Back Again


Full Member
Hi everyone, well here I am again :sigh: . I am still a size 14 but a tight 14 if you know what I mean. I have put weight on though in the past 6 months to a year and it seems to be mainly on my stomach. I have a really bad 'muffin top' and my legs are terrible. The bit between my boobs and knees is my problem area. I am now working and am on my feet all day, it's physical work so I can't understand why I am not losing any weight. I am so tired when I get home from work doing housework, kids, cooking etc I just do not have any energy at all to exercise.
So I am thinking it must be down to diet as I said I am much more active than I was due to my job. I do have an under active thyroid that is apparently stable and I am on the right dose for.
But my weight is creeping up and my stomach in particular is getting worse, spare tyres galore and I am so fed up I have tried so hard to eat sensibly and getting nowhere.
Thanks Irene for your reply. I have been to see my doctor regarding weight and he basically says it takes time and I need to exercise. I must be eating the wrong things. As I work in catering I was eating at work, say pasta or small (or I think it's small) portion of the hot food. Maybe that's where I was going wrong so I now take a sandwich I have made at home to stop me eating the dinners / what we cook at work. But then again, being on the go all day I thought would burn at least some of it off :confused:
Hi ya CoCo,

It's amazing how much hidden calories can be in things like pasta, etc unless it is home made. Or you could be having too little calories ? Just a thought.

A x