Poor you pebs,hope you feel better soon,and keep an eye on that concusion.
did you trip over something coming down the stairs or something ?
You defiantly need to get a publishing deal,I'm sure it would be a number one bestseller !!!!!

If you send me your address I will send you a box of cakes with pb frosting ,I promise;)

Make sure you take it easy today xxx

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Poor you pebs,hope you feel better soon,and keep an eye on that concusion.
did you trip over something coming down the stairs or something ?
You defiantly need to get a publishing deal,I'm sure it would be a number one bestseller !!!!!

If you send me your address I will send you a box of cakes with pb frosting ,I promise;)

Make sure you take it easy today xxx

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I slipped on Lauren's anorak lol xx
Come on pebs,let us know your ok,especially after you said you had concussion xxx

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