at the moment I am doing Cambridge diet


Full Member
I am struggling with the diet at the moment and I was looking at changing the diet to this one , but I am unsure what will happen to my weight loss after being on Cambridge, also will there be an overload of food . Can anyone give me some advice
During two weeks, no sugar, which means:
  • no bread,
  • no pastas,
  • no rice,
  • no potatoes,
  • no fruits,
  • no alcohol, (especially beer)
  • no cakes, candies, sodas, juices.
Breakfasts: eggs, tomatoes, cheese, ham, water.
Lunches: fish/meat/poultry (low fat meat), eggs, veggies, lettuce, greens, cheese, if you like it colza/olive oil, low fat dairy (yoghurts).
Dinners: same as lunch but in smaller quantity.
Snacks: almonds, hazelnuts, water. Don’t eat the entire bag of almonds though…
REMEMBER: no sugar whatsoever, and no substitutes, like aspartam. The idea here is to loose the habit of eating sugar, and to loose the craving for it. This is important if you want to stay fit over time.
THIS IS GOING TO BE DIFFICULT FOR 3 DAYS, then you’ll get used to it, and you’ll be fine.
  • Exercise, but not too much at the beginning.
  • Do not weight yourself everyday. Your weigh can fluctuate from day to day. Once a week, for example, on Monday morning, is more than enough.
Phase 2:
After two weeks, slowly reintroduce sugar, but mildly: fruits, the occasional small piece of cake, bread (not white bread). Basically, just think about what you eat… If you can feel the taste of sugar in that particular thing you’re eating, then you’re probably right.
If you have a great dinner like a sushi orgy or fantastic pastas, and you gain a little weight, go back to phase 1 for a few days.
EDIT: since the question was already asked twice in the comments, I decided to clarify this point: NO CORN FLAKES too.
See below to have some details about this.
Jul 05, 2005, 06:38AM PDT 1 cheer

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Jul 17, 2005, 09:02PM PDT

Why I did that...

I choose this diet because I wanted to lose weight before exercising a lot more than I used to this past year.
This is both to de-tox my body and to cut on the sugar, which I think I eat too much of.
This diet is inspired by another diet often referred as “South Beach Diet” (plenty of information on the web/books). I adapted it to my taste, because there’s nothing worse than a painful and insipid diet. It’s also worth noting that this diet is approved by both cardiologists and dieteticians.
I spent last week in an Aikido summer camp (min. 4h/day), and I took a little weight (6 pounds), but by restricting my sugar intake to fruits and bread, all the extra weight is only muscles. Which is why I wanted to do this diet in the first place.

Jul 24, 2005, 03:58AM PDT | Thread | Respond to this


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Jul 24, 2005, 10:34AM PDT


I stared this diet 4 days ago, and I have already lost 4 pounds. I think that is very doable. I have discovered a lot diferent ways to fix food. I have been combining taebo with it. thanks so much

Mar 09, 06:25PM PDT | Respond to this


wow... 17 lbs in 2 weeks

I’m thinking of trying this diet very soon but there is one thing i am worried about!!! Thats a lot of weight you’ve lost for the amount of time you’ve lost it in. Have u gained any of it back and if so, in how long? I’m really wondering about this because I’ve heard of diets where you lose the weight, but sooner or later, you get off of the diet and you gain everything back! =\ =\ =\ I wouldn’t want that to happen… Please respond back! thanks.

Aug 13, 2005, 10:36PM PDT | Thread | Respond to this


So it’s been a a month since I lost weight, and here’s the current situation.
I’m exercising a lot (daily): aikido, swimming, occasional squash game, cycling, and gym.
I’ve gained 2,5 pounds and it’s stable. I just make sure I don’t go back to my old bad habits of eating whenever and whatever I want in large quantities.
It’s what I wanted: lose some weight and have a healthier way of life. :)
So if you’re reasonably careful after you go through this diet, you won’t gain back much more than I did.
Be strong ;-)
And tell me when you’re done.

Aug 16, 2005, 07:54PM PDT | Respond to this


omg it worked!!!!