aysha's battle

Hello dont get the boots ready im here and doing good just been very busy and phone has been playing up so not been able to get online! Been at hospital most of morning with my dad who has suspected kidney stones, just come home to pick son up and hopefully wil have some more news from him later! Will catch up on diaries in a bit i hope u are all ok xxx
Good to hear from you and I hope everythign goes well for your dad!
Urgh well my dad has gallstones and will have to have an op to have his gallbladder out but he seems fine as on painkillers but wont be home for the next few days, its nothing serious thank God but bad enough for him as very painfull!!!
Had some eggs and green veg today as stressfull day but doing gd just need more water!!!
That's great news on both accounts. I have heard gall stones reall painful. Hope we won't get it from doing vlcd!!! Apparently it can happen. Lea who posts on here is having hers removed too! Well done on the food front! Especially with the stress and worry you've had today! I think it's making the right food choices when stressed so as not to regret them later. Hard though!
Ah hope your dad will be well soon hun and well done for sticking to it in stressfull times GO YOU xx
My dads much better, they sent him home last night and now has to wait up to 6 weeks for op appointment, been given pain killers incase he gets another arrack so not happy really!!

On a bad note i cracked yesterday which has made me angry i ate like i havent eatrn in years and i now feel like poop, i have a cold and came on my period this morning which made me cry as its another month wasted!
BUT after a long hot shower i am now optimistic, this extra month or however long it takes has given me more tine to loose weight and concentrate on my eating!

KIRA is my insperation here and doing a chart and counting down the days as she is amazingly near 50days so starting from today i will do my chart again grrr but 30 days at a time in case i fall pregnant obviously i spoke to my gp about ketosis and she said its fine whilst trying to concieve just gently work back up if i fall so here goes again i dont want to get weighed by my cdc till i know im out these blasted 16s i am sure she is getting fed up of me but hey we all struggle!
ALL u girls are amazing so here goes will catch up on diaries for my insperation!!! Have a gd day all
AWh! Aysha! ((((Big hugs!!!))) I guess I've been more of a nag lately rather than inspiration?!! LOL! Ok so what you ate something? You are loads etc That's fine you are human. It was time of the month and of course you cried, with hormones to deal with and your dad being in hosptial (glad he's getting the op). And you know what i hope you enjoyed what you ate at the time you ate it. Nothing worse than eating something off plan and not enjoying it and then regretting both!

Ok the point I am making is today is another day. It means today you can stick to plan. Having that somethign to eat no matter how much it was does not mean you cannot or should not stick to plan. This is what I have learnt this time around. It is soemthing I will bear in mind going forward because i knowI will probably do this at some point myself. What WE that you is you and me (and anyone else who wants to) is going to do differently is is say ok did that but not doing it again and concentrate sticking on plan again. If it happens again fine and we'll repeat the same pattern of getting back on track and NOT allowing it to be a green light to let us eat what we want with no accountability to ourselves for several weeks.

I am learning that dieting or eating (for many) in the Western world is about accountability to ourselves. I have the feeling from your post you are going to get straight back on track. By all means Aysha if TOTM is a bad one and you feel you need real food have it but have minful portions and calories. We don't all have to stick to vlcd to succeed to lose weight. x
Kira thankyou as always your posts always make complete sense and are very helpfull!
Today i have kinda been on plan if u class literally just having my 2nd product yes i know its 11.05pm here but today has been a stressfull one, i have been running around like a loony and spent 3 hours again in a diy shop, then witnessed my 8 week old niece fall head first out of her car seat as she wasnt strapped in as my bro in law picked the seat up. 2 hours up a&e but she is fine alhumdulillah (thank god) felt so sorry for bro and sis in law as complete accident to be honest! Went to see her and just got back she is chatting away and content just a nasty bump!!!!
So i am off to bed and praying tomorrow is a better day!!!!!!!
Oh! My! Now that is just what you didn't need after your week! So pleased she's ok poor thing. Poor parents and Aunt! All that worry!.

Hope today you will be positive and have a good day. Remember yesterday is gone, done and today is a new start and it can make every difference to start the day afresh! x
Glad to hear your niece is ok - how scary for all of you! What a crazy day you had - hope today is better for you!
Kira said:
Aysha how are you doing today hon? Just wanted to check you are ok?

Hey kira i am ok apart from full of flu and feeling sorry for myself,been a gd day cd wise and been having hot water most of the day to keep warm as cant stop shivering!!
I hope you are ok now and the pain has gone?

My dad and niece are fine now thank god, dads still not 100% and having niggly pains but back to work so will have to wait for op date now!!

Off to bed now, i hope u are all ok xxx
Wearing pull in shapewear underwear when doing this diet is a killer, hard work getting in and out of them when needing a wee so much lol
Hope you're feeling better today! Quite a few people getting sick around now ... time of year?
I wear pull on shapewear as well - mostly for when I have to be in the office. And now that you mention it...it's time for a pee! :)
Not feeling great but have to plod on sticking to cd still which i am surprised about been working today and been looking at kitchen designs again!!
Tizzy i just have a top on today that makes me look pregnant if i dont wear the shapewear lol, dont usually wear it other than if i am off out!!!
Day 1 AGAIN as caved yesterday was being sick most of the afternoon/evening due to coughing so had some toast and then cereal and so on and on but hey i needed it now starving again and just sat here crying over Eid day tomorrow as i know my mother law will get offended if i dont eat grrr and my sons birthday party on sunday i need to stay strong and have a chat with myself as i am thinking 'sod it, be naughty untill monday and start again on monday as too much going on this weekend' but i know i shouldnt think like that!!!!!