Are you seriously not hungry?!?


Well, 2 weeks down on SS, 11 lbs lost, determination (or should that be bloodymindedness?) intact and going strong. But I still get sooooo hungry at times - no, not the I-really-fancy-that-chocolate-bar kind of hungry, but the stomach-growling, big-hole-in-tummy kind of hungry!

I have breakfast around 7 (shake, hot or cold), lunch around 12 (soup), half a shake mid-afternoon, soup for dinner and the other half of the shake in the evening. But some days my stomach is growling before lunch, and definitely growling before dinner - I thought our infamous friend ketosis was supposed to quell the hunger pains?

I keep reading of people who can't get all their packs down in a day, and wondering how they're not hungry? The soups may be gritty and boring (can only get mushroom or vegetable from my CDC here in Denmark... hmm...) but I am actually looking forward to them these days!

On a positive note, I spent all weekend cooking for family and friends and didn't actually find it difficult to smile benignly as they stuffed themselves while I sipped my soups and shakes!

And on an even more positive note - I GET TO EAT A LEMON BAR TODAY!!!! Yeaaaaahhhh! So the mid-afternoon and evening snack will be half a bar instead, can't wait!
Hi ya,

I get days when I get hungry, I'm nearly 3 weeks on sole source, but the hunger comes and goes! Yesterday however I felt really really hungry and ended up having some turkey!
Well done for cooking and not caving!
How much water are you drinking? I find a nice glass of fizzy water helps me to stop the hunger, well apart from yesterday! Lol
Keep it up!

Hi ya,

I get days when I get hungry, I'm nearly 3 weeks on sole source, but the hunger comes and goes! Yesterday however I felt really really hungry and ended up having some turkey!
Well done for cooking and not caving!
How much water are you drinking? I find a nice glass of fizzy water helps me to stop the hunger, well apart from yesterday! Lol
Keep it up!


Hi Cheryl
Oh, i'm certainly keeping afloat, around 3 litres a day plus what i put in the packets - always more than 250 ml, more like 400 per pack i think... It does help, ie make me feel bloated for a bit some days, but like you i still end up with hunger pangs at times...
Have you tried drinking green tea? I find that helps with the hunger pangs and rumbling tum!!! Well done on your resolve so far :)
Have you tried drinking green tea? I find that helps with the hunger pangs and rumbling tum!!! Well done on your resolve so far :)

Hi Ninja - sorry, but i have to admit i read Ninja the first time round as well :)
i guess green tea is the only one i haven't tried. Liquorice is the favourite at the moment, but I'll get some green tea this afternoon when we go shopping and give it a whirl!
... And well done you, that's an amazing loss!