Apprentice- what are your thoughts so far?

Don't watch it, it's well past it's sell by date.
I love The Apprentice! I missed it last night though - I was at the cinema watching Titanic 3D. Think I will try and catch up tonight, did I miss much?
We always watch it, husband loves it I think he is a bit of a b****h he likes to see them fail I think. There is only a couple who have stayed with SirAllan the latest one is suing for constructive dismissal at the moment.

I definately dont think it is the great opportunity they all think it is.

Its good entertainment we ususally go to bed early to watch and then over to BBC2
I love the apprentice! Yes...I agree that it's maybe gone past its sell by date...but I still tune in and it's still one of the best things on tv (granted there is a lot of rubbish on tv these days!)! We always watch 'you're fired' too!

...was a bit predictable this week though I thought.

Think Gabrielle is my favourite at the moment cos at least she's willing to have a go (unlike most of them who just sit back!)...there's a lot of dead wood to go yet before it gets exciting!
I can't remember the girls name but the one ordering the materials has got the most annoying voice ever!
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A lot of the girls I'm not too keen on at the moment. Maybe that will change. Must try and catch up, I hate to miss it lol!
Yes that girls voice grates on me too. i really really disliked the one that went last night. I also cant stand the Indian lad as hes so huffy. I quite like Duane as at least he doesnt seem to take himself too serious.

But really they are all a bunch of numpties who think they are so much more than what they are.
What I find amusing is that when you turn over to BBC2 the person who was fired nearly always turns out to be much nicer than they appeared to be on BBC1!

I suppose that is mainly because they are not having to compete with everyone and are more relaxed.

I think they made a mistake last night and should have fired the project leader. I was impressed with the project leader of the winning team too - as they said, he never shouted! I am always impressed with people who get things done without shouting.
Yes Anna I agree with your first comment, I hate the way they edit to make certain people look bad.

The girl (Maria i think) who was fired on the first show was way out of her league on there, cracked me up when she had a kip in the taxi, she blatantly denied it in the board room.

I'm rooting for Duane or Laura, Adam comes out with some funny sh*t sometimes, that Tom is a pillock.

The faces that Karren and Nick pull while they are over seeing the projects are hilarious every week.

The BBC2 program is great with Dara too.

It seems i'm sucked in big time this yr.

I've totally approved of the firings this year so far. Previously they seem to have kept the gobby annoying ones in as they think it makes good telly, but I'm far happier to see the back of them!
Gosh, I adore this programme. I think Laura should have gone last week, she seemed very slapdash in the boardroom, overly defensive etc.,

I also quite like Gabrielle.

I like Duane as well but that "don't look a gift horse in the eye" was HILARIOUS.

The whole "leaves" thing from last week had me cracking up, and Jane trying to force that crap wicker chair on people... the way that guy was just like "No!" was too funny.
I do like Duane. Adam I find unspeakably patronising.
I could barely watch it last year as the eventual winner (Tom) bore a very unfortunate likeness to a fellow I work with and with whom I cannot abide being in the same room. Funny how the lack of a chin can make you recoil. :D It was very unreasonable of me I know.

The one gripe I have is that early morning phone call. "The car will be with you in 20 minutes" - do me a favour. They cannot go from bed head to perfectly groomed in that amount of time. I'm still staggering around nursing my first cuppa. :rolleyes:

Nick Hewer I adore - as I did Margaret. Karen Brady is a decent replacement though.
Pahaha! I know! No way can they be up and ready so quickly?! They don't even look tired, and they're so perfectly put together. Baffling.
I love The Apprentice and Drageon's Den!!! The last Apprentice was so funny, me and my OH were in stiches when they were showing the empty room with the odd bits in. But just shows you how things can turn around. It is a shame Margret is not in it, Nick and Margret are quality entertainment to watch!
Massive fan here! It's the highlight of the week for me