Cruise PV Back at it again


No matter what, carry on!
Back at it again. I gained 20 kg in 2 years.
Already shed 5 kg since 10 th of January.
I'm on the Cruise 1/1.
I feel good. But there are no people in this part of the forum..
Nobody is following the Dukan diet anymore?
Sounds like you are loosing well with dukan. Having done this before...several times, i know it works. My problem is sticking to it when i get to a weight that i am comfortable with. That's a way down the track though as i've gained 2 stone since september!!! Hoping it goes as quickly as it went on!
I've just realisaed my diary has almost the exact title of yours. Woops! Will have to make sure i don't confuse myself o_O
:) No problem.
I don't know what to eat anymore. I know I need to keep cooking food because otherwise I will get bored.
Hopefully, soon there will be Consolidation..
It does get very boring after a while. I find pv days aren't a problem as i do a lot with butternut squash, or have bolognaise minus the pasta etc. My fav pv meal is steak, butternut squash chips and mushrooms...can't wait till attack is over! PP days i find very boring as i don't really have time to be adventurous. I used to make lots of the recipies from here but i'm busier now so i've just been keeping it really basic. How far are you from consolidation?
Consolidation it is two months (maybe less) away.. To me Conso is a whole new diet... I admit I have trouble with being allowed 2 slices of bread (because I like bread too much) but we'll see..
I used to love butternut squash and ate a lot.
This morning I don't feel like eating anything.
Yes conso is a place i've never got to. I tend to hit the end of cruise and then go mad with food again. I would really like to see the diet through to stabalisation this time though.
Hey Elisheba, how are you getting on?

I feel a little bit sick. I'm experimenting with 2 PP/5 PV in hopes I will feel better.
Very busy at work and very stressed.
Also a bit "cheating" with some fruit yogurt and sugar free candy... nothing serious.