

Gold Member
Slightly exaggerated title but im in an exaggerating mood today. Im a crabby lady today....i was expectin day 3 or 4 to be hard and i have got to day 4, and now its kicked in. Im a grumpy so n so lol. doesnt help that i got my period today (sorry men for bringing up the dreaded period talk lol) and i just know its gonan affect my weight loss....already feel bloated an yuck. Why couldnt they have waited til next week and let me have a hugeeee first week weightloss. Ah well, roll on monday so i can see results lol.

ive just realised this post has little meaning but just a little rant is doin me good already hehe
Hey Mands, rant all you want, we will listen as know. Yeah we all have these days, best to get it out though than hold it in. Screem kick do whatever you want. Feel for with regards to the period thing, all I can say is, thnak goodness I am a man, pregnancy, periods, menopause, no thank you.
Thanks mark, its bettr out than in as they say. I feel better already. this forum is keeping me sane. I expected this day to come, so i was prepared for a bad day....i seriously plan to go in the bath and be in bed by 8 tomorrow is here sooner
Lol you do what you got to do. I have to admit though that this forum is interupting my work, I have never been this addicted to a website, hate facebook, I think because I can relate to everyone on here.
Im the same! I use facebook but not on this scale....every spare moment i have im sat here lol. My contract at work just ended too so im not workin at the minute which makes it worse. Still tho, the support you guys all offer is worth me living the life of a hermit haha
If sitting on this forum makes you feel better then why not, you go for it. I am on day 16 now and feel like a veteran at this diet and this forum. Glad I came on here and it was by chance as well, maybe I was meant to.
I always believe life pushes us along for the right reasons.. good bad ugly and wonderful.. theres a reason :D

And thats us lot on this FORUM .. not the bad and ugly bit ;) i mean the wonderful

hi mandy i know the feeling, i don;t usually have a period and i have had 2 in 2weeks, they are only small but still there. All these nutrients must get your body back on track, i guess.
stick with it and us and u will be fine. x