Anyone Know how much a pastie from the ...


Full Member
chippie is??? ekkk mums brought me in one and i dunno how to point it!!
A small pasty is probably around 13 points! and when i say small i mean a pixie sized one! ...

Pastys from the chippy arnt proper job pastys anyway ;) hehe but im just biased! :)

hope this helps :)
13 pts serriouslyyyyyyyyyyyy??????????????/ omg r they da same pasties as belfast wee round tings with batter ndinside potato n meat??
you mean a pattie lol? ill go get my EOG.. brb
well if i have one i just dont point it!!! :)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ......... no nothing like a pasty then :giggle: ... bet they are still alot tho lol ....
oh oh oh no not a pattie a pasty must be a belfast ting batter potato with bits of meat inside anyoneeeeee from belfast out there no how much these areeeeeee xx
Well i always thought once you had cut somthing in half all the calories fall out anyway? ....
or eat it in private and it doesnt count!

:giggle: .. not much help really am i lol
LOL....a pixie pasty is 13 points??????? I have stayed away from them since starting ww for that exact reason. How many are a normal sized pasty...kirsty do you know?
tink ill not eat anything else for rest of evening lmaooo i had 4 points saved from yest and had 19 pts left so take away 13 - 6 pts left well guess i could have a bowl of cornflakes or something and keep some for drinks 2mo :)