Anyone starting today?

Thanks curveappeal!
im gonna start walking after work i think ive college two nights a week and on saturdays so they can be my rest days just a question now of powering though i think.

Liveadream I think you need to forget for now how fit you used to be as I think that's pressuring you and making you frustrated, you need to concentrate on your current fitness and what's best for you now, and then before you know it you'll be back to that old fitness. In other words take it a step at a time. Try a few things, see what suits. Ask a fitness instructor or a doctor for any recommendations.

I personally am not starting fitness until after my second weigh in, I wanted to get the first two weeks out of the way first and give my all to staying 100%, plus get my body used to the kcal intake. I've been researching etc on the best sorts for my weight and my ability. So I know I'll be going swimming 3 to 4 times a week and then doing an exercise dvd at home 3 or 4 times a week. See how that goes. It may not suit but I won't know unless I try.
thanks Katie,
yeah i actually started working out in my third week and ended up making myself very unwell.
I went to the gym two days and was weak and dehydrated after so i gave it a rest for a while.
i need to take the slowly slowly wins the race mentality.
Liveadream, my weight loss slowed dramatically too after the fourth week. I am losing about 3lbs a week now, and have never cheated. I was discouraged by this at first, but I've decided to ignore the scale in as much as I can because there is only one way my weight is going and that's down. Even when the scale shows very little weight loss, I can tell I am fitting into clothes differently. So to hell with the scale. This is a long game, not a short one. If I keep going, I am certain I'll get there. If I quit, I won't.
Thanks Pandora.
I woke up today with a new motivation. im going to remember that no matter how slow the loss is its faster than if i was making no effort.
i actually took measurements my first day on lipotri and have lost them!
will have to spend a day cleaning my room looking for them!
ill have to look for them properly.
it will be a long journey but i know ill get there!
Way to go Liveadream! No matter how slow the loss, keep going and you'll get there. Give up in discouragement, and you'll stay right where you are.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to stay right where I am. So I am keeping going.

I pulled a rack of clothes out of the closet today and was chuffed to see that many of them fit again. When I am finally finished with lipotrim, they won't fit, so I am going to wear all the lovely clothes now as I lose weight, and donate all them when I am down to my target weight.

Afterward I got on the scale and it said no change again. I've seen very little change for two weeks now. But I can see the weight loss in my face now, and the clothes fitting are certainly proof. Not sure why I am not showing weight loss on the scale when I can see it and feel it. But I am excited to have 'new' clothes to wear. Goodbye forever size x-large. Hello size large.

Am going to try to break the two-week plateau as I move into my 7th week tomorrow. I write for a living, so starting tomorrow I am going to work several short quick walks a day into my writing routine. Then a longer one a sunset, since the sunsets are glorious here this time of year. I put on my step counter today, and made it to 5k steps. I'll do 5k for a week or two, then try to raise it to 10k. That shouldn't be so hard and maybe it will step up the weight loss by shifting my metabolism. Wish me luck. Anyone want to start with me this week? 5k steps per day to start?
so following all the amazing encouragement i went for a walk after work today nothing major but feeling mentally better.
thanks again everyone!
Great that you went for a walk, Liveadream I've taken shortish walks (under 30 minutes) at sunset for couple of days now, nothing major, but it feels great. And suddenly the scale is moving again. It feels good to be moving more, and it feels fabulous to actually be taking off this weight instead of just talking about it. We're doing it, y'all!
next weigh in tomorrow have had a nightmare week,
Period, a bit constipated and lost my job (been told im being made redundant)
(maybe an overshare?)

what a nightmare!

weigh in had better be AMAZING! i might strangle the lipotrim rep..
has anyone found their rep difficult? i have two one was incredible but she left for another job she was really encouraging i felt like i could talk to her about everything and she was really motivating..
the other one who i seem to get stuck with is miserable... when i lost four pounds last week she wasnt exactly the most supportive...
would like to change but i dont think there is anyone else there...
anyone else like this or i am just being a total waa
Liveadream, that REALLY sucks about being made redundant. I am so sorry. The one thin silver lining to this storm cloud is that because you've been dieting, you're going to look and feel great when you go for interviews!

Did I mention that I started Lipotrim because of a job interview? It was scheduled six weeks out, and I knew my chances of getting it were 1 in 7. I also knew I'd spend a whole month preparing for that interview and would be left with zero for my time and and effort if I didn't get the job. I decided if I started and stuck to Lipotrim, I'd at least have gained something for all that effort. So I didn't get the job, but I lost thirty pounds! On that same logic, you could use this period of time to get down to the weight you want to, and have something to show for what probably will not be a fun couple of months.

I don't have a Lipotrim rep because I am doing this in the States right now, where Lipotrim is not sold. I just walked into a pharmacy two days before Christmas, the night before my flight, and they sold me 6 weeks worth, no questions asked. Last week I found a rep in the UK who I like a lot. She spent half an hour on Skype with me exploring different options for when I get to the refeeding and maintenance stages. She was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. And she mailed me my packages over here. She charges 40 pounds per 21 packets, so if you don't mind paying a bit extra for postage, you could get yours by mail and save the trip to the pharmacy, then talk to her over the phone as you need to. At any rate, she was terrific, and I am thinking about making some of the modifications she suggested, especially since this week I really hit an invisible wall with the Lipotrim.

Suddenly I am having trouble tolerating the taste. I am not interested in the morning shake, which I used to look forward to, and I can barely force myself to drink half the soup in the evening. The idea of the packets makes me slightly ill just to think about it. So I am getting down as much as I can, but that's probably only half of what I am meant to be drinking. This came out of the blue--I was doing so well. I am still 100%, no cheating. But clearly if this keeps up, I am going to have to switch products. I am thinking of switching over to Cambridge, as I am hearing their products are more appetizing. Will try to stay on the Lipotrim for another two weeks or so until my supplies run out... Oye! Has anyone else had this experience of suddenly developing an intolerance for the product?

No matter what though, I am keeping going. It's going to take more than this to knock me off my horse. I am determined to lose another 25 pounds before going on maintenance, and hopefully more, though I won't compromise my health. And when I am done, I am not doing this again. Famous last words, I know, lol.
Thanks so much pandora!
I had my weigh in today down 15 kgs in 44 days.
i feel so much better any tummy troubles i was having are long gone im sleeping better,
now i do need to up my exercise so am going to try to get my boyfriend to take me running with him.

im sorry about the intolerance.
hopefully it will sort itself out.
is there anything i can do for you?

in regards to the job ill live.
i have enough savings to keep me going for a while and have met with a recruiter who says i should be okay its more the feeling of being out of work that i hate.
but at least i will have the time to work out more :) (trying to see the upside of things)
so weight in today. been on lipotrim since the 11th January down 15.8kgs

not to shabby for 7 weeks but my brain is shouting at me that it should be more.
im also kinda pee'd off that ive STILL not broken the 15 stone mark i was sure it would happen today and went to weigh in and i was 15 stone even COME ON LIKE!!!!

im fit to murder someone.
my pharmacist is thinking its time for me to come off TFR but im terrified im going to go off the rails.
does anyone know what the normal time for coming off TFR is?
Hey! Also new to the forum, I am at the end of day 2, feeling positive so far, but I am trying to search out some lipotrim buddies, so that I stay on track, i am starting at 15st 7lbs

Sasha x
hi sashakoby! welcome the support here is good it will keep you going!