August 30 day shred buddies needed!


Full Member

Anyone fancy the 30day shred challenge? I've ordered the DVD and the estimated delivery date is 5th-7th of August! (Actually I ordered 'The Collection, which includes '6 week 6 pack' and some other DVD's which I thought I MIGHT try after)

I've lost around 9lbs :eek: by sort of dieting in the last year-intermitant dieting is an understatement! However, I'm now determined to lose the final 9lb-which is 9lbs, of double chin, stomach and back fat, away (I'm an apple!). I don't do any excercise :mad: and get out of breath walking up a slight hill and I'm only 33!

I plan to use the 30 day shred as a kick up the butt to start excercising as I need fast results for motivation-and then find regular excercise I can do! It seems most people lose 4-6 lbs on the 30 day shred, but way more inches as muscle weighs more than fat!

So................ my plan is to start doing a 1200 calorie diet with the 30 day shred. I'll do an 800cal diet while I'm waiting for the DVD's to arrive-but don't think it would be sensible to consume so few calories with what the DVD has in store?!!
Anyone else want to join the 30 day shred challenge? Can't wait to get started-but can't do it alone ......:rolleyes:

I think weighing and measuring weekly would be good-and we could all post them-or just the changes! I'll take photo's too, but not sure I'll actually post them-lol!

Looking forward to meeting challenge buddies!